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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

Moon~Coaching™ Tools.   Free! 

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro offers you FREE wonder-filled tools to make your experience with Moon~Coaching™ truly fun and empowering!
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New Moon Visioning Newsletter.

Each New Moon gives us an opportunity to align with Zodiacal frequencies which we can use to amplify our goals. The Moon~Coaching™ Visioning Newsletter is an excellent way to connect with these energies, as Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro offers tips, guidance and Moon~Mantras!


Registration is required.

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With Moon~Coaching, conscious creation and manifestation of your goals and dreams are always designed to be FUN! So, we don't use 'worksheets' in our Moon~Coaching - in fact, we PLAY with the Moon, Sun, Zodiac and Soul with awesome PLAYSHEETs!


Register for access to these empowering freebies!


Free, but donations gratefully accepted.

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Astrology Charts. (With Webinar Registration)

Would you like a copy of your Celestial Blueprint? I would love to get it to you FREE! Once you've registered, you'll need to email me your birth information, and I'll get you an image file sent to your inbox. You can then use this chart in conjunction with the Moon~Coaching methods described throughout my site!

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New Moon Visioning Meditations.

Each lunar moonth, I'll be sharing my Moon~Coaching New Moon Visioning Meditations, as an audio-visual. 


Meditations will be available free, but donations are so gratefully accepted. 

Copyright © 1967 by Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. Proudly created by 13 StarGates Design & Publishing.

MoonCoach™, Moon Coach™, Moon~Coaching™ and Moon Coaching™ are Brand Trademarks

of Silvia Pancaro & Protected Under International & Cosmic Law.

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