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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

CRESCENT MOON in Sagittarius - 10/16/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 2 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015

As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting you to pull a Tarot or Oracle card, and journal on the related themes. Rememer there are 8 phases in each cycles, and you may wish to review my first post explaining each of the lunar phases as it relates to your goal setting & intentions. As I've posted before, each lunar phase portal allows us to work with its energy, amplified by the Zodiac sign in which the Moon finds herself, and attuned to YOU via your astrological chart. However, let's leave the explanation about your chart for another time. For now, let us focus on the Crescent phase, and pulling a card to be your Ally for this 2nd portal.

Today we continue with the CRESCENT Moon phase, pulling a Tarot card to give us InSight into the necessary actions for Step 2 in the current moonth. I will pull a card for the Collective Consciousness reading this blog (which includes YOU). For the Crescent phase in Sagittarius, I am choosing to work with Kay Steventon's SPIRAL TAROT Tarot deck.

First let's consider a few key words for the Crescent Moon phase:

Plan, Necessary Actions, To-do List, The 'How To' point of the moon manifestation process

And next, a few key words for Sagittarius:

Goals, long-term thinking, teaching, public speaking, your prersonal pulpit, Mission & Purpose, long distance travel, Higher Mind, good luck, mentoring/coaching, passion, beliefs, religion, philosophy, creating connections between various and differing ideas/cultures/beliefs.

Card for Crescent Moon in Sagittarius: 7 of Swords (Minor Arcana) Deck: Spiral Tarot

Deck Creator:

Kay Steventon

Moon Phase & its meaning for this Moon~Coaching Creation Step:

Crescent Moon - Create your action plan! What is your Cosmic-To-Do list? What steps do you need to take to manifest the Seed Intention/Goal you plotted at the New phase a few days ago?

Moon Sign & exact degree for today's phase:

Sagittarius - 9th degree

Exact date & duration of this phase:

October 16 thru 20, 2015

Sabian Symbol for this today's phase (Marc Edmund Jones & Elsie Wheeler):

"A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up A Steep Stairway."

Card Image I pulled for this lunar phase:

This card gives us the idea of applying intelligence and creative thinking...and how we need to plan our actions over the coming 10 days in particular (leading up the Full Moon), to accomplish our Libra Seed Intention (remember that card was JUSTICE). Reread my Step 1/Libra New Moon post if you need to reconnect to the ideas we are working on throughout the entire moonth.

The 7 of Swords relates to the MENTAL realm since this suit is the AIR element. So we know right of the bat that we need to use our rational mind to help us put together an action plan. I see the suit of swords as relating to WORDS, and the PEN in particular. The Crescent Phase likewise symbolizes PLANNING and giving some sort of form to what was previously formless in the New phase (which was purely intuitive). So, make sure you've got your pen and paper handy for this portal activity. Holding in your MInd's Eye the new moon intention you set a few days ago, jot down as many creative ideas as you can as to how you will accomplish that intention/goal.

Taking our cue from the imagery on this depiction of the 7 Swords, we may wish to start with 5 solid ideas (figure holding 5 swords). Perhaps take the position of looking behind you towards those who have already accomplished a similar goal, and consider how they got there...let them be your Inspiration. Note that the traditional interpretation of this card relates to taking what does not belong to oneself, so I would add the warning: DO NOT COPY them, but consider their own ideas and suggestions to others. Is there a TEACHER or MENTOR (Sagittarius key words) whom you can look to? The fox is known as a sly and sneaky character, but can also be cunning and intelligent in a higher sense (aside from beautiful). Since Sagittarius relates to Higher Thinking (and thinking outside the box), I'd say that the Fox is indicating to list steps that feel different, unique, and slightly daring. So, even if you look to Mentors and how they accomplished their goals as creative inspiration, you can come up with your own way of doing it. An example may be handy here:

My Sacred Work with the lunar phases and astrology is truly unique in the manner that I put it together. I did read books from previous authors who wrote about the lunar phases such as Demetra George and Dane Rhudyar, but I applied the meaning of the phases into an entirely new concept and context...combinging it with COACHING to create my trademarked product/service which I named Moon~Coaching. This is the healthy and positive application of looking to 'those who have gone before us'...wheras 'copying' is tantamount to plagiarizing (big no no!!!) such as I have had the ill luck to experience with one of my students who literally stole my material and copied it nearly word for word. That is not being original, and therefore would be the negative interpretation of the 7 of Swords. I'm using myself as an example to show how you can be positevly inspired by another person, yet you can create an entirely unique product that is birthed from your own Soul and as I am interpreting this card for you, I encourage you to apply my example to your own process this lunar moonth.

Practically speaking, you may wish to add to your list, action steps that may NOT have worked for you in the past, when working on simiilar or related goals. I love this version of what would otherwise be a very negative card because we can 'read' the image itself in an entirely different way than the normal RSW other words, let's find a positive and healing interpretation just by noticing the positin of the figures...and as I already said, consider looking backwards to what has already been tried. Maybe this relates to 2 people in your past who have deeply influenced your current belief system and/or religious ideas (Sagittarius key themes), and from which you need to extricate yourself from in order to accomplish your goal. The Fox may be an 'Power Animal' or Spiritual Ally (much like the Dog in the Fool card), who is reminding you that you need to think for yourself, and be more intelligent in your deciding which belief systems are worth holding onto and carrying forward into the future, and which ones you are best served to leave behind. Notice the green patch of Earth upon which you stand, and consider that we are likewise standing in the WAXING (growing) part of the lunar cycle. So, chooose to add to your list the activities that help you grown above and beyond your old belief systems.

