GIBBOUS Phase at 10 SAGITTARIUS on 7/15 thru 7/19 for CANCER/CAPRICORN Lunar Moonth

First, let's restate the key themes for this lunar moonth in Cancer, related to the Great Mother:
Family, nurturing, emotional safety, the Home, the Ancestors and all things related to our Inheritance from them, including DNA and Karma; as well as all that is Maternal, and of course the Womb and Breasts as the sources of of Life and Nourishment; including the healing of the Inner Child; and with the Moon being 'ruler' of this sign, we also add the quintessential archetype of THE Divine Feminine into this powerful Cauldron from which can all draw spiritual sustenance and psychic healing.
Next, let's consider key words for the Gibbous Phase + Sagittarius:
Gibbous/Step 3 relates to pruning away unnecessary activity, and having a strong focus on the end-result. This requires that we take note of how we may be siphoning off energy into the wrong areas, and just STOP doing that. Instead we are invited to zero in on our Intention, thinking back to the New Moon Intention, and thinking forward to the Full Moon Goal (how the original intention will can/ manifest), and then putting all your energies into THAT.
Use your tools! Take efficient action. Let nothing stop you. BIG EFFORT NOW!
Sagittarius is a FIRE element sign, so it's concerned with creativity, passion, drive, vitality and inspiration from the elemental perspective. Archetypally, Sagittarius key themes are the Vision Quest, Beliefs, Mission and Purpose, Freedom, Spiritual Search for Higher Truth,
Sharing the Wisdom Gained from One's Exploratory Journey with Others,
Joy and Enthusiasm, Play and Exploration, Sport and Exercise, Teaching and Wisdom.
Combining Gibbous + Sagittarius, we have a few days during this phase to become very focused on our ultimate target. We need to clear away self-sabotaging beliefs that would otherwise undermine the progress of our activities towards a successful outcome. Gibbous requires strong action, and Sagittarius gives us the passionate enthusiasm to push ahead with full force. Gibbous says 'cut away the non-essential' and Sagittarius says 'go for the gold' so together at this point, we need to disregard the obstacles & focus on the finish line.
So, as you know from reading my Cancer/Capricorn post, my intention for this lunar moonth is to work on the healing of my physical WombSpace, and reconnecting to the great Mother, in order to rebirth myself anew as the Soular Priestess. Take a moment to review the 'cheat sheet' of my Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, which relates each of the main 8 lunar phases to a particular step or activity to be taken over the course of the entire lunar moonth, which is what I'm blogging about, phase by phase:

Now re-familiarized with the above 8 steps, let us recap the cards I pulled for the entire lunar month, and continue the reading:
CANCER LUNAR MOONTH: Starting at New Phase at 13th degree, on July 4th, 2016.
SEED THEME/FOCUSED INTENTION: Heal My Womb Temple & Connect to Great Mother Goddess.
CARDS PULLED AS FOLLOWS (Using 8 different Tarot & Oracle decks,. *Titles listed at end of blog):
NEW in Cancer/Step 1: Neith - Queen of Wands - Creative Power of Nature
CRESCENT in Virgo/Step 2: Tiger - Lunar Force
1st QUARTER in Libra/Step 3: X Fortune - Danae & Zeus
GIBBOUS in Sagittarius/Step 4: IV The Emperor - Purusha (Phase we are covering now)
FULL in Capricorn/Step 5: Eight of Vessels - Rebirth
DISSEMINATING in Pisces/Step 6: XX Judgement - Resurrection & Renewal
LAST QUARTER in Taurus/Step 7: II The High Priestess - Pythia
BALSAMIC in Gemini/Step 8: Base Chakra - I am always safe & secure
SPIRITUAL CORE/Central card representing my Guide: ZERO - Fairy Queen/Flying into Spring
NOTE: The pictures show the Tarot or Oracle card for each phase, alongside my own Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards. These are self-published, and available
by contacting me directly, should you be interested.

