Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!
Leo Lunar Moonth
The Leo Lunar cycle is a personal and collective cosmic invitation which asks us to get sync'd up with the CELESTIAL LION, symbol of the Creative Self-Expression, Joy & Passion, Our Inner Cosmic Child, Life Force Energy & Vitality, The Creative Impulse to Live & Express AUTHENTICALLY & Joyfully! The SUN itself holds rulership over this Celestial Archetype, so we know it's all about RADIATING OUR DIVINE ESSENCE from our very Core, the Heart and Center of our Being! Shine on!!

Happy Leo New Moonth! This cycle we focus on our Inner SUN, how we show up with all our BRILLIANCE upon our own World Stage.

The Full Moon activates the Aquarius Celestial Archetype within each of us, as well as within the Collective. What can you do individually within your tribe to bring about true Spiritual Freedom, and honor the Genius within each One?

Be sure to visit www.MoonCoach.com for more on Leo, as well as other lunar moonths!

Happy Leo New Moonth! This cycle we focus on our Inner SUN, how we show up with all our BRILLIANCE upon our own World Stage.
Click on the slide show image below
to pop out the Leo Moonth
suggestions from
8-Step-Creational-Cycle Dates:
New Moon: August 8, 2021 @ 17-Leo
Crescent Moon: August 12 @ 5-Libra
1st Quarter Moon: August 15 @ 24 Scorpio
Gibbous Moon: August 18 @ 12-Capricorn
Full Moon: August 22 @ 30 Aquarius/Leo
Disseminating Moon: August 26 @ 19-Aries
Last Quarter Moon: August 30 @ 8-Gemini
Balsamic Moon: Sept 3 @ 27-Cancer
The Leo Moonth, we work with the qualities of FIRE sign, LEO the Lion, symbol of the Creative Self-Expression, Joy & Passion, Our Inner Cosmic Child, Life Force Energy & Vitality, The Creative Impulse to Live & Express AUTHENTICALLY & Joyfully! The Month of Leo is presided over the Lord of Light: The SUN itself, who invites us to ponder on the energy of passionate creation as we express it into our World. It's time to be conscious of that Inner Genius, the Spiritual Spark of Light which the Ancients called our Holy Guardian Angel, The Daemon whose infinate Love and Brilliance illumines our Path.
The Sun is the Center of our Solar System, and it represents the Vital Core from which we live and breathe, and move and have our BE~ing. Are you in touche with this aspect of your Psyche? It is imperative that you express your spiritual purpose from this, Your Vibrational Core Essence! This month, is an opportunity to consciously connect with your Inner Sun, and be vitalized by the Spiritual Sun that shines behind our own Sun...LIVE!!!
Moon~Coaching Questions to Ponder, from Silvia Pancaro
For the Leo Lunar Moonth, beginning August 8, 2021:
*What is the highest expression your Spirit is here to explore?
*How connected are you to your Inner Cosmic Child?
*Have you ignited the flame of your deepest spiritual longing?
*Do you give your Highest Self ample opportunity to create & shine?
*Where you do feel the most JOY?
*How vital, alive and creative do you feel?
*What activities inspire you to grow & thrive to your fulllest potential?