BALSAMIC Moon in Gemini 7/30/16: Surrender Phase of CANCER New Moonth

As we reach the conclusion of the Cancer Lunar Moonth, we'll review the key themes that we've been working with:
The astrological sign Cancer for the New Moon,
and Capricorn, for the Full Moon;
As well as the key words for the Balsamic Phase and
Gemini in which this final/8th phase occurs:
CANCER: The Great Mother, Sign of the current Lunar Moonth that began with the Cancer New Moon, and in which sign the Sun was situated at the time of the Full Moon. Family, nurturing, emotional safety, the Home, the Ancestors and all things related to our Inheritance from them, including DNA and Karma; as well as all that is Maternal, and of course the Womb and Breasts as the sources of of Life and Nourishment; including the healing of the Inner Child; and with the Moon being 'ruler' of this sign, we also add the quintessential archetype of THE Divine Feminine into this powerful Cauldron from which can all draw spiritual sustenance and psychic healing.
CAPRICORN: The Archetypal Father, in which sign we experienced the Full phase of this lunar cycle. So it is important to include it in our new moon intentional work and subsequent actions towards it's manifestation. It is the point of illumination which we will understand as the culmination of our working with the Cancer Great Mother energy from new to full. Capricorn key themes are: Career, legacy, the fruits of our labours, social standing and professional recognition, patriarchy, all things related to the Father/Paternal figure, Ancestors (especially the Masculine), manifestation, realization, our Vocation, Aspiration to reach the top, structure, organization, pinnacle of success, higher initiate, wisdom, age & ageing, Elders, Tribal Council.
BALSAMIC PHASE: We reach the end of the cycle, and with this 8th step, we know we must completely SURRENDER to SPIRIT. Here, we are asked to place all experiences on the Altar of Sacrifice (meaning 'to make sacred'), with deep gratitude for all the experiences we've had, and allow these to return to Soul & Spirit, leaving us with the distilled Wisdom of the entire Lunar Moonth's journey. We contain the Seed or 'Essence' of our Lunar Journey now within our Hearts. All the rest, we put to rest. We move inwards to our most Holy Inner Sanctuary to commune with the Divine, and simply rest in Her Loving Arms, allowing Spirit to sooth us with Love & Grace.
We really do not need to 'do' anything at all at this phase, other than perhaps allow Spirit to whisper into our ears/hearts how much we are loved & supported. In stillness, we are at Peace.
GEMINI: Consider the key words for Gemini in which sign the Balsamic phase occurs - Mind, thoughts, ideas, communication, playfulness, curiosity, friends, information, speaking/writing.
So the Balsamic Phase in Gemini is: an invitation to surrender all our thoughts & ideas to Spirit. We now move into the Stillness to communicate with God/Goddess. We may wish to do some automatic writing or pulling of cards to hear the Divine message us about the best way for us to nurture ourselves in these last few days of this Cancerian Lunar Moonth. Perhaps we may pull a card or meditate on the 'Seed/Essence' that remains in our Hearts as a result of this Cancer Lunar Journey. And literally 'play' with the Divine in some gentle manner.
You may recall, if you've been reading my posts at each phase during this lunar cycle, that I combined the general monthly theme, with the fact that I've been facing some Womb Space issues in my body, and looking at my natal chart, the New & Full Moons activated my 7th house + 8th/2nd house axis, and invited my natal Jupiter in Cancer into co-creation this lunar moonth. For this lunar moonth, therefore, my personal intention is/was to more deeply reconnect with the healing of my Womb Space, by calling in the Divine Feminine Essence being the Great Mother. You will want to call to mind now the particular Intention that you've been working with this cycle, and if you know your chart, include that information as you read along.
Before continuing to read the rest of this blog post, take a moment to review the following 'cheat sheet' of my Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Creational-Cycle, which relates each of the main 8 lunar phases to a particular step or activity to be taken over the course of the entire lunar moonth. The basic format for working with the lunar phases is:

Now familiarized with the above 8 steps, let us proceed to the reading:
CANCER LUNAR MOONTH: Starting at New Phase at 13th degree, on July 4th, 2016.
SEED THEME/FOCUSED INTENTION: Heal My Womb Temple & Connect to Great Mother Goddess.
CAPRICORN POINT OF MANIFESTATION: Culminates at Full Phase at 28th degree, July 19, 2016.
CARDS PULLED AS FOLLOWS (Using 8 different Tarot & Oracle decks,. *Titles listed at end of blog):
NEW in Cancer/Step 1: Neith - Queen of Wands - Creative Power of Nature
CRESCENT in Virgo/Step 2: Tiger - Lunar Force
1st QUARTER in Libra/Step 3: X Fortune - Danae & Zeus
GIBBOUS in Sagittarius/Step 4: IV The Emperor - Purusha
FULL in Capricorn/Step 5: Eight of Vessels - Rebirth
DISSEMINATING in Pisces/Step 6: XX Judgement - Resurrection & Renewal
LAST QUARTER in Taurus/Step 7: II The High Priestess - Pythia
BALSAMIC in Gemini/Step 8: Base Chakra - I am always safe & secure
SPIRITUAL CORE/Central card representing my Guide: ZERO - Fairy Queen/Flying into Spring
NOTE: The pictures show the Tarot or Oracle card for each phase, alongside my own Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards. These are self-published, and available
by contacting me directly, should you be interested.

