Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!
Moon~Coaching™ Lunar JOurney:
Inter~Active Visioning Playbook
and Moon~Coaching™ Private Sessions
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro puts Moon~Coaching™ into your hands,
to consciously co-create with Spirit & Nature in a practical & fun way!

Get your copy of the Moon~Coaching™: Lunar Journey Inter~Active Visioning Playbook today! And extra copies for each member of your 'tribe' if you wish to create as a group!
The new edition of the Playbook is 300 pages (8.5 x 11"), spiral bound. It is divided into 3 sections: Lunar Wisdom and the foundations of Moon~Coaching™; the Resource section with cheat sheets; and the bulk which is the journaling section, filled with 1 full year's worth of Lunar Moonths, with in-depth astrological 'prompts' to guide you at each lunar phase...from the Aries New Moon until the last moment of the Pisces Lunar Moonth.
It's for every level of Astrological practitioner, and is a great tool for both students, teachers and professionals, as well as for NON-Astrologers, who simply want to connect with the lunar calendar, and a more organic way of living life! Plus the new, updated version now includes a lovely TAROT/ORACLE journaling section for each phase in all moonths.
* For those of you that have previous editions, please note this new version will have an addendum in the back with the dates of the lunations so you will be writing in the dates into each journal page. This allows everyone to begin their Lunar Journey at any time of the year, and can be used ANY year. (The older editions had dates plugged in, and started/ended within a specific time frame). I will continue to publish 'on demand' the 'ASTROLOGER'S EDITION' so if you wish to order the special complete edition with charts, dates and more, please contact me privately.
MoonCoach™ helps you align with Natural Cycles to empower your Intentions & Goals.
$42.88 (+ USPS Priority shipping)
Great for all levels of Soul-full life participants,including professional astrologers and NON-astrologers,since you work the program at your level!
Your Dreams & Goals are ‘Creative Seeds’ which can be nurtured into manifestation by the power of the Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles. As you align with the Cosmic Dance of the Sun, Moon and Earth, the Elements of Alchemy and the Zodiacal Year, you can manifest your dreams!
The Moon~Coaching™ program, created by MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro, outlined in this Inter-Active Vision-ing Playbook, will teach you practical ways to connect your goals to these natural cycles. We will introduce Astrology working with the 12 Zodiacal signs from Aries to Pisces, and we'll use the Moon’s relationship to the Sun and Earth, working in tandem with your own Life Script as shown by your Celestial Blueprint. You will consciously align with The Lunar Cycle and actively journal in the Playbook to track your progress and make the manifesting of your Dreams an exciting, fun and deeply transformational process!

Package #1.
4 private sessions, per moonth, based on a 1-year commitment to your Goal. This package is set up as a prepayment or non-cancellable subscription plan @ $744 per cycle x 12
Prepayment in full at time of 1st session gets you a FREE 90-minute Life Purpose astrology session with MoonCoach™, worth $450.00)
This Moon~Coaching™ package includes your initial session (60 minutes), at the time of the New Moon + 3 additional sessions (30 minutes each) at the 1st Quarter, Full Moon and Last Quarter phases, within the same lunar moonth. Multiply this by 12 moon cycles.
We will go over your Year-long goal at the first session, then break it down into individual goals at each subsequent lunar moonth, and work together to ensure you stay on task throughout each 30-day period to manifest your intention, using the Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, as outlined in the Moon~Coaching™ Playsheets and schedule that you will be provided with during the 1st session. During each cycle's 3 sessions, we will discuss your progress & lessons.
All sessions are recorded as mp4 (video) and held in private webinar room, unless otherwise requested.
NOTE: You will need to sign an agreement that the information and structure of the program is proprietary to MoonCoach™ and NOT to be replicated or shared in any way. This is for your PERSONAL use only.

Package #2.
(2 sessions each lunar cycle, requiring a 12-moonth commitment. Set up as a prepayment or non-cancellable subscription plan @ $298 per lunar cycle)
Prepayment in full at time of 1st session gets you a FREE 90-minute Life Purpose astrology session with MoonCoach™, worth $450.00)
This Moon~Coaching™ package includes one 30 minute session, at the time of the New Moon, to determine your best course of action for the moonth ahead + another 20 minute session at the Full Moon to go over the results and continued actions. (We repeat this over the course of a 12-month year, based on a specific goal you want to moonifest. Each moonth is dedicated to different aspects of your yearly goal.)
We will go over your goal for that lunar moonth, and work together to ensure you stay on task throughout the 30-day period to manifest your intention, using the Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, as outlined in the Moon~Coaching Playsheets and schedule that you will be provided with during the session.
The session is recorded as mp4 (video) and held in private webinar room, unless otherwise requested.
NOTE: You will need to sign an agreement that the information and structure of the program is proprietary to MoonCoach™ and NOT to be replicated or shared in any way. This is for your PERSONAL use only.

Package #3.
(30 min session, based on a 1 year commitment @ $190 per cycle. Set up as a prepayment for the year, or a non-cancellable subscription.)
Prepayment in full at time of 1st session gets you a FREE 60-minute Current Direction astrology session with MoonCoach™, worth $375.00)
This Moon~Coaching™ package includes one 30 minute session, at the time of the New Moon, to determine your best course of action for the moonth ahead. Plus an additional 15 minutes prep time/email time as follow up.
We will go over your goal for that lunar moonth, and work together to ensure you stay on task throughout the 30-day period to manifest your intention, using the Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, as outlined in the Moon~Coaching Playsheets and schedule that you will be provided with during the session.
The session is recorded as mp3 audio and held as a phone call.
NOTE: You will need to sign an agreement that the information and structure of the program is proprietary to MoonCoach™ and NOT to be replicated or shared in any way. This is for your PERSONAL use only.