Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!
Just like the Moon has many faces/phases, so does Silvia.
Her roles in life are many, not the least of which include beinga Mother, a Wife, a Daughter, a Sister, a Friend,a High Priestess, a Student, a Teacher,a Source-eress, a Writer, an Artist and an Adventurer!
"My name is Silvia Pancaro and I am a poet,writer and an archetypal astrologer using real life to initiate One's Self into the Inner Realm of Mystery with the goal of discovering the Infinite Light Within."
MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro is the creatrix of: Moon~Coaching™, Lunar~Journey™, Moon~Chakras™, Moon~Centric™, Moon~Zine™, Moon~Mandala™, Moon~Mapping™, Tap-the-Moon™, Path of the Lunar Priest~Ess™ and many more Lunar-themed self-empowerment programs. As a professional archetypal/intuitive astrologer, Silvia assists people in recognizing the value of holistic synchronization with Natural Cycles, Cosmic Time and one's innate Wisdom in order to achieve the most powerful expression of one's purpose.
With a varied background in Metaphysics, Archetypal Astrology, Interior Design, Higher Education, Television, writing and seminar design, Silvia passionately guides students towards a joyful integration of a purposeful life. She is the quintessential Dreamer and Creatrix, bringing her creative dreams down to Earth for all to enjoy. For more information on Silvia & her creative projects & events calendar: please visit www.SilviaPancaro.com.
Silvia is a lifelong student, practitioner and teacher of Astrology, Tarot, Archetypal Imagery and various metaphysical and psychological practices. Having attended The University of Phoenix, Academy of AstroPsychology, Avalan School of Astrology, Metaphysical Research Institute (and others), she skillfully designed & facilitates a variety of unique courses, combining the best of esoteric teachings with the latest in scientific & educational tools. Silvia facilitates her courses in a manner that is inspiring, creative and logical to bring out the best in her students. She created a number of successful courses using various methods (including Gardners 7 Learning Intelligences, Whole-Brain Theory, etc.) learned through a lifetime of investigation into the Human Mind, Soul and Spirit, and practicing what she preaches! She is a 'lifelong learner' herself & loves to study!
Silvia believes very strongly that we are all Teachers to one another, so she prefers the term 'Facilitator’ for herself. The word facilitate comes from the Latin root: facile, which means to make easy. Silvia promises to make learning Astrology & Tarot an easy & fun process. She assists students in culling the knowledge from inside their own life experience in a self- empowering manner by inspiring them to question everything and to look inside themselves for the Answers to their Questions! She truly believes that all knowledge is already within each person and all that is necessary is to give one's self permission to re-member.' Silvia is an inspiring Catalyst for the Awakening of Divinity within the individual & collective, through her classes, books and Playshops. She loves witnessing those priceless aha moments!
Silvia is currently writing various books, which include topics such as Astrology, The Goddess Path, Sacred Marriage, Elemental Alchemy, Tarot Mystery School,Cosmic Child, The Flying Mermaid,and a fairy tale for children. Her other projects include online versions of her most loved courses: Celestial Archetypes and Tarot Mystery School as well as Educator's Versions of both. Combining her background in Interior Design and Astrology, she's also devised a special formula for creating a spiritually-inspired environment in one's home or office: Sacred Space Interiors (www.SacredSpaceInteriors.com ).
Silvia is a lover of the Arts and all artistic expressions including music, dance and imagery work. Most of her courses include these mediums as part of the experiential process. Additionally, along with her brothers Dino & Ozzie, they are creating a major Tango musical production: Soul Of Tango which stars their father, Osvaldo, and Silvias teenage son, Sebastian performing on Bandoneon. A lover of multi-cultural traditions, she is thrilled to be able to present Argentina’s native music. www.SoulOfTango.com and www.CosmicTango.com.
Her main goal in life is to educate people as to The Inner Genius that all children and adults have and how to access, recognize and nurture this Inner Genius in each and every Child that is born. Silvia's plan is to set an astrologically based curriculum in pilot schools throughout the USA as well as to develop individually designed curriculum for home- schoolers, based on the child's unique Inner Genius. The school is aptly named, Cosmic Child, www.CosmicChild.com. It is imperative we respect & recognize of a Childs innate wisdom & unique talents!
