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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

LAST QUARTER MOON in Leo - 11/3/15: Moon~Coaching™ Step 7 of 8 for Libra Moonth, 2015

As MoonCoach™, I will act as your guide on this Lunar Journey, guiding you through each lunar phase during the Libra Moonth, prompting you to pull a Tarot or Oracle card, and journal on the related themes. Rememer there are 8 phases in each cycle, and you may wish to review my first post explaining each of the lunar phases as it relates to your goal setting & intentions. As I've posted before, each lunar phase portal allows us to work with its energy, amplified by the Zodiac sign in which the Moon finds herself, and attuned to YOU via your astrological chart.

Today we continue with the LAST QUARTER Moon phase, pulling a Tarot card to give us InSight into the necessary actions for Step 7 in the current moonth. I will pull a card for the Collective Consciousness reading this blog (which includes YOU). For the LAST QUARTER phase in LEO, I am choosing to work with the Tarot of New Vision.

First let's consider a few key words for the Last Quarter Moon phase:

Reorientation. Release. Completion. Tieing up loose ends. Closure.

And next, a few key words for Leo:

Fire. Passion. Creativity. Drama. The Stage. Radiate. Light. Joy. Creative Self Expression. Brilliance. PLAY!!! Children & Childlike Innocence.

Card for Last Quarter Moon in Leo:

Queen of Wands Deck: Tarot of New Vision

Deck Creators:

Pietro Alligo and Raul & Gianluca Cestaro

Moon Phase & its meaning for this Moon~Coaching™ Creation Step:

Last Quarter Phase - This is the time to move to a consciousness of closure. Reorient your focus from what you've been doing and learning, to one of completion. Tie up any loose ends from this Libra cycle, and prepare to move into the stillness of the next phase.

Moon Sign & exact degree for today's phase:

Leo - 11th degree

Exact date & duration of this phase:

November 3 through 7, 2015

Sabian Symbol for this today's phase (Marc Edmund Jones & Elsie Wheeler):

"Early Morning Dew Sparkles As Sunlight Floods The Field."

Card Image I pulled for this lunar phase:​​

During the Last Quarter phase, we need to re-orient ourselves, moving from being actively engaged in our process, to closing down the energy as we shift towards completion. We do a sort of 'about-face' after tying loose ends, so I chose the Tarot of New Vision as it really captures the spirit of the Last Quarter phase. And here we find the Queen of Wands, who is looking out in one direction, while these other 2 ladies are behind her throne, facing away in a different direction. This tells us that perhaps we need to consider taking a 'behind the scenes' look at how we have managed our creative power throughout this entire process. The queen is royalty - that Divine Feminine Power that creates, and wands = fire = will = spirit, so we may consider integrating that aspect of our Psyche that guides us via intuition, when considering all relationships. Have you had moments of spontaneous 'knowing' through this Libra lunar moonth? Did you listen to this guidance? Was there a 'conversation' taking place between parts of yourself as you pondered on creating harmony in your relationships? And ultimately, have you aligned these parts of yourself into an inner harmonious relationship? These inner dynamics of Consciousness are reflected in your outer life experience, so perhaps a part of this phase's invitation is to take notice of how the relationships in your 'outer reality' actually mimick the 'inner reality' of these various aspects of your Psyche...especially the ones you worked on during this cycle.

On a more practical, everyday level, the Last Quarter phase in combination with Leo (fire sign symbolizing healthy egoic expression), asks us to integrate the opportunites for authentic expression that came our way this moonth, as well as focusing on how much more authentic and true to our Core Essence we feel at this point, as we near closure of this lunar moonth. And in adding the symbolism of this card, we need to integrate the basic lesson of Libra: that the most important relationship we have is the one with our Self. As we reorient our focus towards closure, let us take with us the gift of nourishing ourselves first and foremost, before expressing ourselves in relationships with others.

This version of the Queen of Wands also insinuates love, tenderness and compassion within a 'shared' we see the older, maternal figure, tending kindly to the younger woman. There is wisdom in being kind to ourselves, regardless of our all other relationships. So, my invitation to all of you (myself included) is to be compassionate with yourself at this phase. We may not have achieved the exact results that we originally anticipated, but the fact that we focused on what we wanted, and that we took actions, is of great merit. So, lovingly acknowledge yourSelf, your courage, your passion, your desire...all those qualities that brought you through this moonth. And hold on to those experiences which gave you further insight into creating Beauty, harmony, balance and fairness in Love and all your relationships. Also notice those activities and/or people that nourish your Soul. Make a note of these in your journal, and trust that all is in Divine Order.

