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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

DISSEMINATING Moon in Pisces 7/23/16: Harvest Phase of CANCER New Moon

Let's start by recalling the key themes for the astrological sign Capricorn, related to the Archetypal Father

as well as the sign Cancer, related to the Great Mother:

CAPRICORN: The Archetypal Father, in which sign we experienced the Full phase of this lunar cycle. So it is important to include it in our new moon intentional work and subsequent actions towards it's manifestation. It is the point of illumination which we will understand as the culmination of our working with the Cancer Great Mother energy from new to full. Capricorn key themes are: Career, legacy, the fruits of our labours, social standing and professional recognition, patriarchy, all things related to the Father/Paternal figure, Ancestors (especially the Masculine), manifestation, realization, our Vocation, Aspiration to reach the top, structure, organization, pinnacle of success, higher initiate, wisdom, age & ageing, Elders, Tribal Council.

CANCER: The Great Mother, Sign of the current Lunar Moonth that began with the Cancer New Moon, and in which sign the Sun was situated at the time of the Full Moon. Family, nurturing, emotional safety, the Home, the Ancestors and all things related to our Inheritance from them, including DNA and Karma; as well as all that is Maternal, and of course the Womb and Breasts as the sources of of Life and Nourishment; including the healing of the Inner Child; and with the Moon being 'ruler' of this sign, we also add the quintessential archetype of THE Divine Feminine into this powerful Cauldron from which can all draw spiritual sustenance and psychic healing.

DISSEMINATING PHASE: Harvest, sharing the wisdom gained from your manifestation process (new to full), listening to others while also teaching them, being in community, communication with allies, feedback, recognition of success, sharing your results with others, and coming to a clear understanding as to the experiences you had during the waxing half of the cycle, so that you may apply the learning received to the next lunar moonth's process.

PISCES: Consider the key words for Pisces in which sign the disseminating phase occurs - Compassion, dreamtime, spirituality, communion with Spirit, forgiveness, surrender, art, release, emotions, intuition, loss of definition, unity consciousness, loving-kindness, prayer, faith.

So the Disseminating phase in Pisces is: the opportunity to share your deepest spiritual insights gained from the work you did during the 1st half of the lunar moonth. We stand back and look at ourselves through the lens of our spiritual core in order to better understand our lessons. We may wish to use Art or Dance or Free Movement to tap into Unity Consciousness in order to download a clearer sense of purpose and meaning as a result of our efforts.

You may recall, if you've been reading my posts at each phase during this lunar cycle, that I combined the general monthly theme, with the fact that I've been facing some Womb Space issues in my body, and looking at my natal chart, the New & Full Moons activated my 7th house + 8th/2nd house axis, and invited my natal Jupiter in Cancer into co-creation this lunar moonth. For this lunar moonth, therefore, my personal intention is/was to more deeply reconnect with the healing of my Womb Space, by calling in the Divine Feminine Essence being the Great Mother. You will want to call to mind now the particular Intention that you've been working with this cycle, and if you know your chart, include that information as you read along.

Before continuing to read the rest of this blog post, take a moment to review the following 'cheat sheet' of my Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, which relates each of the main 8 lunar phases to a particular step or activity to be taken over the course of the entire lunar moonth. The basic format for working with the lunar phases is:

Now familiarized with the above 8 steps, let us proceed to the reading:

CANCER LUNAR MOONTH: Starting at New Phase at 13th degree, on July 4th, 2016.

SEED THEME/FOCUSED INTENTION: Heal My Womb Temple & Connect to Great Mother Goddess.

CAPRICORN POINT OF MANIFESTATION: Culminates at Full Phase at 28th degree, July 19, 2016.

CARDS PULLED AS FOLLOWS (Using 8 different Tarot & Oracle decks,. *Titles listed at end of blog):

  1. NEW in Cancer/Step 1: Neith - Queen of Wands - Creative Power of Nature

  2. CRESCENT in Virgo/Step 2: Tiger - Lunar Force

  3. 1st QUARTER in Libra/Step 3: X Fortune - Danae & Zeus

  4. GIBBOUS in Sagittarius/Step 4: IV The Emperor - Purusha

  5. FULL in Capricorn/Step 5: Eight of Vessels - Rebirth

  6. DISSEMINATING in Pisces/Step 6: XX Judgement - Resurrection & Renewal

  7. LAST QUARTER in Taurus/Step 7: II The High Priestess - Pythia

  8. BALSAMIC in Gemini/Step 8: Base Chakra - I am always safe & secure

  9. SPIRITUAL CORE/Central card representing my Guide: ZERO - Fairy Queen/Flying into Spring

NOTE: The pictures show the Tarot or Oracle card for each phase, alongside my own Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards. These are self-published, and available

by contacting me directly, should you be interested.

Card 6


During this phase, I took my cue from the Judgement card (from the NAUTICAL TAROT by 78 Tarot/Artists Assembled), and shared the experiences I've had thus far with my community, including in unexpected ways. For example, my 'day job' is as interior design consultant and showroom sales for my brother's high-end contemporary Italian furniture showroom. I rarely express or reveal Who I Am to our clients, whether they are retail customers or interior's just not 'cool' to mix metaphysics, astrology, tarot and alternative healing when dealing with affluent clients who just come in to buy beautiful and expensive furniture. It's kind of like not talking politics or religion in 'polite company.' But today, for some reason, it happened....I crossed that boundary, and exchanged information on alternative healing of fibroid and hormone-based female issues, with an interior designer in NY. She wanted to know why I was in the hospital last week, even though she is new to us, so I hesitated and plunged right in. Turns out she immediately looked up some of the resources I gave her, and she's very interested in her similar issues...and she gave me the name of a contact in Florida. Well, if this isn't 'disseminating' sharing of information and being open to feedback from others, I don't know what is, lol! After all, the figure in the card is blowing her trumpet/horn, making waves and sounding loudly for others to hear the message. And just continuing to write this blog, even though it's highly personal this particular moonth, is not just healing for me, but who knows who might be reading it that may get some information they need for their own Journey? That is my prayer and my intention in doing this after all. By Law of Attraction, the message will vibrate out a particular frequency which will be 'heard' by whomever it will best serve, that is vibrating on it's same wavelength. In this card, we see this beautiful Angel putting out the Frequency through Sound Vibration, and the colours are responding, sparking upwards in a manner of activation or awakening and, too, do I hope that the people that I've been communicating with during this phase, are 'picking up the Vibe' to the potential healing information.

Not only that, but doing this is healing for ME - writing about my WombSpace healing journey has been cathartic. Both the wonderful aspects, as well as the more challenging moments. The colours of these 'sparks' rising remind me of blood cells, coming back to life, resonating with the Intention to heal and quicken to higher vibrational frequency. So, as I share, so is Life returning back to me that which I seek - a total and complete healing of my Womb and whatever lies at the core of the dysfunction I've experienced, and on all levels from Aetheric to 3D Physical. Interestingly, the card has red as the predominating colour, and well, that's certainly been the overarching theme of this lunar moonth for me - excessive blood loss on the one hand, and the reviving of my Life Force Energy by replenishing my blood supply through the transfusion of 4 litres of donated blood. Certainly whomever was the donor of those 4 miracle-working bags of blood, was indeed my "Healing Angel" whom saved my life, and to use the key words assigned to this card by it's Artist (Brynn Elizabeth): RESURRECTION & RENEWAL. Indeed!! Thank you, Angel!! I will go ahead and share here a very important detail of my experience, that some may think is an exaggeration, but many will know to be possible and true: I died at one point. I literally stopped breathing for a couple of minutes while my husband 'called me back' from that liminal place between worlds - while the infamous 'tunnel' loomed in my spiritual horizon, he called to me, like this Angel blowing her trumpet, calling me to awaken and rise. Uncanny, how this card speaks exactly to my experience! And even more uncanny that I am HERE to write and share about it now. I would certainly NOT encourage you to go have an NDE (Near Death Experience) in order to reach a point where you realize you must (using 2 more key words for this card by its Artist) FORGIVE as well as REPENT (that's an odd word that sounds a bit to Christian Fundamentalist to me, so let's use a different one: RELEASE or perhaps SURRENDER, to a Higher Truth about the Self. I believe we can do this every day, just in being introspective and retrospective about the events of the day, as we lay down to sleep at night. We can unburden ourselves of perceiving errors, judgments...and instead choose to awaken refreshed with a clean slate each and every morning. Maybe that's the Lesson forgive ourselves, to release ourselves, to wake up and to renew our Consciousness on a daily basis.

And since the disseminating phase was in watery Pisces, who rules Compassion and Forgiveness, then the message is doubly charged. For me, it was to connect myself with the Core Wound of feeling separated from the Divine Mother...which was reactivated by my Mom's physical Death nearly 3 years ago. This is deep, and I've much more to work on, before I can write about it. But the important point is, that I've touched into my Chiron in Pisces wound...

Now, here's a snippet from the book on this card: "Against a blood red sky, waves rise up in answer to the trumpet call of an angel. Within these waves are shadows, souls reaching up, joyful looking for cosmic, spiritual judgment. This is a means of starting afresh - as with everything in life, what seems like an ending is a new beginning, as those worthy reach a higher plane following their judgement."

WHAT ABOUT YOU? What message do you have to share with your allies and community at this point? Can gifts has your Lunar Journey yielded thus far that you can share with others?

Reviewing my New Moon Card, along side the 1st step questions from my Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards, I answer the prompts:

I realize the value of the healing journey I've consciously undertaken this moonth - by my going through these challenging experiences, I've been tempered to a different and vitalized frequency that will attract others who need similar support and information for their own healing quest. This is the blessing in the challenge - that I am now well-versed (or at least getting there) to assist other Women, other SiStars, who may likewise undergo the need to heal their WombSpace spiritually, energetically, emotionally and physically.

To answer the question on my meditation card:

What important lessons have you learned and how can you teach this to others?

More than anything else, I have learned that I am NOT ALONE, and that it's important not to isolate one's self when undergoing an important healing process. Especially as a Woman, to be afraid to say the words, Womb, Blood, Uterus, Ovaries, Menstruation, Fertility, Vagina, is to limit our healing. I've learned that it's necessary to give VOICE to our female reproduction/creative organs, and to the challenges that these powerful physical allies face during our processes. The more comfortable I can be, and all of us Women can be, in speaking to and with and about our Womb and all her beautiful related 'parts', the quicker we can heal individually and collectively. I can teach others best through being open about my journey...and through the particular project that I am gestating - which will be revealed when my 9-moonth journey is complete. And as the Pisces archetype is activated at this phase, to do all this with Mermaid Compassion for Self & others.

I think that about covers it for now. I will continue with the Last Quarter phase on July 26. Here is a schedule of the lunar phases for this lunar moonth, should you wish to add it to your calendar:

  • NEW Moon in Cancer: July 4, 2016

  • CRESCENT Moon in Virgo: July 7, 2016

  • 1st QUARTER Moon in Libra: July 11, 2016

  • GIBBOUS Moon in Sagittarius: July 15, 2016

  • FULL Moon in Capricorn: July 19, 2016

  • DISSEMINATING Moon in Pisces: July 23, 2016

  • LAST QUARTER Moon in Taurus: July 26, 2016

  • BALSAMIC Moon in Gemini: July 30, 2016

If you'd like a personal Moon + Tarot x YOU = Magick! session with me as your Guide, please feel free to set up an appointment by emailing me, or visit my services page for more information.

I wish you the very best on your own Lunar Journey this moonth!

Peace, Laughter and lots of Sun Rays & Moon Beams,

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

Creatrix of Moon~Coaching ™

and Moon + Tarot = Magick!


Be sure read more about how this lunar month offers ALL of us (regardless of your Sun sign):

And please RSVP to join me for the Gemini Vision~ing Webinar on Monday July 4, 2016:


*I would like to thank and acknowledge the amazing and gifted Artists and Authors and publishers of the many Tarot & Oracle decks that I use in all my Sacred Work, in classes, blogs and seminars. If you saw cards that resonate for YOU, please purchase the Tarot & Oracle decks. I chose these decks because they resonated for me according to the sign, element and phase of this particular cycle. I use different decks each lunar moonth, so you will see a great variety of decks moonth to moonth. And feel free to contact me if you need help choosing the right decks for you. the decks I used for the Cancer Lunar Moonth 2016, are as follows:

  • NEW Moon: Tarot of the Sacred Feminine by Floreana Nativo

  • CRESCENT Moon: Wild Unknown's Animal Spirit Oracle by Kim Krans

  • 1st QUARTER Moon: The Lover's Path Tarot by Kriss Waldherr

  • GIBBOUS Moon: Sacred Indian Tarot by Kiren Rai

  • FULL Moon: The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthingon

  • DISSEMINATING Moon: 78 Tarot - Nautical Tarot of the Water by Artists Assembled

  • LAST QUARTER Moon: Tarot of Delphi by JD. Hildegard Hinkel

  • BALSAMIC Moon: Connected & Free - The Alchemist's oracle by Lauren Aletta

  • EXTRA - GUIDE of MOONTH: Triple Goddess Tarot by Isha Lerner & Mara Fiedman


Moon + Tarot = Magick!

layout spread special Art graphic

to print and inspire you all lunar moonth long!


For additional depth to my Moon~Coaching Lunar Journey, I overlay the New & Full charts onto my own Astrological Chart:

I see that the DISSEMINATING phase, along with the Judgment card, activates my natal 3rd house, and all my Pisces planets.

So, writing (Mercury) about this will continue to be an important piece of my healing, and do so with compassion and soul-full honesty. To reveal my True Self (Sun) through this Sacred Work I'm doing, and to dive deeply into my Sacred Wound (Chiron) in order to bring the Shamanic Medicine to my community (3rd house).


Bright Blessings,

Silvia MoonCoach Pancaro

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