Silvia has an intense desire & goal to change the way Astrology and Tarot are perceived in the world and intends on returning both to their rightful place in the echelons of Higher Education. True to her metaphysical background, she strives to awaken deeper truths in others, as opposed to doing the 'new age' thing of all 'gloss & glitter,' therefore is intent on bringing the deeper values of the Ancient Schools back into a respectful arena. To this effect, shes created Astrology Playshops, a series of fun and exciting classes to joyfully integrate your Celestial Archetypes! Silvia views Astrology as a living form of union between the Divine and Earthly, so some of her latest creations include www.EarthAstrology.com , www.AstrologyPlayshops.com , www.ShamanicAstroDrama.com, and www.QuantumAstroDynamics.com.
If you are interested in taking a condensed version of her unique Celestial Archetypes course, you may inquire about the weekend workshop version or you can take her online/correspondence course version. Silvia designed this one-of-a-kind course so that you can learn Astrology by living the archetypes themselves via all your senses. Information on the course can be found at: www.CelestialArchetypes.net or the esoteric version of it: www.12StarGates.com . She also offers a weekend workshop format of Elemental Astrology and Alchemy, which presents the basic building blocks of Life, Astrology, Alchemy and Manifestation in a total-sensorial format, Elements of Alchemy, also uniquely designed by Silvia. For more info and scheduled course dates, visit: www.ElementsOfAlchemy.com.
As Celestial High Priest~Ess, working in partnership with her Beloved, Marcus Geier, she is also the creator & facilitator of multiple experiential 9-moonth long journeys with the Priest and Priestess Archetype. For more information on these journeys: www.ThePriestEss.com or Path of the Lunar Priest~Ess (www.LunarPriestEss.com). Men are welcomed in these & other versions including www.SolarPriestEss.com and www.QuantumPriestEss.com. Be sure to check it all out! Silvia will be beginning a new journey designed specifically for Mothers called Cosmic Moon~Dance (www.CosmicMoonDance.com). She & Marcus believe each person is a Soul-full Sacred Vessel for Divine Spirit!
And to top it all off, Silvia is a loving Wife to Marcus Geier, and a dedicated Mom to Sebastian Fuertes-Pancaro! She adores her parents, Magdalena and Osvaldo, as well as her wonderful 'little' brothers, Ozzie & Dino and their Beloveds - Tatiana & Belkis and all the kids in the family....Sebastian, Sabrina, Nicolas, Isabella and Marco. Oh, and all the fuzzy ones, too, which are Boo, Enzo, Rumpy & Gnocci.
Born in Los Angeles, California, with Argentine/Spanish/Italian heritage, is fluent in English & Spanish, manages to do ok with French and is currently Italian. She loves to cook & dance! Silvia manages to make each moment come alive with creativity, whatever it is she has her attention on! Her career background includes working for top interior design/architecture firms as a design assistant in California, Arizona and Florida; translator for a Hollywood choreographer; sales & modeling for Univision & Telemundo Spanish TV networks in Arizona & California; Academic Affairs Coordinator for The University of Phoenix, a Tango Dancer in the movie Vibes starring Jeff Goldblum & Cyndi Lauper, as well other show-biz, design and literary jobs.
After all that, Silvia decided it was time to do her own thing & combine everything she loves into a multi-dimensional teaching format! Shes an embodiment of a very colorful combination of metaphysics, interior design, literary arts, show biz, education, PLUS lots of passion, dedication, creativity, imagination, practicality, innocence & love, thrown in for a good & balanced measure!
Silvia is currently facilitating monthly New & Full Moon Circles virtually online, as well as in her home in CANTON, GEORGIA. In these experiential presentations, powerful Sacred Space is created wherein participants share their monthly intentions in alignment with the lunation in question. Silvia aids the participants in getting a clearer understanding of how the particular lunation works in their own natal chart so that they can better 'supercharge' their intentions. Everyone goes home inspired and ready to take action on their goals!
Introducing the Creatrix of Moon~Coaching ™ :
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro
Who Is Silvia Pancaro ?

Silvia Pancaro IS MoonCoach™!
Silvia is the original thinker who created a coaching program that works with the lunar phases, archetypal astrology, natural cycles & YOU! Hence, the fabulous creation she named, “Moon~Coaching™.” Silvia times your intentions & goals using your Astrology blueprint for optimal effect. This is the REAL SECRET to the manifestation of your success! For a personal consultation to discuss how Silvia can best assist you, please contact: Silvia@MoonCoach.com