CRESCENT Phase in VIRGO on 7/7/16 for CANCER/CAPRICORN Lunar Moonth

First, let's restate the key themes for this lunar moonth in Cancer, related to the Great Mother:
Family, nurturing, emotional safety, the Home, the Ancestors and all things related to our Inheritance from them, including DNA and Karma; as well as all that is Maternal, and of course the Womb and Breasts as the sources of of Life and Nourishment; including the healing of the Inner Child; and with the Moon being 'ruler' of this sign, we also add the quintessential archetype of THE Divine Feminine into this powerful Cauldron from which can all draw spiritual sustenance and psychic healing.
Next, let's consider key words for the Crescent Phase + Virgo:
Crescent -Phase/Step 2 relates to having more clarity as we see a lovely sliver of moon, lighting our path ahead. It invites us to consider our plan of action, and consider who might be our allies, who would be best capable of helping us on our lunar journey, towards manifesting our seed intention by the full moon. This is when you get your pencil & paper out to create your step-by-step action plan, and write out the list of names. Take the necessary action to get the ball rolling.
Virgo is an Earth element sign, so it's concerned with practical matters, and is very hands-on. Key words include, earthy, practical, details, organization, efficiency, work hard, priestess archetype, service, sacred work, daily routine, to-do lists, healing, clutter clearing, discernment.
Combining Crescent + Virgo, we have a few days during this phase to get down to the very practical details of our plan. This asks us to take action on a daily basis, as part of our normal routine, and connect daily with our allies if need be. Consider what the most essential points are and make sure you are committed to these action steps. Pray every day, too. So, I found this great quote that says it perfectly, that supposedly is from The Bible (not sure, though):

So, as you know from reading my previous Cancer/Capricorn post, my intention for this lunar moonth is to work on the healing of my physical WombSpace, and reconnecting to the great Mother, in order to rebirth myself anew as the Soular Priestess. Take a moment to review the 'cheat sheet' of my Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, which relates each of the main 8 lunar phases to a particular step or activity to be taken over the course of the entire lunar moonth, which is what I'm blogging about, phase by phase:

Now re-familiarized with the above 8 steps, let us recap the cards I pulled for the entire lunar month, and continue the reading:
CANCER LUNAR MOONTH: Starting at New Phase at 13th degree, on July 4th, 2016.
SEED THEME/FOCUSED INTENTION: Heal My Womb Temple & Connect to Great Mother Goddess.
CARDS PULLED AS FOLLOWS (Using 8 different Tarot & Oracle decks,. *Titles listed at end of blog):
NEW in Cancer/Step 1: Neith - Queen of Wands - Creative Power of Nature
CRESCENT in Virgo/Step 2: Tiger - Lunar Force (Phases we are covering here now)
1st QUARTER in Libra/Step 3: X Fortune - Danae & Zeus
GIBBOUS in Sagittarius/Step 4: IV The Emperor - Purusha
FULL in Capricorn/Step 5: Eight of Vessels - Rebirth
DISSEMINATING in Pisces/Step 6: XX Judgement - Resurrection & Renewal
LAST QUARTER in Taurus/Step 7: II The High Priestess - Pythia
BALSAMIC in Gemini/Step 8: Base Chakra - I am always safe & secure
SPIRITUAL CORE/Central card representing my Guide: ZERO - Fairy Queen/Flying into Spring
NOTE: The pictures show the Tarot or Oracle card for each phase, alongside my own Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards. These are self-published, and available
by contacting me directly, should you be interested.

Card 2
Crescent Phase:
TIGER (from Wild Unknown's Animal Spirit Oracle), comes to me at the Crescent Phase, to act as a powerful Ally. In this deck, the author writes that Tiger represents "lunar force, ease in darkness and feminine energy." Since the Crescent is about gathering one's Tools, and organizing an action plan and your allies, Tiger here is confirming that I need to rely on my Moon Tools, that I can call upon all my Lunar Allies, and stay on my path towards the full phase manifestation by continuing to work the lunar cycle, and specifically the energy of the Divine Feminine. It makes sense that the Tiger is acting on behalf of the Queen of Wands, as both are fiery in nature, and determined as well as courageous. Therefore the main qualities that I need to take on during this part of the cycle, are Courage & Focus. So, positioned as the Queen of Wands, I am taking up my bow and arrows, and applying my all to Singular Intention and Committed Focus, with this Lunar Tiger by my side as my Ally. Since the Crescent phase is in earthy and practical Virgo, and the Tiger hunts at night, the practical advice is to do a lot of work during the evening hours, under cover of darkness.
I'll remind you that for over 2 years I've been suffering with hormonal issues, and was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyps, menoraghia, and a host of other womb-related health challenges. It's been getting worse, but I refuse to have a hysterectomy nor allow a knife inside of me. I choose to heal naturally at a physical level, and spiritually on the causative level.
As you know, I've got the following books by various respected Teachers/Authors on the subject of womb healing. These books are: Womb Wisdom by Padma Aon Prakash and Anyaia Sophia; Sacred Woman by Queen Afua; and Menopausal Years-The Wise Woman Way by the incomparable Susun Weed. Aside from reading the books, and doing the excexercises in them, I have signed up up to do a 9-month program Called Womb Illumination; and also various processes with Deeana Lam via her Red Tent work. I think I've got some powerful Allies in these books, materials, classes and teachers. I've got my special supplements , essential oils, Yoni steams and herbs all set up, too. And I'm committed to taking action every day, on the physical level, as well as the emotional and spiritual/energetic levels.