Card 4
Gibbous Phase:
For this phase, the Major Arcana card, The Emperor (Purusha in the Sacred India tarot deck), urges me forward, telling me to tap into my Inner Fire, to courageously and single-mindedly focus on what I want to manifest by the Full phase. The Emperor is the Master of his Domain, responsible for his Life and managing his 'reign' with full consciousness and a passion to keep all structures in healthy balance. In this particular deck, the Emperor is representing Purusha, who (according to Kiren Rai, author of this deck) is "the cosmic man, with a thousand heads, a thousand eyes, a thousand feet encompassing the earth, spreading in all directions into animate and inanimate Indian philosophy, the SPARK OF LIFE in each individual is called the Purusha, in whose presence, the matter constituting Prarkiti becomes vitalized."
So, at this Gibbous phase in Sagittarius, I am to literally tap into my Inner Fire, the Life Force Energy, and hold fast to it. As I write this blog for this phase, it is actually 2 days into the Gibbous, being Sunday, July 17. I am late in writing this because I spent 2 days in the hospital, getting 4 litres of blood transfusion due to an enormous amount of blood loss that left me with a count of 5 hemoglobin when the normal range begins at 15. I was at Death's Portal 2 times, as I bled out uncontrollably, and blacked out various times due to dangerously low blood pressure. Thank Goddess my Father found me passed out on the bathroom floor, and I managed to come to consciousness long enough to say call Marcus (my hubby) and the ambulance. My husband witnessed me as I teetered on the edge between The Worlds, trying to call me back, as I was ready to permanently 'check out.' He held fast to me, alongside my Father, and a wonderful paramedic named Nick, so that they embodied The Emperor for me, holding the sacred space for my Soul and Consciousness, speaking to my Higher Self so that my SPARK OF LIFE would remain vital and burning bright. And so Here I Am. Long story short, within the events that followed, I can gratefully say that the Presence of the Divine Masculine has stepped into my Healing Process, in order to create a safe Domain around me, in which I may continue my WombSpace Healing Journey. It is appropriate, since The Emperor is the Archetype of The Father, (consort to the Empress, the Mother), and Sagittarius is a yang/masculine sign, and furthermore, we are nearing the Full phase portal in which we will experience the Archetypal Father of the Zodiac, Capricorn. So, for any of you SiStars going through your own healing journey, please do call in the energy of the Sacred Masculine at this time, to support you and hold Sacred Space for you. This is part of a much larger collective healing of the Masculine and Feminine at this time.
I'll remind you that for over 2 years I've been suffering with hormonal issues, and was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyps, menoraghia, and a host of other womb-related health challenges. It's been getting worse, but I refuse to have a hysterectomy nor allow a knife inside of me. I choose to heal naturally at a physical level, and spiritually on the causative level.
Well, as I awoke this morning, knowing I wanted to catch up to the blogging of my journey so that I would share it with you, in hopes of inspiring you to do your own work, I received a phone call that left me very uneasy. My beautiful Sunny Son Son, Sebastian, had just been in a motorcycle accident. He was alive, but no one could tell me what happened, other than the ambulance was taking him to a hospital. For the past few hours, prior to my writing this, I've been on the phone, text, etc, about y Son's state. Thank Goddess, he is injured in a manner that will heal, albeit painfully an d slowly. He is Alive! The Purusha in my Son is radiant! What does this have to do with my journey? He is the 'fruit of my Womb' and therefore brings up whatever Motherhood issues I need to work on. It is appropriate that I acknowledge the Masculine energy in my life and in my son's life, so I contacted his Dad and reached out for his help, too. My brothers, Dino and Ozzie, both were attentive to all events of the day as well as their Beloveds, so all in all, the Entire Family was journeying with 'domain' or my 'reign' so to speak.
Addtiional guidance from the Sacred India Tarot: " The Emperor card is of a person in natural possession of logic, power and authroity. The card indicates an inherent leadership quality that will help you to accomplish and fulfill all that you desire. A card of authority, you will overcome all obstacles to attract properity and balance. you are disciplined and better able to deal with change that will elad to new and better things."

