DISSEMINATING MOON in Gemini - 10/30/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 6 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting...

FULL MOON in Taurus - 10/27/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 5 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting...

GIBBOUS MOON in Pisces - 10/24/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 4 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting...

1st QUARTER MOON in Capricorn - 10/20/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 3 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting...

CRESCENT MOON in Sagittarius - 10/16/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 2 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting...

Libra New Moon: October 12, 2015
Join MoonCoach™ for the 7th New Moon of the 2015-2016 Zodiacal Year, on 10/12/2013 (and the live webinar will be on SATURDAY 10/17 at...

Moon~Coaching™ + Tarot = Magick!
As those of you who have been working with me already know, there's a particularly powerful bit of Magick that takes place when we...

Libra Moonth: Moon~Coaching™ + Tarot
And now to make some lunar magick, with the Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle and Tarot! The New Moon occurs in the 7th sign of the...

LIBRA NEW MOON: Moon~Coaching™ Step 1 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As promised, as MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase, prompting you to pull a...