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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

Karmic Insight Astrology Report

Karmic Insight Astrology Report


The Karmic Insight Report :


"From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul's intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, service to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in one's daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even this lifetime. This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in the direction of your true purposes."





Silvia Pancaro

Copyright © 1967 by Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. Proudly created by 13 StarGates Design & Publishing.

MoonCoach™, Moon Coach™, Moon~Coaching™ and Moon Coaching™ are Brand Trademarks

of Silvia Pancaro & Protected Under International & Cosmic Law.

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