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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

GEMINI New Moon + SAGITTARIUS Full Moon 2016: A Lighthearted Astro-Tarot Spread

​I've been on hiatus awhile...leave it to the Sagittarius energy to pull me out of hiding, and with these 2 Full Moons in the sign of the Celestial and Fiery Archer (which happens to be my own natal Moon and Rising sign), I could not help but be lit up with passion and curiosity!

So, I've decided that enough is enough - these past few weeks, months have been very intense - and not just for me! Therefore, instead of a deeply introspective post, I figured we'd lighten things up a bit, courtesy of the new moon in playful GEMINI! Let's pull just 2 cards for now - with the intention of lightening life up a bit this lunar moonth, amidst the seriousness of having quite a powerful planetary line up called a 'Grand Cross' which invites us towards taking let this action start off with a sense of playful and joyous FUN!

Focus on FUN. What might your Soul want to do this lunar moonth to free up any stuck Energy in your chakras and body systems? Gemini rules communication, ideas, words, community, information, the internet and all media; and it is an AIR sign, ruled by the planet Mercury, so there's a playful and light-hearted energy about it. Mercury claims the 'Trickster' archetype for itself, and loves to LAUGH and play jokes. In fact, Gemini is great with comedy and keeping its youthful joi de vivre (French for 'joy of living'), but NOT taking life so seriously (that's Capricorn's job). With this new moon in Gemini, we may look at the area of our own Astrological Chart that is claimed by this fun-loving zodiacal sign, and find some glimmer of joy in that spot!

So, start by focusing exactly on that Gemini spot in YOUR chart, and pulling a card (Tarot or other Oracular card deck, or Runes if you prefer), to give you an idea of the type of FUN & PLAYFUL activity you need to participate in throughout the waxing half of the lunar moonth. The idea is that this sense of playful experience will lead you to a part of you that may have been covered up under layers of old, early childhood beliefs that have been putting a hamper on things. The natural Gemini house in the Zodiacal Wheel is the 3rd House which gives us clues about what we may have experienced in our early childhood education, which invariably would have included some spirit-dampening events, leading to the creation of some faulty beliefs about Who We Are.

I believe that letting that young boy or girl out to PLAY will help us to heal some of those silly ideas that we may have been holding onto for far too long. Don't ya think?

Now, the 2nd card will relate to the SAGITTARIUS area of your natal chart. And if you've been really good about playing in the first 2 weeks of this cycle, by the time we reach the Full Moon at the final degree of Sagittarius, we should have uncovered and recovered some WONDROUS aspect of ourselves that we may have forgotten all about. The LIGHT of the Full Moon phase will allow us to take a really good look at ourSelves, especially in light of (pun intended) of our BELIEFS. So, hopefully, you'll take this light-hearted spread very seriously (!) and in the course of playing all out, you'll come into contact with your Inner Wise Wo/Man who is probably laughing out loud at how damn seriously you've been taking your Spiritual Journey all these years! Seriously! Sagittarius is the Vision Quester - the one who goes 'in search of' his/her Highest Spiritual Ideal, and this is a VERY BIG DEAL, so it's no laughing matter to 'Find God' for some folks...even the New Age ones! But REALLY? The older one gets, the crazier it all starts to sound - therefore, let's PLAY even MORE, and in a BIGGER way now that we are at the Full Moon stage.

Pull a card for the aspect of your Self that you will remember, recover, uncover and EMBRACE! The Sagittarius seeking will reach it's TARGET : That Wise One inside, who loves to find meaning in all situations, and relates all of it to Spirit - how each activity, each experience, each creation, each AHA and every HAHA is a REVELATION OF SPIRIT in YOU, in ME, in ALL!

So, go ahead: Make some Fun, and let the Light shine on!

Peace, Laughter and lots of Sun Rays & Moon Beams,

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

Creatrix of Moon~Coaching ™

and Moon + Tarot = Magick!