Reviewing my Crescent Moon Card, along side the 2nd step questions from my Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards, I answer the prompts: I have created my cosmic to-do list by ordering herbs, oils, supplements, books and online course materials to take the necessary actions on a daily basis.
To answer the question on my meditation card: How can you literally manifest your new moon dream?
I will manifest my Womb healing and rebirth myself as the Soular Priestess by taking very good care of myself, releasing what no longer serves me, and calling in my Allies for support as needed. I will take daily supplements, and be very discerning as to the foods I eat, and how I nourish my WombSpace. I will dedicate quality time and attention each and every day to my healing process using all the Sacred tools I have at my disposal. And I do so taking into account that this Crescent moon in Virgo is happening inside of my natal 9th house, so I will write about it, share my journey with others in the hope that it will serve to teach other women about this, and help men understand the importance of Womb Health for the relationship between women and men.
I think that about covers it for now. I will continue with the 1st Quarter phase on July 11. Here is a schedule of the lunar phases for this lunar moonth, should you wish to add it to your calendar:
NEW Moon in Cancer: July 4, 2016
CRESCENT Moon in Virgo: July 7, 2016
1st QUARTER Moon in Libra: July 11, 2016
GIBBOUS Moon in Sagittarius: July 15, 2016
FULL Moon in Capricorn: July 19, 2016
DISSEMINATING Moon in Pisces: July 23, 2016
LAST QUARTER Moon in Taurus: July 26, 2016
BALSAMIC Moon in Gemini: July 30, 2016
If you'd like a personal Moon + Tarot x YOU = Magick! session with me as your Guide, please feel free to set up an appointment by emailing me, or visit my services page for more information.
I wish you the very best on your own Lunar Journey this moonth!
Peace, Laughter and lots of Sun Rays & Moon Beams,
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro
Creatrix of Moon~Coaching ™
and Moon + Tarot = Magick!
Be sure read more about how this lunar month offers ALL of us (regardless of your Sun sign):
And please RSVP to join me for the Gemini Vision~ing Webinar on Monday July 4, 2016:
*I would like to thank and acknowledge the amazing and gifted Artists and Authors and publishers of the many Tarot & Oracle decks that I use in all my Sacred Work, in classes, blogs and seminars. If you saw cards that resonate for YOU, please purchase the Tarot & Oracle decks. I chose these decks because they resonated for me according to the sign, element and phase of this particular cycle. I use different decks each lunar moonth, so you will see a great variety of decks moonth to moonth. And feel free to contact me if you need help choosing the right decks for you. the decks I used for the Cancer Lunar Moonth 2016, are as follows:
NEW Moon: Tarot of the Sacred Feminine by Floreana Nativo
CRESCENT Moon: Wild Unknown's Animal Spirit Oracle by Kim Krans
1st QUARTER Moon: The Lover's Path Tarot by Kriss Waldherr
GIBBOUS Moon: Sacred Indian Tarot by Kiren Rai
FULL Moon: The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthingon
DISSEMINATING Moon: 78 Tarot - Nautical Tarot of the Water by Artists Assembled
LAST QUARTER Moon: Tarot of Delphi by JD. Hildegard Hinkel
BALSAMIC Moon: Connected & Free - The Alchemist's oracle by Lauren Aletta
EXTRA - GUIDE of MOONTH: Triple Goddess Tarot by Isha Lerner & Mara Fiedman
Moon + Tarot = Magick!
layout spread special Art graphic
to print and inspire you all lunar moonth long!

Bright Blessings,
Silvia MoonCoach Pancaro