FULL MOON in Taurus - 10/27/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 5 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015
As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting you to pull a Tarot or Oracle card, and journal on the related themes. Rememer there are 8 phases in each cycle, and you may wish to review my first post explaining each of the lunar phases as it relates to your goal setting & intentions. As I've posted before, each lunar phase portal allows us to work with its energy, amplified by the Zodiac sign in which the Moon finds herself, and attuned to YOU via your astrological chart.
Today we continue with the FULL Moon phase, pulling a Tarot card to give us InSight into the necessary actions for Step 5 in the current moonth. I will pull a card for the Collective Consciousness reading this blog (which includes YOU). For the FULL phase in TAURUS, I am choosing to work with the Ancient Egyptian Tarot.
First let's consider a few key words for the Full Moon phase:
Manifestation. Realization. Illumination. Understanding. InSight. Celebration. Revelation.
And next, a few key words for Taurus:
Earth, body, physical matter, money, values, wealth, real estate, sensuality & senses, connection to your innate gifts/talents/abilities, security, foundation, stability, appreciation.
Card for Full Moon in Taurus: Princess of Disks (Pentacles) Deck: Ancient Egyptian Tarot
Deck Creators:
Clive Barrett
Moon Phase & its meaning for this Moon~Coaching™ Creation Step:
Full Moon - What have you manifested as a result of your New Moon intending, Crescent Moon Planning, 1st Quarter Moon Action, and Gibbous Moon Adjustments? What has been revealed to you as a result of your efforts? How can you celebrate your success? If the results are not quite what you originally intended, then apply the Light of your Awareness to the process you've undertaken thus far and see what lesson and understanding you have gained.
Moon Sign & exact degree for today's phase:
Taurus - 4th degree
Exact date & duration of this phase:
October 27 thru 30, 2015
Sabian Symbol for this today's phase (Marc Edmund Jones & Elsie Wheeler):
"The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow"
Card Image I pulled for this lunar phase:

With this card at the full phase, we are being invited to embody the qualities of the Princess of Pentacles - connecting to a very earthy energy (Pentacles = Element of Earth), so that we really take time to 'ground' the lessons and experiences and gifts of our Lunar Journey thus far. This card is indicative of applying ourselves to better learning, more efficiently working with, and more profoundly understanding the 3D realm of living on Earth, dealing with the practicalities and daily challenges of relationships (the theme of this lunar moonth, Libra). As the Full Phase is the point of manifestation in the lunar cycle, we now get to study (Princess) the tangible results (Pentacles) of all our efforts in the past 2 weeks since we first began working with our Libra New Moon intention/goal.
So, what have you manifested?
What have you brought into your life experience regarding relationships?
What is your new understanding about Beauty and Balance, resulting from everything you've been doing in the previous 4 steps (New, Crescent, 1st Quarter, Gibbous)? What is Luna revealing to you now that she is full, shining brightly in your Consciousness, about relationships, balance, harmony, fairness and beauty?
You'll want to consider too, that the Full Moon is in Taurus, so this revelation is of a down-to-earth practical nature - a Gift of Understanding that may feel more like an 'integration' of sorts. You may wish to ask yourself what is the most valuable lesson or Gift that you are taking in. resulting from your 2-week experience thus far.
Take a moment now, to bath under the fullness of Light, and allow your Consciousness to be filled with this REVELATION OF PURPOSE IN RELATIONSHIPS.
Consider now the flow of energy from the New Moon in Libra (JUSTICE) to the Crescent Moon in Sagittarius (5 of SWORDS) to the 1st Quarter Moon in Capricorn (JUDGEMENT/Great Bear) to the Gibbous Moon in Pisces (TEMPERANCE), to the Full Moon in Taurus (PRINCESS OF PENTACLE). What intention did you set on October 12? What did your to-do plan include? What actions did you take? What adjustments did you make? And now, at the FULL MOON PHASE, with Light Shining Brightly, you should be seeing positive results. What FORM or EXPERIENCE do you see resulting from the previous 4 steps/phases.