Be sure read more about how this lunar month offers ALL of us (regardless of your Sun sign):

And please RSVP to join me for the Gemini Vision~ing Webinar on Sunday, June 5:

Moon + Tarot = Magick! layout spread instructions + video below:

Card Position 1:


What activity can I do over the course of the next 2 weeks (while the Moon waxes from New to Full), beginning on June 4 at the Gemini New Moon, FOR THE SHEER FUN OF IT?

Card Position 2:


What new and wonderful trait or aspect of mySelf will I discover/recover at the Sagittarius Full Moon of June 20, as a result of opening mySelf up to good, old-fashioned Fun & Play?

So, what are you waiting for? Get to it!

Here's a little video to get you going (click on picture):

And if you'd like a one-on-one Moon~Coaching™ or Tarot/Moon Magick session with me, please email me for information and scheduling. I'm always happy to help!

TO ILLUSTRATE the 2-Card Moon-Tarot Spread, I will show you my cards, and how I arrived at my activity and

wonderment themes for my Gemini/Sagittarius Moonth:


Gemini New Moon:

Phantasmagoric Theater Tarot

Page of Wands

  • The 1st thing I noticed was the open star-shaped window, then the paint brush! Additionally, a bunch of Stars and then the dice.

  • 9 red stars + star window + his Star shaped wand +11 Stars total. Maybe paint 11 Stars over the next 2 weeks?

  • Maybe paint 11 Star Charts (natal astrology charts in some uniquely artistic way?).

  • Hey! Star and Arts = same letters!! Also START...Star+Art=START!

  • The page of wand Starts Star Arts - Charts!

  • Also the dice show: 1, 2, 6 so 1 + 2 = 3 + 6 = 9. Maybe invoke The Hermit to help me as my Ally this Moonth? Or maybe invoke The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Lovers?

  • I also see a Lucky Clover on his forehead...listen to Intuition for lucky numbers?

  • And a $ sign in his left ear...yes, definately listen to my Intuition for lucky numbers!

  • And a ? sign on his tie at the Solar Plexus Chakra??? I have no clue what this one could simply QUESTION what may pull or tug at my gutt...don't let questionable situations 'tie' me up?!

  • His Star Wand is his Power and Ability to work/create/play with Astrology.

  • The Star Window is a reminder to look beyond the confines of my immediate space...perhaps consider looking outside for other perspectives and Answers.

  • His striped high hat = an antenna connecting me to Divine Realms? God?

  • And the paintbrush? Definitely time to get playing with Art!!

Sagittarius Full Moon:

Karma Tarot

Page of Coins

  • The Sacred Mirror of Self is what I see here!

  • A fiery chandelier hanging above me to mirror back my Divine Self - my True Self from the Upper Regions of Divine Lands.

  • I will recover and discover and uncover my Long Lost True Divine Goddess Self! My Moon as Mirror of my Highest Potential, in connection to my Ascendant (Sagittarius).

  • I see a Woman (me) with long braids forming this strange sort of mirror chandelier, and she's holding a Holy Book, as the High Priestess does. My inner High Priestess?

  • As this is the suit of coins/pentacles, then Earth and 3D reality is a part of this - the Full Moon will certainly be a 'manifestation' in 3D of the Memory of my Highest Self.

  • As above, so below. As within, so without.

To recap, during the 1st 2 weeks of the Gemini lunar moonth, beginning June 4, 2016, I give myself creative license, to play with Stars and Arts in some new way!

In expressing myself creatively this way, by the Sagittarius full moon, I will discover an aspect of myself that is the very Root and Truth of my Be~ing.

It also feels as if in listening to the intuitive voice in the first two weeks and playing according to the 'sounds' I hear with my inner ear,

I will likely have new material to bring into form, to manifest into my book on Moon + Tarot = Magick! or perhaps another creative project in physical, written form.

When I put the 2 cards from the different decks together, side by side, I see:

  • The Connection between the Star Wand, and the Woman in the Sky holding up the Mirror.

