GIBBOUS MOON in Pisces - 10/24/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 4 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting you to pull a Tarot or Oracle card, and journal on the related themes. Rememer there are 8 phases in each cycle, and you may wish to review my first post explaining each of the lunar phases as it relates to your goal setting & intentions. As I've posted before, each lunar phase portal allows us to work with its energy, amplified by the Zodiac sign in which the Moon finds herself, and attuned to YOU via your astrological chart.
Today we continue with the GIBBOUS Moon phase, pulling a Tarot card to give us InSight into the necessary actions for Step 4 in the current moonth. I will pull a card for the Collective Consciousness reading this blog (which includes YOU). For the gibbous phase in Pisces, I am choosing to work with the Mystic Dreamer Tarot.
First let's consider a few key words for the Gibbous Moon phase:
Take stock of your progress thus far. What do you need to prune away? Focus now on the final push to get to your desired goal. This is the time to make last minute adjustments.
And next, a few key words for Pisces:
Dreams, intuition, Divine Inspiration, surrender, flow, Realm of Imagination, spiritual action.
Card for GIbbous Moon in Pisces: 20: The Great Bear Deck: Mystic Dreamer Tarot
Deck Creators:
Heidi Darras and Barbara Moore
Moon Phase & its meaning for this Moon~Coaching™ Creation Step:
GIbbous Moon - What adjustments do you need to make in order to accomplish your Libra New Moon Intention/Goal? Cut out any extraneous & unnecessary activites, and focus on the final push to make it so!
Moon Sign & exact degree for today's phase:
Pisces - 16th degree
Exact date & duration of this phase:
October 24 thru 27, 2015
Sabian Symbol for this today's phase (Marc Edmund Jones & Elsie Wheeler):
"In The Quiet Of His Study A Creative Individual Experiences A Flow Of Inspiration"
Card Image I pulled for this lunar phase:

This card (combined with the Pisces gibbous moon energy) tells us to flow Divine Energy as a final push to accomplish our Libra Seed Intention (remember that card was JUSTICE). Reread my Step 1/Libra New Moon post if you need to reconnect to the ideas we are working on throughout the entire moonth.
Temperance teaches us to move the energy from one form into another form. We are asked to position ourselves as a conduit for Divine Healing Energy, and tap into Spirit's Guidance, which will show us the Magickal Formula for Alchemically transforming that within ourselves which is ready for healing or transmutation. In this card we see the Angel of Healing, flowing waters (energy) from one cup to another cup, with full focus and intent on the action she is taking. Likewise, at this point in the Libra Moonth, with the Gibbous phase in Pisces, we may do well to focus intently on FLOWING this magickal energy using the Piscean skill of IMAGINATION...visualize this DIVINE ELIXIR feeding your Intention, giving it the last final push to bring it into manifest form, or the experience that you have been working on creating. Likewise, since the Gibbous energy is about energetic pruning, you may visualize that which is unnecessary gracefully flowing away from your life experience.
Paul Foster Case, the founder of Builders of the Adytum (, taught that this "Angel of Healing" was also one that 'tested' us - hence the idea of being 'TEMPERED' comes into play here. As this card is naturally resonant with the sign Sagittarius, our spiritual/religious/philosophical BELIEFS are included here. So we may do well to ask ourselves if the current events in our lives are 'testing' our values/beliefs...are we strong enough in our personal convictions to make it through the tempering process? Heat would be applied to this Alchemical process, to change us. to reformat us, to HEAL us at our Core. Or perhaps, we may find that our current values/beliefs need changing...again the idea of flowing from one form into another, so that we may reach a more Whole/Holistic way of Being.
Consider now the flow of energy from the New Moon in Libra (JUSTICE) to the Crescent Moon in Sagittarius (5 of SWORDS) to the 1st Quarter Moon in Capricorn (JUDGEMENT/Great Bear) to the Gibbous Moon in Pisces (TEMPERANCE). What intention did you set on October 12? What did your to-do plan include? What actions have you been taking? And now what adjustments do you need to make? The next phase is the FULL MOON PHASE, at which point you will hopefully see positive results, a FORM or EXPERIENCE resulting from these previous 4 steps/phases. We have intended to work on creating CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIPS, or bringing BALANCE INTO OUR LIVES, or experiencing BEAUTY & GRACE INTO OUR ACTIVITIES. Perhaps you have been working on a legal issue, or healing a particular relationship, or ending activities and connections that have kept you out of balance, or some other Libra/Justice theme.By now our actions have hopefully included taking careful steps in cutting negativity or unwanted behaviours or draining habits. Hopefully, we have also awakened to the power of the Beauty in our Souls demanding that honor our own Truth. And now we are to allow the Graceful Waters of Divine Healing to flow through our minds/relationships/beliefs so that we may be ready for the Full Phase celebration in just a few days.
