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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

Playshops - Webinars

Classes - Tutoring


Interested in fully participating in your Life's fantastic conscous Co-Creation?

Join in on the fun of it all at one of th emany Playshops, Webinars, Classes that Silvia offers YOU to learn, expand, create, enjoy and supercharge the abundant blessings with whitch you were born!

"Sun in My Eye!"
Monthly Playshops

2024-2025 Schedule coming soon!

Moving planets
"What's Up in the Sky"
Monthly Playshops

2024-2025 Schedule coming soon!


Moonlit Fortress
Monthly Webinars

2024-2025 Schedule coming soon!

"Astrology Support Group"
Monthly Webinars

2019-2020 Schedule coming soon!






Silvia Pancaro

Copyright © 1967 by Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. Proudly created by 13 StarGates Design & Publishing.

MoonCoach™, Moon Coach™, Moon~Coaching™ and Moon Coaching™ are Brand Trademarks

of Silvia Pancaro & Protected Under International & Cosmic Law.

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