Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!
Synchronize with the Lunar Calendar...
The REAL NEW YEAR in 2025 starts on MARCH 29, 2025!
on the Aries New Moon & Solar Eclipse!
And in this 2025-2026 astro-year we some very powerful Eclipses,
which echo the 2 Aries New Moons from 2023 for a super-amped Aries frequency that continues into this year.
for making ‘new years’ resolutions!

Moon~Coaching is based on the lunar cycle, as she travels around Earth, reflecting and distributing the Solar light and Zodiac frequencies to all life on planet Earth.
It's all based on your SOUL's Purpose...what good is it to work on Intentions unless they are in alignment with your Soul's Purpose?

Each lunar moonth, started at the new moon phase, has a different flavour/energy/focus. We can synchronize our goals to these lunar portals. It's important to note the dates of each New Moon in your calendar. Stay tuned for updates to this site, to include all the dates!

Moon~Coaching is based on the lunar cycle, as she travels around Earth, reflecting and distributing the Solar light and Zodiac frequencies to all life on planet Earth.
Want to know how to synchronize with the energies of Sun, Moon & Zodiac
to more effectively manifest your Dreams on Earth...
Click on each Sign below, and get ready to Manifest with the Moon!
In 2025-2026 Astro-Lunar Year, we'll have 13 Lunar Moonths (based on 13 NEW Moons).
That means we’ll have 13 unique opportunities to work with the various themes in the Human Experience,
applying each Zodiacal Frequency to all parts of our lives & goal-setting.
Click on each moonth’s link below to find out how to synchronize maximize your goals by aligning to each Lunar Moonth’s energies,
according to Silvia’s Moon~Coaching™ principles.
Additionally, for those of you that understand the symbolism of the Elements,
each Lunar Moonth is associated with a different Element: Fire, Earth, Air, Water.
Therefore each moonth has the qualities that relate to its Element, which you can work with accordingly.
Imagine the element, and take your cue from Nature!
Fire moonths (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius): Creative Inspiration
Earth moonths (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn): Practical Activity
Air moonths (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius): Intellectual Communications
Water moonths (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Emotional Connection
Click on each sign glyph Below for more information on each Lunar Moonth of 2024-2025

Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Aries in 2024: 4/8/24 Key themes for this Lunar Moonth are: *What Creative Dream in your Soul is ready to be birthed into full expression? *What fires you up? *What motivates your creative juices? *What Direction are you ready to move towards this year? *What new aspect of your Self are you ready to discover, recover and celebrate in the Fullness of your Creative Brilliance? CLICK TO READ MORE

New Moon in Taurus: May 19, 2023

New Moon in Gemini:June 18, 2023

New Moon in Cancer: July 17, 2023

New Moon in Leo: August 16, 2023

New Moon in Virgo: September 14, 2023

New Moon in Libra: October 14, 2023

New Moon in Scorpio: November 13, 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius: December 12, 2023

New Moon in Capricorn: January 11, 2024

New Moon in Aquarius: February 9, 2024

New Moon in Pisces: March 10, 2024