Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!
Libra Lunar Moonth
The 7th New Moon of the astrological year asks us to...Check in on what you have on your Inner Scales, and remove what creates imbalance or lack of harmony. Instead, leave only the Essentials upon your Inner Scales, so that you are truly living your Life from a place of Harmony & Balance.
Click on the slide show image below
to pop out the Libra Moonth
suggestions from

Ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty, this lunar moonth invites us to consider our personal relationships. Let us begin by considering the most important relationship of all: The way we relate to ourSelves.

The Libra New Moon culminates as the Full Moonifestation across Taurus & Scorpio. Illumination about Relationships are highlighted for this entire Lunar cycle since both the New Moon sign (Libra) and the Full Moon sign (Taurus) are ruled by VENUS - Goddess of Love, Beauty, Arts & Relationships. Due to the Scorpio energy being involved, we also bring in Mars (Venus' lover), so passion & desire, as well as taking action on all these themes, are part of our experience.

Head over to www.LunarJourney.com, click on 'LIBRA' and join us for a month long guided experience with MoonCoach Silvia Pancaro, discovering how you deal with relationships, love, beauty, harmony, justice and more!

Ruled by Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty, this lunar moonth invites us to consider our personal relationships. Let us begin by considering the most important relationship of all: The way we relate to ourSelves.
8-Step-Creational-Cycle Dates:
New Moon: October 16, 2020 @ 24-Libra
Crescent Moon: Oct 19 @ 13-Sagittarius
1st Quarter Moon: Oct 23 @ 01-Aquarius
Gibbous Moon: Oct 27 @ 20-Pisces
Full Moon: October 31 @ 09-Taurus/Scorpio
Disseminating Moon: Nov 4 @ 28-Gemini
SAMHAIN: November 6 at 6:14 pm EST
Last Quarter Moon: Nov 8 @ 17-Leo
Balsamic Moon: Nov 11 @ 06-Libra
Register for the LIBRA
Moon~Coaching™ Webinar:
Love Donation Range:
$28 to $68 Please
Includes access to the webinar (live or recorded), plus a copy of your natal chart with the New & Full Moon on a triwheel, and Silvia looking at how the Lunations invite you personally into
co-creation with the Cosmos.
Pre-Registration is required.
Facebook Event Page with Info is Here:
Moon~Coaching™ Questions to Ponder, from Silvia Pancaro For the Libra Lunar Moonth:
● In what condition are my relationships?
● How can I bring greater harmony into all my relationships?
● What might I do to channel Beauty into my environment?
● What is throwing me 'off-balance' in any area of my life?
● What might I release from the scales, which blocks my Heart from fully loving mySelf, others or Life in general?
● What kind of thinking takes me off my Center?
● What activities help me re-Center back into Harmonious Thinking?
Libra accentuates the need to clarify our thoughts, so that only the Essential, the True, the Just, the Beautiful, the Harmonious, remains on our Inner Scales...so that we might be as consistently Centered in our Core, as possible. As Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, we combine Libra's ability to observe with clear detachment, with Venus' connection with Appreciation (giving value something) for those Essential people, situations, thoughts, feelings, events, that keep us truly focused on our True Nature, and is protects us from the dizzying confusions of Life which would otherwise give rise to being 'out of balance' and unable to return to our Inner Source of Grounding; allow Venus to give us some guidance for this month: Check in on what you have on your Inner Scales, and remove what creates imbalance or lack of harmony. Instead, leave only the Essentials upon your Inner Scales, so that you are truly living your Life from a place of Harmony & Balance.
CLICK HERE for information on the Moon~Coaching™ LIBRA
IN-PERSON gathering in Canton, GEORGIA: September 28, 2020
CLICK HERE for information on the Moon~Coaching™ LIBRA
WEBINAR (Live & Recorded): September 29, 2020
CLICK HERE for information on the
MoonCoaching™ BIZ
(Live & Recorded): October 1, 2020