As I wrote last month at Gibbous: We have intended to work on creating CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIPS, or bringing BALANCE INTO OUR LIVES, or experiencing BEAUTY & GRACE INTO OUR ACTIVITIES. Perhaps you have been working on a legal issue, or healing a particular relationship, or ending activities and connections that have kept you out of balance, or some other Libra/Justice theme.By now our actions have hopefully included taking careful steps in cutting negativity or unwanted behaviours or draining habits. Hopefully, we have also awakened to the power of the Beauty in our Souls demanding that honor our own Truth. And as the previous phase, we allowed the Graceful Waters of Divine Healing to flow through our minds/relationships/beliefs so that we would be made ready for the Full Phase celebration at this time. Regardless of what may be your real life results, it is important that you CELEBRATE what you've accomplished. Even if it is a simple insight into your own nature - perhaps you have understood what you need in your Relationships in order to feel Whole - maybe you have gained greater clarity on what throws you off-balance when relating to others so that you can make better decisions in future relationships (or within existing ones) - and maybe you have reached a point of decision regarding a specific relationship...these are all powerful insights and places in Consciousness to be, so congratulate yourself for paying attention to yourSelf!
If you've been reading all 4 of my previous posts in my blog for this Libra Moonth, (and you are a Facebook friend), then you are aware that I I unwittingly faced some points of imbalance in my Marriage, which took my husband and I to the point of a temporary separation. It was absolutely a blessing in disguise, and part of this Libra Moonth Lunar Journey! Thanks the painful situation that we unconsciously co-created, we were invited by our Souls to discuss each of our wounds (the kind that predates a relationship, but that come up time and time again when we are in the 'safety' of a commited relationship), and also the ways we have been out of balance and out of integrity with each other and with ourselves. It's been an incredibly difficult yet empowering week, as Marcus and I opened up to share from our Heart Space. We made marvelous breakthroughs, and decided to reunite and continue our Journey together. But only after agreeing on what would keep us both in check with our respective issues, and agreeing on mutual honesty. We are much more aware of what the other has been dealing with internally, and also how each of us can sometimes inwittingly activate the other's issues when we are not conscious. For us, all this happened during the Libra lunar moonth , which as you all know by now, has been inviting the Collective to focus on Relationships, as well as noting how we are out of balance and out of harmony. The Timing was perfect for us, even though I had NOT consciously intended this. So, now at this Full Moon portal, I am looking back on the previous 2 weeks, and what transpired between my hubby and me, and I recognize the Bllessing, the Gift, the Insight, resulting from the previous portals. I encourage any and all of you who are currently struggling with any relationships, to step back from the emotional turmoil (Goddess knows I was in the thick of it last week), and find your Center in order to determine where the pain is anchored, and move to heal it from full awareness...then decide the best course of action for yourself, and for your Beloved. Remember, the Full phase is the time of MAXIMUM LIGHT during the 30-day lunar moonth, so, you have the FULL support of the Cosmos to gain a deep understanding of where you are in your Relationships! It doesn't have to be about marriage partners - it could be ANY type of Relationship - so take a look at what's been ocurring within the past couple of weeks, and find the Gift in the Challenge. And as I said previously, since this is happening in earthy Taurus, take steps to bring it down-to-earth in some tangible, practical way, so that the Wisdom gained becomes applicable to your everyday life experience! Be the Princess of Pentacles, and embody this now.
Two weeks ago as we began this Libra Lunar Moonth, I asked you to consider the following questions, which I again encourage you to journal upon, having reached the full/manifestation phase. Remember that the Full phase brings Illumination & Revelation, so you have hopefully received the necessary clarity to answer these questions for yourself:
● What condition are my relationships in? ● How can I bring greater harmony into all my relationships? ● What might I do to channel Beauty into my environment? ● What is throwing me 'off-balance' in any area of my life? ● What might I release from the scales, which blocks my Heart from fully loving mySelf, others or Life in general? ● What kind of thinking takes me off my Center? ● What activities help me re-Center back into Harmonious Thinking?
