12 Months of Soular Light to Accomplish Your Soul's Goals on Earth!
"Sol + Soul = Soular:
The organic equation that liberates the Soul to be as radiant as the Sun."
Silvia "SoularCoach + MoonCoach" Pancaro
"The Point of Power is in My Core" Silvia Magdalena Pancaro
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What do YOU dream of creating in your Life?
Would you like to feel energized? Inspired? Alive?
Plug directly into THE Source - The SUN!
Sol/Sun is what ENERGIZES Earth/Gaia...
the Energy it produces is very REAL, both physically & metaphysically!
So get ready to rock and roll with the POWER SOURCE
that supplies you with the Energy you need to COME ALIVE!
Each month offers a different organic energy
available for you to focus on your goals accordingly.
Start working/creating with the energy on the 1st day of any Solar month in the calendar year, as shown below.
Or begin at the 'natural beginning' which is March 20.
Or optimally, begin at YOUR personal peak beginning moment: YOUR BIRTHDAY!

Soular Month: Aries - Who are YOU?
March 19 to April 19

Soular Month: Taurus - What's Your $$$ IQ?
April 19 to May 19

Soular Month: Gemini - What's In Your MIND?
May 20 to June 20

Soular Month: Cancer - How Do You FEEL?
June 20 to July 22

Soular Month: Leo - Are you living in PASSION?
July 22 to August 22

Soular Month: Virgo - DeClutter to be HEALTHY?
August 22 to September 22

Soular Month: Libra - Harmony in RELATIONSHIPS?

Soular Month: Scorpio - What's your POWER Source?
September 22 to October 22
October 22 to November 21

Soular Month: Sagittarius - Expand Your HORIZONS?

Soular Month: Capricorn - Legacy & VOCATION?
November 21 to December 21
December 21 to January 19

Soular Month: Aquarius - What's your VISION?
January 19 to February 18

Soular Month: Pisces - SPIRITUALLY Attuned?
February 18 to March 20

The Expert
Your Soular Journey Guide:
Silvia "SoularCoach" Pancaro
Silvia Pancaro (AKA "MoonCoach") guides you expertly and enthusiastically through your Soular Journey. With decades worth of professional experience in the fields of Astrology, Metaphysics, Coaching, Business and Creative Ventures, Silvia gives you the practical steps to accomplishing your goals, while fully supporting your vision energetically!

The Map
Your Celestial Blueprint:
Based On Your Earth Landing
Every journey requires a map in order to navigate the territory, and know where you are headed. On your Soular Journey, we will use your unique Celestial Blueprint to map out your goals, and work with the movement of Sol/Sun through your Psyche. This map is special & unique to YOU!
Be sure to submit your birthdate, place and exact time of birth.

Sign Up
Ready to Begin?
Register Now
Every Journey begins with a decision to take the 1st step! Begin NOW!
Or plan to begin it at the optimal time: Just prior to your calendar birthday.
To register, contact: firststep@soularjourney.com