12 Months of Soular Light to Accomplish Your Soul's Goals on Earth!
"Sol + Soul = Soular:
The organic equation that liberates the Soul to be as radiant as the Sun."
Silvia "SoularCoach + MoonCoach" Pancaro
"The Point of Power is in My Core" Silvia Magdalena Pancaro
Soular Journey: SCORPIO - October 22 thru November 21, 2023
Key Themes We Will Explore In YOUR Life: Sexuality. Power. Transformation. Treasure.

The Scorpio Soular Journey is the eigth of twelve Celestial Archetypes, the zodiacal #8 on the Sun's travels through our Solar System. TABOO. Yes, all 'those' subjects that we keep under wraps while in 'polite' society: Sex, Death, power, transmutation, alchemical transformation, hidden wealth, inner resources, resentments & forgiveness. This Soular Journey takes us DEEP, down into our Innermost SHADOW realm, where we keep our SECRETS, as well as our TREASURE. It behooves us to be fearless (and ruthless) as we step into our own UNDERWORLD, because we will discover how we can claim ourselves as TRANSFORMED Beings, resulting from understanding what we've kept hidden. We ask ourselves: What am I so afraid of? And then, move to confront it, to release ourselves from our own self-made prison....
The Scorpio Soular Journey helps us to connect with our Power & Resources. This Soular Journey offers us to work with very 'yang' motivational energy, urging us to go after what we want; but mostsly, we are encourged to invoke the deep & mysterious powers of Creation, to disturb any in-authentic aspect of ourselves, ensuring that negatively-polarized ego parts relinquish control of our True Power. During this Soular journey we are also reminded that Sexuality is Sacred and therefore we might also look at this topic to ensure that we are honoring our sexuality for the tremendous Creative Power it represents.
Basic Soular Journey per month includes -
Soular Journey Webinar
Downloadable Interactive PDF,
Bi-wheel Natal Chart
Private Interactive Online Group moderated by Soular Journey guide - Silvia Pancaro
And special secret surprises announced in the private group!
October 22 thru November 21
Private Soular Journey Session with Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro, which includes an in-depth look at the Scorpio area of your Essence Blueprint, in order to help you determine your best focus for this specific Soular Journey. Session is 45 minutes, recorded. Add-on cost: $135
Aura Soma bottle related to this cycle, plus instructions on application: Choice of Scorpio or Pluto. Includes USPS Priority Shipping (USA only) Add-on cost: $75
Tarot/Astrology guidance from Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro, combining Tarot/Oracle session with your Astrology chart, focusing on Scorpio/Pluto in your life. Session is 1-hour and recorded. Add-on cost: $135
Scorpio/Pluto cycle Soular Journey , includes custom Aromatherapy: 1 jar of aromatic bath blend based on Celestial Archetype of the Month, 1 small roller bottle blend based on Celestial Archetype of the Month, 1 tealight candle with essential oils & herbs/flowers, 1 PDF with Soular Journey Aromatherapy explanation/instructions. Includes USPS Priority Shipping (USA only) Add-on cost: $55
NOTE: For upgrades, please contact me using 'questions' link so we can prepare an invoice for you, as well as set up your add-on.

Soular Journey
October 22
November 21
I'm ready to join the ride of my Life!
Pay as single months, or per season, or the full year. Individual payments, or set up as a subscription. Payment discounts are applied to each options ($39 for single months, $36 per month if paid seasonally, and $33 per month if paid yearly)
BASIC/Individual Month/Scorpio: