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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

CAPRICORN Full Moon 7/19/16: Manifestation of CANCER New Moon

Let's start by bringing to mind the key themes for the astrological sign Capricorn, related to the Archetypal Father

as well as the sign Cancer, related to the Great Mother:

CAPRICORN: The Archetypal Father, in which sign we will experience the Full phase of this lunar cycle. So it is important to include it in our new moon intentional work and subsequent actions towards it's manifestation. It is the point of illumination which we will understand as the culmination of our working with the Cancer Great Mother energy from new to full. Capricorn key themes are: Career, legacy, the fruits of our labours, social standing and professional recognition, patriarchy, all things related to the Father/Paternal figure, Ancestors (especially the Masculine), manifestation, realization, our Vocation, Aspiration to reach the top, structure, organization, pinnacle of success, higher initiate, wisdom, age & ageing, Elders, Tribal Council.

CANCER: The Great Mother, in which sign the Sun will be situated at the time of the Full Moon. Family, nurturing, emotional safety, the Home, the Ancestors and all things related to our Inheritance from them, including DNA and Karma; as well as all that is Maternal, and of course the Womb and Breasts as the sources of of Life and Nourishment; including the healing of the Inner Child; and with the Moon being 'ruler' of this sign, we also add the quintessential archetype of THE Divine Feminine into this powerful Cauldron from which can all draw spiritual sustenance and psychic healing.

You may recall, if you've been reading my posts at each phase during this lunar cycle, that I combined the general monthly theme, with the fact that I've been facing some Womb Space issues in my body, and looking at my natal chart, the New & Full Moons activated my 7th house + 8th/2nd house axis, and invited my natal Jupiter in Cancer into co-creation this lunar moonth. For this lunar moonth, therefore, my personal intention is/was to more deeply reconnect with the healing of my Womb Space, by calling in the Divine Feminine Essence being the Great Mother. You will want to call to mind now the particular Intention that you've been working with this cycle, and if you know your chart, include that information as you read along.

Before continuing to read the rest of this blog post, take a moment to review the following 'cheat sheet' of my Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, which relates each of the main 8 lunar phases to a particular step or activity to be taken over the course of the entire lunar moonth. The basic format for working with the lunar phases is:

Now familiarized with the above 8 steps, let us proceed to the reading:

CANCER LUNAR MOONTH: Starting at New Phase at 13th degree, on July 4th, 2016.

SEED THEME/FOCUSED INTENTION: Heal My Womb Temple & Connect to Great Mother Goddess.

CAPRICORN POINT OF MANIFESTATION: Culminates at Full Phase at 28th degree, July 19, 2016.

CARDS PULLED AS FOLLOWS (Using 8 different Tarot & Oracle decks,. *Titles listed at end of blog):

  1. NEW in Cancer/Step 1: Neith - Queen of Wands - Creative Power of Nature

  2. CRESCENT in Virgo/Step 2: Tiger - Lunar Force

  3. 1st QUARTER in Libra/Step 3: X Fortune - Danae & Zeus

  4. GIBBOUS in Sagittarius/Step 4: IV The Emperor - Purusha

  5. FULL in Capricorn/Step 5: Eight of Vessels - Rebirth

  6. DISSEMINATING in Pisces/Step 6: XX Judgement - Resurrection & Renewal

  7. LAST QUARTER in Taurus/Step 7: II The High Priestess - Pythia

  8. BALSAMIC in Gemini/Step 8: Base Chakra - I am always safe & secure

  9. SPIRITUAL CORE/Central card representing my Guide: ZERO - Fairy Queen/Flying into Spring

NOTE: The pictures show the Tarot or Oracle card for each phase, alongside my own Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards. These are self-published, and available

by contacting me directly, should you be interested.

Card 5

Full Phase:

The 8 of Vessels (Cups) called Rebirth in this deck, reveals a connection to something greater than mySelf...a reminder that as I may nurture others from my own vessel/cup, I am also being nurtured by others. It's all a great cycle of giving and receiving, as part of the dynamic of the Capricorn/Cancer axis of Ancestors/Great Mother/Father Sky. I do not live in isolation, but I am a part of a greater Whole, into which I give of myself. I am not alone, and I need not fear ever running 'empty' because I'm always being filled with the nurturing waters of the Ancestors, of the Elders in their great Love and Great Wisdom. This is particularly important to me at this time, as I've been struggling to heal my WomSpace, having recently been sent to the hospital with an extraordinary amount of blood loss. In fact, as my body lay nearly lifeless and unconscious on my bathroom floor, it was my Father and my Husband (representatives of the Divine Masculine, related to the Capricorn archetype) tended to me and coaxed my Consciousness back into my physical body, while awaiting the ambulance to arrive. Two young men further worked on my body's safety, in order to get me to the hospital alive and conscious, where it was found that my body lost so , much blood, that it required 4 litres of donated blood by an unknown Angel, to revive me. If this image isn't representative of that event, both in the 3D term and the in the metaphorical/energetic term, I don't know what is!

Additionally, it was important in that in the days that followed, as we spent the Full Moon, I continued to receive spiritual and physical sustenance from my Allies. These would be my Family as well as Queen Neith (spiritual as well as in the human form of Alisha Kier of Atlanta, GA). It became even more important to have this sustenance, as I received a distressing call that my 22 years old son was in a serious motorcycle accident. Thank God~Dess he was alive, although quite bruised and with a broken finger....he was alive and kicking and would be released from the hospital the same day. I realized that this pattern between Mother and Son was no accident (pun intended)...and that this dangerous brush with Death on both our parts within 2 days of each other, was part of the WombSpace healing for him and for mySelf. Generations locked in a karmic embrace, a pattern that needs healing. When I spoke with his father (my ex-husband), with home it had been a good year since we spoke, he told me that he too, had been in an accident just the week before...adding to the Familial energetic pattern, that through our 'blood' tie, needed to be addressed - released, forgiven, dissolved, and returned to Great Mother. You see, when we married, we literally made a 'blood pact' a la Gypsy tradition, and since 'blood' is a theme in this whole intentional healing process, I knew this had to be cleared. So, on the exact Full Moon, in proper Sacred Space, I went to work on the Energetics of it all in Ceremony. We are now free, Mother (New Moon - Cancer), Father (Full Moon/Solar Festival in Capricorn, and Child (Earth). The old is released, so that Wholeness can be embraced, and new waters of Life may flow from one generation to the next. Indeed the 8 of Vessels card/ Rebirth, has been the REVELATION of the Full phase for me.



Neith, the Egyptian Goddess who gave birth to the Sun, inspires me at the new Phase, with the power of creativity and passion. In essence, as the Queen of Wands (from Tarot of the Sacred Feminine), I am taking up my bow and arrows, and applying my all to Singular Intention and Committed Focus during this Lunar Moonth. This is a fiery card, and the red of her dress and headgear remind me of the Red Menstrual Flow, the Creative Life Force Energy that is such an important Archetype connected to the Womb of All Life. It is the Blood of Creation, of Life itself, and within it is the Gold of the Divine nature, as the Sun itself is the symbol of Pure Energy and Vitality. Since my intention this moonth is to heal my WombSpace, this feels very healing, as if to say, focus on the revitalizing of your Power Center...Note how Queen Neith is holding her left hand over her Womb area, and directing her Arrow from this very place of Creation...confirmation that focusing on this area for me will in fact bring forth new Life...and since I'm in my late 40's, this Creation is related to Creative Children, instead of physical children (I'm quite happy with my one & only Sunny Sun Son, Sebastian).

She also speaks of GESTATION (since the new phase is the seeding of an idea; and Cancer is the Womb and Mother archetypes; and Queen of Wands is focusing on the womb area in this card), so this lunar moonth is actually the Gestation of a longer Lunar Journey for me - perhaps the first moonth in a larger cycle of healing time. The healing may not happen overnight...after all my first Moon came to me when i was 9 years's been 40 years now, therefore, this is part of a great healing, and therefore will take some overfull introspective work, as well as effective physical clearing work.

So, what is revealed at the Full phase for me, especially in combination with this card is a rebirth of the Family Archetype - a releasing of the old paradigm, and grieving its ending so that I can more fully embrace the New Family Archetype in my existing family setting. Additionally, from an energetic standpoint, I've finally released the karmic bond between all 3 of us, leaving a new space from which to create. And of course, there's more - as I was bleeding out at one point, i literally died (stopped breathing for a couple of minutes), and came back because there was new life, new creation to be expressed and experienced. And in the days that accompanied the full phase, I could feel the Women in my lineage screaming out to be freed, and the Men of my Ancestry, still draining the energy of the Divine Feminine, which I immediately brought to closure energetically. This was very intense work! I also noticed the resentment I felt at having to be the burden carrier for the Family...and even my Dad in his well meaning love spoke the words, you can't leave because now you are the backbone/spinal column of our Family. I felt resentment, my own and that of my female ancestors, cringing...and aching for Freedom. I cut this ties, and free us ALL. And still though this phase, I also came to a head with my hubby, over issues related to old patterns, old paradigms...and so the WombSpace healing continues. AH, and one final and very exciting point: On the evening of the exact full moon, at precisely 8:22 pm, a NEW CREATIVE IDEA was born...I cannot yet speak of it, but suffice it to say, that this relates to the LEGACY aspect of Capricorn, and the WOMB aspect of Cancer, and will be a major project that I will head, but will be bourne of a collaboration of Womben together...for the healing of the Collective Womb of Women!

Reviewing my New Moon Card, along side the 1st step questions from my Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards, I answer the prompts:

I am rebirthed with a new sense of purpose and direction! I celebrate my Life and the Legacy that I will birth into Creation!

I feel empowered by this lunar journey, knowing that I am constantly replenished with new life force energy by the Divine Mother/Father, and that in turn, I am to share with others that which is inspired by God~Dess.

To answer the question on my meditation card:

In what ways have I been illuminated?

I am aware, conscious and alive, expressing a new contract on Life! I matter. I am important. I have a purpose and a Destiny to fulfill. I am radiant with new life, and I will share it wildly!

And putting the 2 cards side by side, to notate how they relate - the New Moon/Intention/Seed + the Full Moon/Manifestation/Realization:

At the new phase, I set out as Queen of Wands to heal my WombSpace and stand in my creative power. A the full phase, I was rebirthed anew, and refilled with new blood (literally!), so that I could continue living and expressing the Life Force called God/Dess!

I think that about covers it for now. I will continue with the Disseminating phase on July 23. Here is a schedule of the lunar phases for this lunar moonth, should you wish to add it to your calendar:

  • NEW Moon in Cancer: July 4, 2016

  • CRESCENT Moon in Virgo: July 7, 2016

  • 1st QUARTER Moon in Libra: July 11, 2016

  • GIBBOUS Moon in Sagittarius: July 15, 2016

  • FULL Moon in Capricorn: July 19, 2016

  • DISSEMINATING Moon in Pisces: July 23, 2016

  • LAST QUARTER Moon in Taurus: July 26, 2016

  • BALSAMIC Moon in Gemini: July 30, 2016

If you'd like a personal Moon + Tarot x YOU = Magick! session with me as your Guide, please feel free to set up an appointment by emailing me, or visit my services page for more information.

I wish you the very best on your own Lunar Journey this moonth!

Peace, Laughter and lots of Sun Rays & Moon Beams,

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

Creatrix of Moon~Coaching ™

and Moon + Tarot = Magick!


Be sure read more about how this lunar month offers ALL of us (regardless of your Sun sign):

And please RSVP to join me for the Gemini Vision~ing Webinar on Monday July 4, 2016:


*I would like to thank and acknowledge the amazing and gifted Artists and Authors and publishers of the many Tarot & Oracle decks that I use in all my Sacred Work, in classes, blogs and seminars. If you saw cards that resonate for YOU, please purchase the Tarot & Oracle decks. I chose these decks because they resonated for me according to the sign, element and phase of this particular cycle. I use different decks each lunar moonth, so you will see a great variety of decks moonth to moonth. And feel free to contact me if you need help choosing the right decks for you. the decks I used for the Cancer Lunar Moonth 2016, are as follows:

  • NEW Moon: Tarot of the Sacred Feminine by Floreana Nativo

  • CRESCENT Moon: Wild Unknown's Animal Spirit Oracle by Kim Krans

  • 1st QUARTER Moon: The Lover's Path Tarot by Kriss Waldherr

  • GIBBOUS Moon: Sacred Indian Tarot by Kiren Rai

  • FULL Moon: The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthingon

  • DISSEMINATING Moon: 78 Tarot - Nautical Tarot of the Water by Artists Assembled

  • LAST QUARTER Moon: Tarot of Delphi by JD. Hildegard Hinkel

  • BALSAMIC Moon: Connected & Free - The Alchemist's oracle by Lauren Aletta

  • EXTRA - GUIDE of MOONTH: Triple Goddess Tarot by Isha Lerner & Mara Fiedman


Moon + Tarot = Magick!

layout spread special Art graphic

to print and inspire you all lunar moonth long!


For additional depth to my Moon~Coaching Lunar Journey, I overlay the New & Full charts onto my own Astrological Chart:

I see that the Queen of Wands/Creative Power of Nature, activates my natal 7th house of Sacred relationships.

My primary interpretation is that I can rely on my Beloved, Marcus Geier, to support me on this Sacred Journey. I can literally bare my Soul to him, and he will partner with me in this healing. In fact, he is giving me a SCIO Quantum Biofeedback healing session as I write this. He will also be partnering with me as co-facilitator in what is to become Path of the Soular PriestEss, as a result of my healing. Actually, as I plant my intentional seed into Universal Consciousness, I ask my husband to co-journey with me as my main Ally. I also feel that this healing is, above all else, the Inner Sacred Marriage, or Communion, of my Soul and Spirit, of my Inner Divine Feminine & Inner Divine Masculine, in a different and higher Vibration than what I've experienced previously. This is a new layer of Divine Union. And with the new moon card I pulled, Queen of Wands, Neith, I would add that I can call her in as my partner and ally, too.

And the 8 of Vessels/Rebirth activates my natal 8th/2nd house axis (Power/Alchemy/Dearth & Rebirth for the 8th, and Money/3D Matter/Values for the 2nd) as well as including my natal Jupiter (Blessings from the Guides/Expansion in Consciousness).

At the time of the Full Moon, the Sun will be activating my Jupiter in the 8th in Cancer, and the Moon will be traveling in my 2nd house.The result of my work during the 1st half of the lunar moonth, will be an Alchemical Rebirth wherein the manner I value my body will empower me and expand upon my innate sensitive connection to the non-physical realms from which we all derive our Life Force Energy Supply. I will have a new and deeper understanding of Consciousness, which will help me to manage my power in a more self-nurturing way, that allows for the detoxifying of my WombSpace, as well as the clearing of my Psychic Space. Adding the card I pulled for this phase to the 2/8th house axis, it is clearly confirmation that release, forgiveness and surrender as well as grieving will greatly assist me in the process of rebirth and alchemical transformation, so that i can feel a greater sense of ease and comfort in my 3D body, having done the necessary work in my spiritual/emotional bodies.

Wow, that was seriously intense. Now, off to do my healing work !


Bright Blessings,

Silvia MoonCoach Pancaro

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