Now let's take a look at the description of this card, directly from the deck’s book:

“In the middle of a field of flowers, a queen sits on a stone throne. She holds a sunflower in her left hand; in her right, a wand sprouts new shoots. Her image, sculpted on the back of the throne, recalls the card's original version, complete with the black cat (a symbol of mysterious affection, close at hand, but still detached) at her feet. A young farm worker and a handmaiden sit behind the throne with a basket full of fruit. The handmaid stands in for the queen, who, by virtue of being on the other side of the throne, is quite inaccessible. The relationship between the handmaid and the young girl is friendly, almost sisterly, and portrays an image of serenity. The full basket of fruit indicates a 'fruitful' relationship between these people, and suggests mutual help.

MAIN MEANINGS: Mature, friendly and maternal woman. She allows people to get near her, but expects absolute sincerity. She has a lot of experience. She could solve a problem."

So, to recap, at this 7th phase during the Libra Lunar Moonth, integrate the 'fruits' of your efforts in terms of balance, beauty, harmony and fairness in relationships; move towards closure and completion, trusting that you will continue to build upon this success in future cycles. See that you've planted seeds of awareness regarding who and what feeds you when you relate with others. You are now in a position of greater self-awareness, which is an important gift with which to move forward, and take with you into the next cycle.

Bring back to mind the 7 cards we have so far for this Libra Moonth, and combine the meaning of the cards, phases and signs:

At the new phase being step 1 (of the 8) in Libra, Justice showed up to remind us to consider what is out of balance in our lives, as well as setting intentions that create Beauty and Harmony in our lives, and heal our Relationships. This all echoes the meaning of Libra since this 7th sign like Justice, is about clarity of thought in accomplishing balance, grace, and fairness with all our Relations.

At the crescent phase being step 2 in Sagittarius, we got pen and paper and plotted out our 'how-to' and 'to-do' list, noting our ideas and potential action steps to accomplish the New Moon Intention. The 7 of swords told us to be mindful and careful with this list, as well as sharing with our most trusted Allies what we are planning, in order to maintain our Seed Intention within the safety of our delicate cocoon of energetic nurturance. And Sagittarius reminded us to consider rewriting the script of or belief system if these are not in support of our goals/intention.

At the 1st quarter phase, step 3 in Capricorn, we assessed how far we've come, what judgements we hold in our hearts, either to ourselves, or for others. We called in our Ancestors and Allies for strength and will power to face these judgements, and the fears we may have harboured about loss. And we took ACTION towards forgiving ourselves, others, and from this renewed sense of Self, we stepped forward through the gate, leaving strong roots of self-acceptance at this crossroads.

At the gibbous phase, step 4 in Pisces, we took stock of where we found ourselves on our journey thus far, noting what needed further balancing and re-adjusting for soul-ful healing. The Angel of Healing in Temperance tempered us, asking us to change where we still needed changes in our beliefs and attitudes, so that we were made more Whole, flowing with Divine Grace.

At the full phase, step 5 in Taurus, we saw revealed before us the results of all our previous efforts, the manifestation of greater Harmony in our lives. Through this portal, comes a joyous understanding of what Relationship means to us personally, and hopefully the opportunity to live in a vibration of higher Love, Agape, as we look into the eyes of each Individual that we relate to, including ourselves. With Taurus + the Princess of Pentacles, we may celebrate this discovery with all our physical senses, reveling sensually in all that feels good and right to us.

At the disseminating phase, step 6 in Gemini, we now share the results with our allies (perfect for Gemini), and in particular notice the blessings we have received in relationships, as shown by the 9 of Cups. We can ask ourselves, what fills us, what brings us emotional satisfaction and how can we offer others the cup of our own love and appreciation?

At the last quarter phase, step 7 in Leo,we turn our attention from actively working on relationship themes, to looking within our Heart to integrate the wisdom gained through all our efforts. We may notice a greater self-awareness about our needs and desires for all our relationships, compassionately tending to ourselves, now having a better understanding of what throws us off balance, so making a commitment to being more proactive in making conscious choices that lead to consistently acting from our inner fulcrum point.

ADDENDUM: One final piece to consider for those of you that wish to go even deeper, is the Sabian Symbol for the exact astrological degree of this last quarter phase: "Early Morning Dew Sparkles As Sunlight Floods The Field." This feels really good! To imagine this in my Mind's Eye, it feels like confirmation of a job well done! With this phase occuring in Leo (ruled by the Sun), the energy of sunlight naturally plays into our self-awareness and understanding. And put together with the Queen of Wands card, wherein she is facing a great field, it seems that we may all focus now on our achievement with gratitude...and leaving behind us the relationship focus, which is sparkling with early morning dew.

I will check back at the BALSAMIC Phase on November 7, and pull another card to guide us through the ENDING of the Cycle, when will will meet the Moon in VIRGO.

Feel free to contact me with questions, suggestions, InSights and your thoughts.

Peace & MoonBeam Blessings,

Silvia “MoonCoach” Pancaro

Creatrix of Moon~Coaching™

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