Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!
Capricorn Lunar Moonth
The 10th New Moon of the astrological year asks us to... focus on Cosmic Sea-Goat, embrace the qualities of EARTH, get intimately acquainted with our Inner Wise Elder, embrace our Soul's true calling, and consider how our actions (or lack of these) affect the next 7 generations, so that we may continue to be conscious agents of positive change in the healing (whole-making) of our Planet.
This Lunation is about establishing our Legacy on Earth, and embracing our Wise Inner Elder as the best source of personal authority we can tap into, thereby 'authorizing' only the wisest choices from within.
Additionally, being ruled by Saturn, we are called to consider STRUCTURE in our lives, both personally & collectively!

Throughout 2020-2021, we have quite a line-up of planets (the majority) in the 10th Celestial Archetype, Capricorn, plus we've had Eclipses across the Capricorn & Cancer axis, which are now 'sensitive' points. We need to get serious about our Vocation (Soul's Calling), and ask ourselves very deep questions about our personal Responsibility (Ability to Respond) socially and personally.

What is your true Vocation? What has Spirit called you to do & accomplish during your Earthly sojourn? Have you found the right way to connect your Calling with your Career? If not, consider your natal chart as a map that can show you your Purpose & your Vocational Calling. Set your appt for a Life Purpose & Vocational Astrology session with MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro by clicking on the link below.

Throughout 2020-2021, we have quite a line-up of planets (the majority) in the 10th Celestial Archetype, Capricorn, plus we've had Eclipses across the Capricorn & Cancer axis, which are now 'sensitive' points. We need to get serious about our Vocation (Soul's Calling), and ask ourselves very deep questions about our personal Responsibility (Ability to Respond) socially and personally.
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to pop out the Capricorn Moonth
suggestions from
8-Step-Creational-Cycle Dates:
New Moon: January 13, 2021 @ 24-Capricorn
Crescent Moon: Jan 16 @ 12-Pisces
1st Quarter Moon: Jan 20 @ 02-Taurus
Gibbous Moon: Jan 24 @ 20-Gemini
Full Moon: Jan 28 @ 10-Leo/Aquarius
Disseminating Moon: February 1 @ 28-Virgo
IMBOLC: February 3 - 9:59 am EST - Sun @ 00-Scorpio
Last Quarter Moon: Feb 4 @ 17-Scorpio
Balsamic Moon: Feb 7 @ 05-Capricorn
The Month of CAPRICORN is presided over by the planet SATURN, who invites us to consider how wisely we are using our TIME, the depth of our FOUNDATIONS, the quality of our STRUCTURES, and the FAIRNESS with which we treat others and ourselves.
Additional journaling ideas to include in your Lunar Journey:
Moon~Coaching™ Questions to journal with during the CAPRICORN Lunar Moonth:
1. What legacy will I leave behind for the next 7 generations & beyond?
2. Am I taking personal responsibility (ability to respond) for my actions, in the greater scheme of things?
3. How connected am I to my Ancestors and the Legacy they left for me?
4. Am I following my true Vocational/Soul Calling?
5. Is the structure of my Life built on the good, strong, solid ground of my Soul?
6. What is my personal Mount Everest & am I moving towards its summit?