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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

LIBRA NEW MOON: Moon~Coaching™ Step 1 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015

As promised, as MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase, prompting you to pull a Tarot or Oracle card, and journal on the related themes. This will be the first, related to the New Moon phase, at this point of the Libra Lunar Moonth. Each lunar phase portal allows us to work with its energy, amplified by the Zodiac sign in which the Moon finds herself, and attuned to YOU via your astrological chart. However, let's leave the explanation about your chart for another time. For now, let us focus on the New phase, and pulling a card to be your Ally for this initial portal.

Rather than use myself as an example, I will pull a card for the Collective Consciousness reading this blog (which includes YOU), at each phase. So, for the Libra New Moon, I am choosing to work with Nigel Jackson's Medieval Enchantment Tarot deck, because I feel it reflects Libra themes of Beauty and Grace.

First let's consider a few key words for the New Moon phase:

New beginnings, Divine Seed, Intuition, Trusting One's Inner Guidance System (because there is no light reflected), Setting Intentions, Starting a New Project, Begin Working Towards a Goal.

And next, a few key words for Libra:

Beauty, Grace, Harmony, Balance, Sacred & Conscious Equal Partnership, One-on-one Relationships, the Arts, Fairness/Justice, Rational Decisions.

Card for New Moon in Libra: VIII Justice (Major Arcana) Deck: Medieval Enchantment Tarot

Deck Creator:

Nigel Jackson

MoonCoach Phase for today:

New Moon

MoonCoach Sign for today's phase:


Sabian Symbol for this today's phase:

"In a tiny room ridiculously cluttered with manuscripts and books, sits a Jewish rabbi at ease with self and world."

Card Image I pulled for this lunar phase:

The Justice card is a very fitting message for this new lunar moonth in Libra, Working with the Paul Foster Case (Builders of the Adytum) astrological and kabbalistic assignations to Tarot, we find that Libra is represented in the Tarot by this very card. The message is clear: For the Collective who consciously choose to work with these Sacred Tools, this lunar moonth is perfect for bringing things into BALANCE. Truly the message of Libra, which I wrote about in a previous post, becomes amplified by this card. We are reminded that we need to spend time considering what needs to be placed on the scales, and remove what throws us ‘off balance.’ What can we do, to create greater HARMONY in our own personal lives, as well as within the Collective? Libra is an AIR sign, so it relates to the MENTAL REALM, and to COMMUNICATION with others. As the Lady of Justice holds the SWORD of TRUTH, what thoughts and ideas are swirling around our MIND that needs to be brought out into the open in order to create healthier RELATIONSHIPS? Is there something we need to SHARE with our Beloved, or with an Ally, or with Someone that requires HONESTY? In this depiction of Justice, we see clouds, further suggesting the need for CLARITY in all our dealings with others.

Additionally, Lady Justice sits high above the ground, suggesting that we need to connect with our OBJECTIVE HIGHER SELF in order to receive guidance. Her HEART is accentuated, which brings to mind the Egyptian Goddess, MA'AT, who I relate to Libra & Justice. In Egyptian story, when a Soul passes from the physical to the non-physical at the 3D Death, that person’s Heart is placed on Ma’at’s Scales. Here our Heart is placed on one side of the scale, and her feather is on the other side. Our Heart is weighed against Ma’at’s feather, and if we managed to ‘die’ with a light heart, so that our Heart is lighter than her feather, then we are allowed to move towards the more Beautiful realms beyond Death’s realm. Otherwise, we are sent back, to continue exploring ourselves via Earthly Karma. The symbolism therefore asks us to consider what we hold in our Hearts, and if we feel heavy, weighted down by unresolved issues (thoughts, beliefs, emotions, non-forgiveness), then the Law of Gravity (oh, dear Saturn/World!), will bring us right back into the depths of our so called ‘Reality’ in order to PROCESS that which is unclear, undone and cloudy. Ask Ma’at to speak to your Heart this lunar month – to suggest that which you need to release yourself from, in order to feel yourself become ‘light as a feather’ and therefore feel free!

Bringing into consideration Libra’s themes again, we may choose to focus this month on our closest relationships. We all get bogged down by relationship issues, and forget to look for the BEAUTY in our Beloved. So, radical honesty, and heart-centered communications, can certainly be a tool for healing at this time. Sometimes, we allow the ‘little things’ to accumulate, not speaking our personal truth to our Beloved, so that later on we have a major explosive reaction. In the seminars/playshops that my husband and I facilitate, we encourage participants to communicate with another person, by beginning with the following statement: The truth for me, is…. Try this! Rather than going into an unconscious attack onto another person, accusing them of doing things TO you, consider saying: The truth for me is…that I feel unloved when we don’t spend quality time together. (Instead of saying: You don’t love me because you have been spending more time watching tv than with me). That’s just one simple example of building honest, heart-centered communication, that will help heal your own Heart, as well as your Relationships.

