Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!
Aries Lunar Moonth
The 1st New Moon of the 2025-2026 Zodiacal Year, asks us to celebrate a New Beginning through the astrological sign of Aries, the Ram, the 1st of the 12 Celestial Archetypes: the Pioneering and Courageous Warrior leading us towards a conscious new Creation in our Lives! And in the 2025-26 cycle, we actually get 13 lunar months, being we get 2 Virgo New Moons! So use this first Lunar Moonth to embody FIERY ZEST & COURAGE, to set the foundation in place for healing and service with pure passion and get ready to give it everything you've got this year!

Happy New Astro-Lunar Year! Dive into the fullness of your Life's Creative Expression! With the Sun & Moon joined in fiery Aries, this is the cycle of New Beginnings and Creative Self-Expression. Who Are YOU? And 2023, we get 2 TWO New Moons in Aries, so twice the Time to make Aries magick! Email Silvia to set up your Aries MoonCoaching session today!

The 1st of 2 Aries New Moons in 2023 culminates as the Full Moonifestation™ across Libra & Aries. Check your natal chart for the degrees of these lunations to work these energies into those areas of your Life being activated. Set up a session with MoonCoach™ for in-depth work!

A great song to sing as we get into the Spirit of a powerful new beginning!

Happy New Astro-Lunar Year! Dive into the fullness of your Life's Creative Expression! With the Sun & Moon joined in fiery Aries, this is the cycle of New Beginnings and Creative Self-Expression. Who Are YOU? And 2023, we get 2 TWO New Moons in Aries, so twice the Time to make Aries magick! Email Silvia to set up your Aries MoonCoaching session today!
Click on the slide show image below
to pop out the Aries Moonth
suggestions from
8-Step-Creational-Cycle Dates:
SPRING EQUINOX (Northern Hemisphere)
March 20, 2025 @ 4:02 AM EDT (Sun Zero°- Aries)
Aries New Moon & SOLAR ECLIPSE in 2025:
New Moon: March 29, 2025 @ 09°-Aries-00' (5:58 AM EDT)
Crescent Moon: April 1 @ 27°-Taurus-10'
1st Quarter Moon: April 4 @ 15°-Cancer-33'
Gibbous Moon: April 8 @ 04°-Virgo-19'
Full Moon: April 12 @ 23°-Libra-20' (8:22 PM EDT)
Disseminating Moon: April 916 @ 12°-Sagittarius-22'
Last Quarter Moon: April 120 @ 01°-Aquarius-12'
Balsamic Moon: April 24 @ 19°-Pisces-39'
Dates based on Eastern/USA Time Zone
Dive into the new astro-lunar year with total trust and faith! Initiate a New Dream for the next 12 moonths! Be the STAR of your own personal S/Hero’s Journey!
Feel the fiery enthusiasm of Aries - imagine your Intentional Seeds being energetically quickened by Spirit, as you synchronize with The Great Dreamer! Feel your Creative Dreams being gently awakened! The Aries Moonth is all about getting your juices flowing, feeling fully alive & vital! Think of a baby or toddler who is fully innocent in her exploration of the world and of him Self! There is a feeling of wonder, awe & discovery during this moonth that pervades all Life! Since the Aries New Moon begins a new year-long cycle of Conscious Co-Creation with Spirit, the Moon & Sun, and the Zodiac, this is an especially important one!
WHAT CREATIVE DREAM are you inspired to work on, play with and develop over the course of this New Astrological Year? How can you re-invent yourSelf this moonth? What exciting new ways of expressing your Creative Potential are you ready to focus on? Ideally, everyOne will work this moonth on IDENTITY and on the Creative Expression of the Authentic Self! How do you wish to show up in the world?
Having 13 Lunar Moonths in 1 Solar year is highly significant. It doesn't happen every 'calendar year' so it is important to pay attention to the sign that 'doubles up' as it means we get twice the energy that year. In 2025, it will double up in VIRGO, Zodiacal Frequency of SERVICE & HEALING, but let's set that aside for a moment, and consider the last time we had a 13-Moonth Year: 2023. Consider what goals you set in the 2023 astro-lunar year when we had 2 Lunar Moonths in the very 1st Zodiacal sign, ARIES, when we are afforded the opportunity to get really creative with individual and collective goals related to this Celestial Archetype by Sign & by Ruling Planet (MARS). How far have you personally come in your awareness of both the 'Light' and the 'Shadow' potential of this sign/planet...in these past 2 years, we've seen the Aries Shadow ranging from anger to rage, from aggression to war, from selfishness to egomania...it is my hope that as we come round-about to this Solar Eclipse in Aries in 2025, we've all managed to heal some of these within our own Consciousness as well as within the Collective Soul of Humanity...Consider what you experienced between March 29 - May 19 in 2023, and how you might want to work out any of these issues now from March 29 thru April 26, 2025. And of course, that range 'blows up' from the minor to the maximum expression the more that we repress or deny it in ourselves, so it behooves us to do whatever necessary shadow work and healing, in order to integrate and create what Gifts Aries and it's ruling planet, MARS, are ready to send our way as LIGHT. The HEALING ties in to the 2025 double lunar moonths in the Sign of VIRGO which rules Alternative Healing and SERVICE, so let us commit this Astrological Year to healing the divide in our Consciousness & our Collective Reality. My friends, MAKE IT A POWERFUL YEAR!
Moon~Coaching™ Aries Visioning WEBINAR ONLINE
Register for the donation-based ONLINE WEBINAR here:
You can join us 'live' on
Thursday, March 27, 2025
at 6:00 pm EDT,
or watch the recorded version which includes
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro
working with your astrology chart.
Suggested donation based on sliding fee scale of $33 to $108+ range, or as fits your budget.
if you are in GEORGIA or surrounding NW GA areas,
we will hold the Aries Lunar Journey Visioning Circle (and Pisces Old Year Closing Ceremony) on
Sunday, March 23, 2025
at 6:30 pm,
in person at The Moon Mermaid Playhouse
in Canton, Georgia. Info is here:
Register for the GUIDED ONLINE GROUP here:
You can join us for a private moonth-long Lunar Journey, guided by Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro, using a blend of Astrology, Tarot and Moon~Coaching™.
The small online group is a Sacred Space designed to be interactive and inspiring, to keep you on track over the course of the entire moonth.
Aries Lunar Journey 2025-2026
Begins on March 29, 2025
Sign up below for the private group, guided by MoonCoach™:
March 29 thru April 26, 2025
MARCH 3, 2025
2025 - 2026
2025 - 2026