  • It's telling me that I must pick up my Star Self from the table, to play, to create to have fun...and then this part of me will be elevated to its/my natural position as a Star in the Sky!

  • Also the Page of Wands looks almost puzzled, as he looks straight at the Star Wand...what do I do with this? he seems to be asking.

  • Whereas the Page of Coins is looking self-assured, confident, as she looks straight into her Book.

  • The Diamond that crowns the Page of Coins' Crown Chakra leads me to think that might be 'hidden' underneath the high hat of the Page of Wands!

  • Both Pages actually have the Throat Chakra accentuated in different ways: He has a neck tie, and she has an opening that runs down her body from the neck...and in both it ends at the Solar Plexus.

  • So, there is a connection between both Pages, drawing attention to the Crown, Throat and Solar Plexus Chakras: Divine Inspiration, Self-Expression via the Voice, and Power Management.

  • A major difference between the 2 are that he is fully clothed, and she is fully nude. Masculine and Feminine. Also the Eyes are accentuated in both Pages. So, by giving my masculine left brain permission to play with right brain tools, I will free up my Feminine Higher Mind. Through the Eyes, I will learn to 'see' into deeper territory, learning and eventually teaching new things, or in new forms.

  • And the largest things on each card are the Paint Brush, and the Mirror. I 'WONDER' if I must 'paint' myself in 11 different ways?

  • Or play with 11 different aspects of mySelf, especially as these relate to The Hermit, The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Lovers?

I look forward to the next 2 weeks beginning tomorrow, and to the wondrous discovery I will be making of mySelf!!

Now, the descriptions from the Little White Books:


"This is Doctor Lock, the Page of Wands, a philosopher with an open mind, who is full of good intentions. Doctor Lock confronts the limitations of his existing wand and removes a larger star from the wall behind him. This enables him to expand his wand and thereby increase the scope of his own horizons, opening himself up to new people and fresh ideas. Divinatory meaning: Doctor Lock represents exciting new horizons and possibilities."

KARMA TAROT by Birgit Boline Erfurt -

"The Page of Coins is the princess of the mountains and valleys of echoes. She sits contemplatively on her flaming mirror-throne, mastering her element - dark, strange landscapes that repeat messages of self-inquiry and subordination to nature. The mirror image indicates concentration, study and search demanding efficiency, and education for analytic exploration. Interpretations: Caution out of duty. A good, sensible administrator. Respect for knowledge. Someone who brings good news of economic stability. Dedication to learning."

So, taking my cue next from the LWB info, on the Gemini New Moon, I will open my mind up to new creative possibilities, and play with fresh ideas that come to mind. And on the Sagittarius Full Moon, I will discover Self-Mastery over the elements of my own Earthy nature so that I can manifest my goals with more ease and grace and joy.

Additionally, when I overlay these 2 cards into my own Astrological Chart:

I see that the Page of Wands/Gemini activates my natal 6th house - so I need to do these activities on a DAILY basis, not just on the day of the new moon. I need to make a HABIT of this type of creative play activity, so that it positively impacts my health and well being, as well as creating a sense of sacred space around me.

And the Page of Coins/Sagittarius activates my natal 1st house, relating to my sense of Self-Expression in the World, and this discovery is actually an important aspect of my Persona, and Life Purpose. As it also is within a few degrees of my natal Moon in Sagittarius, this recovery of Self includes a critical part of All That It Am - specifically my Soul. In essence, the more I do the Page of Wands in the waxing part of this lunar cycle, the more effective and powerful will be the effect on my Life Purpose being this it's a sort of Soul Retrieval that I'll be undergoing due to the involvement of my natal Moon.

Ok, I hope this example with my own cards and astrology chart served to inspire you to do this FUN and yet PROFOUND Play this lunar moonth! Like I said, get to it! And if you need help with this, and would like a private session with me, contact me for an appointment via the 'contact' page on my website!


Bright Blessings,

Silvia MoonCoach Pancaro

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