Another consideration, is that the Sword can also symbolize CUTTING AWAY, as in an energetic surgery of sorts. Perhaps, once you notice what is weighing you down, and has you out of balance, you’ll need to cut out a bad habit, or abusive relationship, or addictive behaviours. Let this Sword be one of MERCY, since releasing and cutting away can at first appear to be painful, but ultimately frees us up to be more of WHO WE REALLY ARE. For those of you that are more ‘woo-woo’ in nature, you may wish to do a CORD-CUTTING ceremony, or visualize Archangel Michael assisting you as you cut away the negative aspects of your relationships. NOTE: You do not necessarily have to let go of the person – just the aspect of relating negatively. Consider it as a form of psychic surgery, so you’ll have a recuperation time, energetically speaking. Be gentle with yourself as you work these clearings.

BEAUTY in your environment is a big part of this lunar moonth, since the planet VENUS (Goddess of Love & Beauty) rules over Libra. Part of my professional background includes INTERIOR DESIGN, and I currently work ‘by day’ in our family owned design business. My brother and I work at Casa Italia Showrooms, offering exquisite very high-end Italian furniture, so I’m constantly surrounded by Beauty. Take your cue from this, and look to spend time creating Beauty (in whatever form this takes for you personally) in your home or office. Use ATHENA's Sword (yet another Goddess related to Libra and to the Justice card) to clear away clutter and mess in your home, office, desk, car…and do some ‘Magick’ thinking as you do this: I now clear away all that is no longer useful or necessary to my personal growth and well-being. As I clear this clutter, and cut away the unnecessary from my surroundings, I am making space for Beauty and Grace in my Life.

Now, let’s look at the Sabian Symbol for the exact degree of the New phase, at 20 degrees of Libra: "In a tiny room ridiculously cluttered with manuscripts and books, sits a Jewish rabbi at ease with self and world." What might this metaphor mean to you personally? Perhaps we can all sift through all that we have learned in school, or by first hand day to day living, and cull the most ESSENTIAL WISDOM from our real life education. We may ask ourselves if we’ve surrounded ourselves with outdated data, maybe we have gone to workshop after workshop, taken endless classes, and studied various teachings, only to fill our minds with TOO MUCH STUFF. Again, the idea of cutting away the extraneous comes into our Collective Picture. What can we do to come into a position of clarity, ease and PEACE?

ADDENDUM: In terms of applying this to the NEW phase, we can begin new projects, or set goals that relate to legal matters, creating sacred space, healing our relationships, start a new practice in which we create balance and order in our finances or other areas of our lives (think about starting a healthy diet or balancing your checkbook, for example). Read my blog post on the Libra New Moon for more ideas, or read the Libra Moonth in the Calendar section of my website here:!libra-moonth/ca1t

Finally, we will take a look at the description of this card, directly from the deck’s book (by Nigel Jackson):

“The eighth card is the Trump of ‘Justice’ and shows the goddess with her Scales & Sword, balancing all things against truth and regulating cosmic order. In classical lore, she is the Roman Iusticia, the Titaness Themis, Goddess of Justice, Truth and Wise Counsel, who delivers the verdicts of the gods. She epitomizes the sacred Balance of the Eight Sphere (the eight concentric spheres of the planets and fixes stars ranged around the earth), thus ‘Eight is All.’ Ancient Theurgists termed the number Eight ‘the Mystery of Justice,’ ‘Law,’ ‘the Steadfast,’ and the ‘All-Harmonious’ and held it to be holy to Rhea, Saturn, and the Three Fates. This card is the emblem of the first of the four Cardinal Virtues taught in Stoic philosophy, namely Justice, Prudence, Fortitude, and Temperance. As the card of exact Justice, which no one violate with impunity, this is the image of the planet Saturn in Libra, the sign of the Scales.”

So, take time this Libran Lunar Moonth, to WEIGH IN on what you hold in Mind and Heart. Release what creates negative Karma. Free yourself of extraneous ideas, situations and beliefs. Create Beauty with every thought you think. Bring your Life into greater Balance in all areas. Move into deep INNER PEACE.

That’s the overview for the entire Libra Lunar Moonth, and also the ‘seed’ to plant during this New Moon Phase, which lasts from October 12 thru October 16, at which point we move into the Crescent Moon Phase. I will check back at the Crescent, and pull another card to guide us through that part of the Cycle.

Feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, InSights and your thoughts.

Peace & MoonBeam Blessings,

Silvia “MoonCoach” Pancaro

Creatrix of Moon~Coaching™

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