I will share with you that regardless of what I had 'intended' as part of my own Moon~Coaching for myself, My Soul had other intentions. True to being attuned to the Cosmic Energies after years of working/creating/healing with Luna/Moon, Sol/Sun and Zodiac, my life was perfectly aligned with this Libra Portal. Hence, unbeknownst to my egoic personality, my Soul had the clearing/healing/balancing of my Marriage in mind for this cycle (NEW MOON/LIBRA/JUSTICE). So far, my Beloved Husband and I went through hell and back these past few days. He kept an important, life-changing piece of information from me (CRESCENT/SAGITTARIUS/5 of SWORDS), which left me feeling betrayed, and telling him the relationship is over, as I 'woke up' to some underlying truths that had not been properly addressed between us (1st QUARTER/CAPRICORN/JUDGEMENT-GREAT BEAR). I asked him for a divorce, he moved out, and then some drama happened, I spoke with one of my most trusted allies, got recentered, considered and weighed everything including taking back all projections, and being understanding/compassionate to both him and myself, invited him to do the same, opened the door for healing dialogue and rescripted agreements in our Relationship, he moved back in, and we are now healing together and individually, so we can rebuild our Life Together from a more Authentic, Honest, Balanced, Beautiful, Graceful and Loving Sacred Space. We used the Tools that we teach others in our seminars and playshops, but that in the craziness of life, we had forgotten to apply to our life together. So, we fell out of balance. We temporaritly lost the connection to the point that we almost made an even bigger mistake by choosing the easy way out - and yet, something deep from within both our Souls urged us to open up to one another, to share more deeply than we ever have, and make NEW DECISIONS based on AUTHENTIC PERSONAL TRUTH, that had a rightful place within the Sacred Space of our Marriage & Home. I'm sharing this to point out that sometimes, what we 'intend' at the new phase, may end up taking on a different look and feel and experience than what we first set out to accomplish. I had no idea how out of alignment my husband and I were until this cycle. It was big. It was messy. It was expensive. It was massively painful. It was cathartic. It was emPowering. It was enLightening. And it was FREEING. All aspects of the Astrological signs we have been traveling through in conjunction with the luanr phases as portals, and with the Tarot cards for each in hand, we were guided to better apply the lessons in our lives. Now, we still have the rest of this Gibbous phase to work with, then we will reach the Full Moon, and after that we move into the WANING HALF OF THE MOON CYCLE FOR THE LIBRA MOONTH. We are not done. We still have more to do, to feel, to understand, to heal, to integrate, to experience, to celebrate, to know. I am excited! Are you?
Now let's take a look at the description of this card, directly from the deck’s book:
“The Moon shines down on a serence scene as a woman sits peacefully in the midst of some rapids. Althought the water rushes around and under her, she is unaffected by it. She holds two chalices, pouring water from one to the other. Despite the churning chaos around her, she pours perfectly calmly, nothing distrubing her. This is the simple and elegant message of Temperance: to remain perfectly balanced and centered, no matter what the circumstances. This card is about balance, but not necessarily the way we think of balance. It does not mean equal amounts of everything all the time. It means remaining perfectly balanced, no matter what else is going on, which means Temperance is always in motion to adjust to changing environments and situations. Sometimes she needs to pour a little more out of one chalice, sometimes the other - it all depends on what is going on around her. This card suggests that you watch your balance. Take the time to make sure your reactions, decisions, and words are appropriate for the situation at hand. You are advised to practice moderation and patience. This is no time for extreme behaviour or melodramatic gestures.”
So, to recap, at time this 4th phase during the Libra Lunar Moonth, consider the manner in which you need re-adjusting your self, your activities, your actions, so that you are getting closer to your intention for greater balance and authenticity in your life. Position yourself to calmly make those adjustments as the need arises, intuiting the right actions.
Bring back to mind the 4 cards we have so far for this Libra Moonth, and combine the meaning of the cards, phases and signs:

At the new phase being step 1 (of the 8), Justice showed up to remind us to consider what is out of balance in our lives, as well as setting intentions that create Beauty and Harmony in our lives, and heal our Relationships. This all echoes the meaning of Libra since this 7th sign like Justice, is about clarity of thought in accomplishing balance, grace, and fairness with all our Relations.
At the crescent phase being step 2, we get pen and paper and plot out our 'how-to' and 'to-do' listing our ideas and potential action steps to accomplish the New Moon Intention. The 7 of swords tells us to be mindful and careful with this list, as well as sharing with our most trusted Allies what we are planning, in order to mainting our Seed Intention within the safety of our delicate cocoon of energetic nurturance. And Sagittarius reminds us to consider rewriting the script of or belief system if these are not in support of our goals/intention.
At the 1st quarter phase, step 3, we need to assess how far we've come, what judgements we hold in our hearts, either to ourselves, or for others. We call in our Ancestors and Allies for strength and will power to face these judgements, and the fears we may harbour about loss. And we take ACTION towards forgiving ourselves, others, and from this renewed sense of Self, we step forward through the gate, leaving strong roots of self-acceptance at this crossroads.
At the gibbous phase, step 4, we must take stock of where we find ourselves on our journey thus far, noting what needs further balancing and re-adjusting for soul-ful healing. The Angel of Healing in Temperance tempers us, asking us to change where we still need changing in our beliefs and attitudes, so that we are made more Whole, flowing with Divine Grace.
So far, we notice that even using 4 different Tarot decks, there is a resonance, a pattern, appearing regarding judgement, justice, fairness, and adjustment. These are powerful key words, and even more powerful concepts of which we need to take heed if we are to live our lives more purposefully and authentically!
ADDENDUM: One final piece to consider for those of you that wish to go even deeper, is the Sabian Symbol for the exact astrological degree of this gibbous phase: "In The Quiet Of His Study A Creative Individual Experiences A Flow Of Inspiration" So interesting that this Sabian Symbol includes the word 'flow' relating it to the flow that is ocurring in the Temperance card; as well as the word 'inspiration' which relates to the Pisces quality of this particular phase. I think it captures perfectly what I first wrote as advice for working with the astro-lunar energy these next few days: Position yourself to flow the Divine Currency of Grace into your Lives and allow THAT to inform you as to how to prune/adjust your actions leading up to the next phase.
So, now, it's YOUR turn! How are you going to apply this guidance to your goals/intention?
I will check back at the FULL Phase on October 27th, and pull another card to guide us through that part of the Cycle, when will will meet the Moon in Taurus.
Feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, InSights and your thoughts.
Peace & MoonBeam Blessings,
Silvia “MoonCoach” Pancaro
Creatrix of Moon~Coaching™