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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

Aquarius Lunar Moonth

The 11th New Moon of the astrological year asks us to consider what  freedom & independence really means to us individually & collectively. The invitation is for us to connect to our inner rebel, make connections with others to advance a collective vision, together envision the future,  and explore/expand the realm of Enlightented Mind and friendship.  We will work with the qualities of AIR sign, AQUARIUS the Cosmic Chalice-Holder, symbol of the Collective Vision for an Evolved Humanity, freedom, individual expression within the group, astrology and all sciences, and the desire to bust the status quo with new forward thinking ideas! 

Click on the slide show image below

to pop out the Aquarius Moonth 

suggestions from 


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8-Step-Creational-Cycle Dates:


New Moon: February 11, 2021 @ 24-Aquarius

Crescent Moon: February 15 @ 13-Aries

1st Quarter Moon: February 19 @ 02-Gemini

Gibbous Moon: February 23 @ 21-Cancer

Full Moon:  February 27 @ 09-Virgo/Pisces

Disseminating Moon: March 2 @ 28-Libra

Last Quarter Moon: March 5 @ 16-Sagittarius

Balsamic Moon:  March 9 @ 05-Aquarius


+ Tarot

= Magick!


Click the link below to join Silvia's guided group lunar journaling prompts!

This is the astrological time of year to visualize Individuals within communities that revel in their uniqueness, yet embrace diversity. This moonth is all about the Collective Vision~ing for freedom and peace amongst the colourful diversity that we all embody! Connect with Mama Moon as she enters into Sacred Union with the Sun on the night of the New Moon, and through it you'll be linked up aetherically with your Human Family, in love & light. Endeavour to take practical action towards Humanitarian goals. We are all in this together, so let's make a difference!


Moon~Coaching™ Questions to Ponder during the Aquarius cycle from  MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro:

*What visions and dreams do I have for my future?
*What long term vision inspires me to keep moving forward into my Future?
*What idealistic hopes do I wish to share with the World?
*How well connected am I to allies that support a global vision

    for positive change?
*Do I have any great ideas or unusual inventions that would benefit the           evolution of Humanity?
*What can I do to heal the illusion of separation on the planet?
*Can I find new ways of brainstorming with others to reach peaceful accord     between all nations?
*How can I become actively involved in bringing solutions to

   current global issues?
*What is the greatest Vision I can imagine for mySelf, for my community,

    and for the world? 
*Am I surrounded by good friends? 
*How clear am I in my ability to process higher mental concepts? 
*Have I had a proper Astrology session lately? (The 11th Celestial Archetype rules Astrology)? Set your appointment today with MoonCoach Silvia Pancaro.

Copyright © 1967 by Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. Proudly created by 13 StarGates Design & Publishing.

MoonCoach™, Moon Coach™, Moon~Coaching™ and Moon Coaching™ are Brand Trademarks

of Silvia Pancaro & Protected Under International & Cosmic Law.

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