Now to really throw us into new territory, what if we reverse this, and see ourselves as one of the 2 figures in the background? Now we can in fact look at the traditional interpretation of this card, and consider the idea of 'theft' of 'ideas' (swords) in light of the Crescent Phase in Sagittarius. In putting together your to-do list, consider the ways you may have felt unprotected, or times you've been betrayed by another. Maybe this calls for a sense of SECRECY, so do not share your list with others. In Esoteric and Metaphysical tradition, we are warned to 'KEEP SILENT" when it comes to our goals and intentions. To hold a SEED INSIDE OUR HEARTS IN PROTECTIVE SECRECY, until such a time as that Seed has grown enough, is strong enough, is rooted enough in the 3D world. How many times have you attempted to accomplish something, and blurted it out prematurely to the world, only to have your goal/idea/plan aborted because of others' critiscim or lack of support or as I mentioned in my own example, petty thievery? USED CAUTION when sharing your Intention and Action Plan with others! Speak only to TRUSTED ALLIES.

Since everything is a reflection of our own beliefs, attitudes and expectations, as we hold them in our own Psyche, all the above regarding betrayal or theft, may be equally applied to parts of our own Inner World! Ask yourself if there are conflicting beliefs that sabotage your efforts to accomplish your goals. The worst kind of theft is when we doubts ourselves, and allow our fears and doubts to rob us of our SUCCESS! Perhaps then, the message may be about how you lie or cheat yourself out of creating Beauty and Harmony (the Libra Moonth Collective Intent). Proactively, you may wish to include in your to-do list activities that cut out the old records in your SubConsciounsess that have heretofore created havoc and unhappiness in your life.

Deep work indeed for us all, this phase!!

Finally, we will take a look at the description of this card, directly from the deck’s book (by Kay Steventon):

“The airy seven of swords is about mind games. The figure in the card is trying to run away with all seven swords but cannot quite make it. He is cunning as a fox and changeable as the shifting sands on the beach. When you draw this card, think carefully. Sometimes the seven of swords indicates schemes that do not work or that need to be modified in some way. You or someone else may be planning a surprise, so a little cunning may be necessary to cover your tracks. Acts of daring, impulsive acts, and under-cover acts as well as detective work all come with this card. The figure in the card is acting alone; he is trying to hide his intentions from the people on the hill. This card indicates you may need to keep your ideas and plans to yourself and use caution when discussing important intentions. Another possibility with the seven of swords is that you will try to avoid or manipulate the truth; however, tact and diplomacy will sometimes save a situation .”

So, to recap, at time this phase to list your ideas for how to accomplish your goal, thinking in 'out of the box' ways, looking to mentors for inspiration, and being careful who you choose to share you list with. Bring back to mind the 2 cards we have so far for this Libra Moonth, and combine the meaning of the cards, phases and signs:

At the new phase being step 1 (of the 8), Justice showed up to remind us to consider what is out of balance in our lives, as well as setting intentions that create Beauty and Harmony in our lives, and heal our Relationships. This all echoes the meaning of Libra since this 7th sign like Justice, is about clarity of thought in accomplishing balance, grace, and fairness with all our Relations. At the crescent phase being step 2, we get pen and paper and plot out our 'how-to' and 'to-do' listing our ideas and potential action steps to accomplish the New Moon Intention. The 7 of swords tells us to be mindful and careful with this list, as well as sharing with our most trusted Allies what we are planning, in order to mainting our Seed Intention within the safety of our delicate cocoon of energetic nurturance. And Sagittarius reminds us to consider rewriting the script of or belief system if these are not in support of our goals/intention.

ADDENDUM: One final piece to consider for those of you that wish to go even deeper, is the Sabian Symbol for the exact astrological degree of this crescent phase: "A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up A Steep Stairway." When we add this idea to the what we've discussed about old beliefs that need to be done away with in order for us to move on and move forward, perhaps we can bring in a sense of gratitude and compassion for those Elders whom guided us in the past. Maybe those beliefs and ideas did us much good in the past, as in this symbold the Mother is teaching the Child how to safely navigate the staircase. We learned caution, as well as bravery, trust as well as fear, from this. And now, as an Adult, we no longer need whatever believe served us as a Child - we can keep the essential lesson, without it inte-fear-ing with our movement forward. Alternately, we can see this Sabian Symbol to further accentuate the concept of the 7 of Swords, in that CAUTION and TRUST are implicit in both ideas. Work with whichever application of these cards, symbols, images, metaphors and interpretation best suits YOUR JOURNEY!

So, now, it's YOUR turn! How are you going to apply this guidance to your goals/intention?

I will check back at the 1st Quarter Phase on October 20th, and pull another card to guide us through that part of the Cycle.

Feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, InSights and your thoughts.

Peace & MoonBeam Blessings,

Silvia “MoonCoach” Pancaro

Creatrix of Moon~Coaching™

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