Now let's take a look at the description of this card, directly from the deck’s book:
“The Princess of Disks stands in a highly vegetated area, surrounded by lush green plants and trees. In the background there is a cliff-face. In her hand she holds a disk-tipped staff, whilst under her left arm she carries a large disk,inscribed with hieroglyphs representing the earth. Behind stands a wild ram.
Interpretation: A responsible, down-to-earth person, she is good in business matters and would make a more than able administrator. A diligent worker, honourable and conscientious. The Princess has a practical mind. She is careful with money and a good manager of financial affairs.”
So, to recap, at time this 5th phase during the Libra Lunar Moonth, consider how you have manifested your intention for greater balance and authenticity in your life. Notice what you have accomplished and make a commitment to yourSelf. Perhaps you may wish to create a ceremony celebrating this commitment to YOU.
Bring back to mind the 5 cards we have so far for this Libra Moonth, and combine the meaning of the cards, phases and signs:

At the new phase being step 1 (of the 8) in Libra, Justice showed up to remind us to consider what is out of balance in our lives, as well as setting intentions that create Beauty and Harmony in our lives, and heal our Relationships. This all echoes the meaning of Libra since this 7th sign like Justice, is about clarity of thought in accomplishing balance, grace, and fairness with all our Relations.
At the crescent phase being step 2 in Sagittarius, we get pen and paper and plot out our 'how-to' and 'to-do' listing our ideas and potential action steps to accomplish the New Moon Intention. The 7 of swords tells us to be mindful and careful with this list, as well as sharing with our most trusted Allies what we are planning, in order to mainting our Seed Intention within the safety of our delicate cocoon of energetic nurturance. And Sagittarius reminds us to consider rewriting the script of or belief system if these are not in support of our goals/intention.
At the 1st quarter phase, step 3 in Capricorn, we need to assess how far we've come, what judgements we hold in our hearts, either to ourselves, or for others. We call in our Ancestors and Allies for strength and will power to face these judgements, and the fears we may harbour about loss. And we take ACTION towards forgiving ourselves, others, and from this renewed sense of Self, we step forward through the gate, leaving strong roots of self-acceptance at this crossroads.
At the gibbous phase, step 4 in Pisces, we must take stock of where we find ourselves on our journey thus far, noting what needs further balancing and re-adjusting for soul-ful healing. The Angel of Healing in Temperance tempers us, asking us to change where we still need changing in our beliefs and attitudes, so that we are made more Whole, flowing with Divine Grace.
At the full phase, step 5 in Taurus, we see revealed before us the results of all our previous efforts, the manifestation of greater Harmony in our lives. Through this portal, comes a joyous understanding of what Relationship means to us personally, and hopefully the opportunity to live in a vibration of higher Love, Agape, as we look into the eyes of each Individual that we relate to, including ourselves. With Taurus + the Princess of Pentacles, we may celebrate this discovery with all our physical senses, reveling sensually in all that feels good and right to us.
ADDENDUM: One final piece to consider for those of you that wish to go even deeper, is the Sabian Symbol for the exact astrological degree of this full phase: "The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow." This certainly feels fitting for the MANIFESTATION PHASE - the Full Moon! Hopefully, we have all found our own personal GOLD - the Beauty, Grace and Harmony that we all deserve when we are authentically and lovingly expressing ourselves in all our relationships! What is YOUR gold?
I will check back at the DISSEMINATING Phase on October 30th, and pull another card to guide us through that part of the Cycle, when will will meet the Moon in Gemini.
Feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, InSights and your thoughts.
Peace & MoonBeam Blessings,
Silvia “MoonCoach” Pancaro
Creatrix of Moon~Coaching™