The 1st Celestial Archetype relates to ARIES and it's natural planetary ruler, MARS, as well as the 1st House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your own CREATIVE SELF-EXPRESSION, as well as how you take ACTION in achieving your DESIRES in Life.

The 2nd Celestial Archetype relates to TAURUS and it's natural planetary ruler, VENUS, as well as the 2nd House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your own SELF-WORTH, as well as what you VALUE and how you apply the LAW OF ATTRACTION to get what you want in Life.

The 3rd Celestial Archetype relates to GEMINI and it's natural planetary ruler, MERCURY, as well as the 3rd House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your own COMMUNICATION style, and how you process INFORMATION, and relate to your COMMUNITY.

The 4th Celestial Archetype relates to CANCER and it's natural planetary ruler, The MOON, as well as the 4th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your EMOTIONAL BODY, how to create a sense of SAFETY for yourself, and align with the LUNAR PHASES to better navigate through Life.

The 5th Celestial Archetype relates to LEO and it's natural planetary ruler, The SUN, as well as the 5th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your LIFE PURPOSE, and how to best RADIATE your Soular Light, and what brings you JOY in living your Life!

The 6th Celestial Archetype relates to VIRGO and it's natural planetary ruler, MERCURY, and the GODDESS ASTEROIDS, as well as the 6th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about creating HEALTHY DAILY HABITS, and how you can be of SERVICE through the WORK you do in your Life.

The 7th Celestial Archetype relates to LIBRA and it's natural planetary ruler, VENUS, as well as the 7th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your how you function in RELATIONSHIPS, and the best way to create BALANCE/HARMONY in all your Life's areas.

The 8th Celestial Archetype relates to SCORPIO and it's natural planetary rulers, PLUTO & MARS, as well as the 8th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about how you manage your POWER SUPPLY, and heal your personal SHADOW, as well as LETTING GO of what is old and outdated in your Life.

The 9th Celestial Archetype relates to SAGITTARIUS and it's natural planetary ruler, JUPITER, as well as the 9th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your BELIEFS and how these play a part in your PERSONAL GROWTH, and what you can do to unlock YOUR PURPOSE in the World.

The 10th Celestial Archetype relates to CAPRICORN and it's natural planetary ruler, SATURN, as well as the 10th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your sense of personal RESPONSIBILITY (Ability to Respond), and how to create better STRUCTURE & ORDER in your Life, so that you may leave a positive LEGACY for future generations.

The 11th Celestial Archetype relates to AQUARIUS and it's natural planetary rulers, URANUS & SATURN, as well as the 11th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your VISIONARY CAPACITY, and how to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX, in order to more fully express your INNER GENIUS.

The 12th Celestial Archetype relates to PISCES and it's natural planetary rulers, NEPTUNE & JUPITER, as well as the 12th House in the chart. In this class, you will learn about your SPIRITUAL ESSENCE, and how you can RESOURCE SPIRIT/GOD/GODDESS so that you can INTUIT the Soul's Messages for you and others.