Reviewing my Gibbous phase Moon Card, along side the 4th step questions from my Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards, I answer the prompts: The one thing that I know needs energetic pruning, is my fear of loss of family. I was surrounded by Loved Ones, blood relations as well as friends and allies, so i am not alone. I can cut that fear out. And Also the fear of anything permanently bad happening to my Son, as he is always protected on his motorcycles, and otherwise. Therefore, I can focus my full attention back onto my own healing 0 that of my own Womb, through the appropriate activities including the dietary changes and lifestyle changes. The Womb is symbolic of LIFE itself, so I am re-committed to Living my Life, having close the door to Death, and instead choosing LIFE!!!
To answer the question on my meditation card: What actions can I take to ensure success? This is easy - stay focused on my Inner Process, while trusting that the Sacred masculine in holding the structure of my outer life in place, so that I can do the feminine inner healing work necessary. Also, I received Queen Neith's healing herbs and potions, and I am charging them up with crystals, flowers, prayers, and love energy, so that I may begin the process with her on the Full Moon. I have been getting SCIO Quantum Healing sessions by my husband to balance out the hormones, and taking Vitamin K to stop the bleeding. I have been and will continue to take care of my Body Temple, so that I can continue doing the Inner Work during the 2nd half of the lunar cycle, being the waning cycle, from Full to Balsamic. I must continue to journal progress, so that I can use this as supporting teachings for the women and men that may someday come to me in my work as Soular PriestEss.
And now the Astrology Chart piece: So the last piece to consider is that the gibbous moon in the 10th degree of Sagittarius is occurring in my natal chart's 12th house - Spiritual Realm, Karma, Past Lives, Hospitals/Retreat Centers, Place of of Isolation, Dream-Time and the Repository of the Unconscious. Well, hospitals was a key theme, and I'm needing to stay in bed to recuperate. I've been doing guided meditation on my Womb and Feminine Essence, and connecting once again to Crystals, an ancient love of mine. I've crossed the Threshold between the Worlds, and met with my Ancestors, from whom I claimed my freedom from their Karma so that I may live MY Life. Treasure from my Unconsciousness have been revealed through the mists of Time, and Karma dissolved. Queen Neith channeled information for me which was in alignment with my own Insights and visions, and I also have been receiving many clearings at night during Dreams. As the Gibbous phase moved through Sagittarius, it also went over my Ascendant (Physical Body and Personality) and natal Moon (Soul and Womb, Motherhood and Divine Feminine), all aspects of mySelf/life that were activated by this transit, in conjunction with the Emperor card for this phase. I certainly did not set out to take action on some of these themes, but it all happened organically as a result of my dedication and focused Intentions.
I think that about covers it for now. I will continue with the FULL phase on July 19. Here is a schedule of the lunar phases for this lunar moonth, should you wish to add it to your calendar, and notate these in your own Astrological chart:
NEW Moon in Cancer: July 4, 2016
CRESCENT Moon in Virgo: July 7, 2016
1st QUARTER Moon in Libra: July 11, 2016
GIBBOUS Moon in Sagittarius: July 15, 2016
FULL Moon in Capricorn: July 19, 2016
DISSEMINATING Moon in Pisces: July 23, 2016
LAST QUARTER Moon in Taurus: July 26, 2016
BALSAMIC Moon in Gemini: July 30, 2016
If you'd like a personal Moon + Tarot x YOU = Magick! session with me as your Guide, please feel free to set up an appointment by emailing me, or visit my services page for more information.
I wish you the very best on your own Lunar Journey this moonth!
Peace, Laughter and lots of Sun Rays & Moon Beams,
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro
Creatrix of Moon~Coaching ™
and Moon + Tarot = Magick!
Be sure read more about how this lunar month offers ALL of us (regardless of your Sun sign):
And please RSVP to join me for the Gemini Vision~ing Webinar on Monday July 4, 2016:
*I would like to thank and acknowledge the amazing and gifted Artists and Authors and publishers of the many Tarot & Oracle decks that I use in all my Sacred Work, in classes, blogs and seminars. If you saw cards that resonate for YOU, please purchase the Tarot & Oracle decks. I chose these decks because they resonated for me according to the sign, element and phase of this particular cycle. I use different decks each lunar moonth, so you will see a great variety of decks moonth to moonth. And feel free to contact me if you need help choosing the right decks for you. the decks I used for the Cancer Lunar Moonth 2016, are as follows:
NEW Moon: Tarot of the Sacred Feminine by Floreana Nativo
CRESCENT Moon: Wild Unknown's Animal Spirit Oracle by Kim Krans
1st QUARTER Moon: The Lover's Path Tarot by Kriss Waldherr
GIBBOUS Moon: Sacred Indian Tarot by Kiren Rai
FULL Moon: The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthingon
DISSEMINATING Moon: 78 Tarot - Nautical Tarot of the Water by Artists Assembled
LAST QUARTER Moon: Tarot of Delphi by JD. Hildegard Hinkel
BALSAMIC Moon: Connected & Free - The Alchemist's oracle by Lauren Aletta
EXTRA - GUIDE of MOONTH: Triple Goddess Tarot by Isha Lerner & Mara Fiedman
Moon + Tarot = Magick!
layout spread special Art graphic
to print and inspire you all lunar moonth long!

Bright Blessings,
Silvia MoonCoach Pancaro