Card 8
Balsamic Phase
"I am always safe & secure" is the key theme for this card, as well as for the Base Chakra. It's very appropriate as the 'seed' I take with me from the entire lunar moonth's journey, wherein I worked on healing my WombSpace and my connection with the Divine Feminine & Great Mother. Cancer is the quintessential 'safety' archetype since Mothers watch over you, care for you and lovingly nurture you in the safety of their maternal arms. Without this experience, we may have security and safety issues in our lives, and therefore have dysfunctional base chakras. It makes perfect sense to me, for me, as this has been my journey this moonth.
As you know, if you've been following along, I started out the lunar moonth in Cancer, with the intention to heal the fibroid and menoraghia and other physical womb issues, along with the energetic root of these manifestations. I ended up nearly dying (actually, I DID die, having stopped breathing at one point), from the excessive blood loss. Gratefully the Capricorn component of this lunar moonth, being the Masculine/Paternal aspect, showed up in my Dad (Osvaldo) and in my Husband (Marcus) when they found me unconscious and brought me back, and then off to the emergency room. I was given 4 liters of donated blood, which saved my Life. And then, I've been working with various Allies, in the form of books and classes, but also in a very practical way with: Alisha Kier (Queen Neith of The Forgotten Foods in Atlanta) with nutritional plans & herbal remedies, Dominic and Carly Leotti (Good Medicine Community Acupuncture in Fort Myers with Oriental Acupuncture), and Marcus Geier (Quantum Anatomy with QXCI/SCIO Biodfeedback). And my Family. And all of the many friends on Facebook who have sent me Reiki, prayers and healing energy throughout the entire ordeal.
I've healed and learned quite a bit about myself regarding what lays at the very root of these issues I've had - much about the women in my lineage, as well as forgiving my male ancestors, and the losses endured as Women. I've touched into some very deep hurt places in myself, and know that I have more work to do in order to truly clear my energy systems and my body. I realized that in order to become an even better Astrologer/Tarotist/Teacher/Seminar Facilitator/Healer, I must first tend to my own unresolved issues. I want to be clear in my Consciousness as a Woman, in order to move to the next phase of my Life Purpose, and now included assisting Women with Womb issues as part of my Practice. This is the Wisdom I take with me into future cycles. And this becomes the Seed for Times to come.
Now, here's what's in the book on this card: "The base Chakra is linked to our ability to ground and connect, our basic needs and our primal instincts. It is the Chakra that receives and holds our basic programming from our family, creating our foundational beliefs around personal and collective Safety and Security. If you experience 'tribal' isolation, financial struggle or disconnection this may indicate there is an imbalance, blockage or wound requesting to be healed. When the base Chakra is clear and healthy you'l feel grounded, balanced and focused, with an innate trust in yourSelf, life and the Universe despite uncertainty."
So, I'd say that about nailed it, eh? So in adding the above information to the Gemini Balsamic Phase invitation, I'd say that I can express gratitude to my 'Tribe' (friends and allies that helped me out this moonth) and to my Ancestors especially the Women in my Family, for helping me get more clarity around my Safety and Security needs, as centered on my Womb and Base Chakra. I can 'do' a little Gemini in these few days, by journaling with my Ancestors, and my Soul, as well as The Great Goddess, to further surrender this Wound to Spirit.
WHAT ABOUT YOU? How do you feel about your Cancer Lunar journey? How can you move into the Stillness?
Reviewing my Balsamic Card, along side the Balsamic step questions from my Moon~Coaching™ Lunar Journey Meditation Cards, I answer the prompts:

With the bleeding now under control, and my focus on an in-depth physical and energetic healing over the course of the next 8 months (was 9, but now at 8), I fully trust Great Mother to guide my steps and actions towards the highest and best outcome for me & all concerned. I am deeply grateful to ALL who in some way touched me on my Lunar Journey this moonth, and feel that I am NOT ALONE anymore! I feel that I can count on others, and that I am fully supported by my Family, friends, and allies (TRIBE) as I re-wire my FOUNDATION, and from this place, I blissfully surrender to Spirit. I enter into the Stillness, the Silence and the Sacred Space of my Soul, to commune with God/Goddess and meet with my Ancestors. I trust Life, I trust my Body, I trust the Blood of my Lineage. I KNOW that I am Safe and Secure, and ending the old karmic patterns of pain for the Women in my Lineage, I now fully enter into my Female Body, trusting the Divine Masculine to further create a new Architectural Structure for my continued Journeys. And so it is. Blessed be!
To answer the question on my meditation card:
How do I feel as I end this Cancer Lunar Journey?
I feel safe. I feel secure. I feel loved. I feel supported. I feel nurtured. I feel honored. I feel grateful. I feel peaceful. I feel excited about the new possibilities that are coming as a result of all this deep work, and I feel ready to be gifted by Spirit with new Tools to share with my SiStars.
And that ends this Cancer Lunar Journey, with Moon + Tarot x YOU = Magick! I wish you all well in the last few days of the cycle. And I hope to see you in a few days at the LEO NEW MOON beginning Tuesday, August 2, 2016 for a new round-about the Zodiac with Luna, Sol & Gaia!
Here are the dates for the upcoming new lunar moonth in Leo, the Celestial Lion:
NEW Moon in LEO: August 2, 2016
CRESCENT Moon in Virgo: August 6, 2016
1st QUARTER Moon in Scorpio: August 10, 2016
GIBBOUS Moon in Capricorn: August 14, 2016
FULL Moon in Aquarius: August 18, 2016
DISSEMINATING Moon in Aries: August 21, 2016
LAST QUARTER Moon in Gemini: August 24, 2016
BALSAMIC Moon in Cancer: August 28, 2016
If you'd like a personal Moon + Tarot x YOU = Magick! session with me as your Guide, please feel free to set up an appointment by emailing me, or visit my services page for more information.
I wish you the very best on your own Lunar Journey this moonth!
Peace, Laughter and lots of Sun Rays & Moon Beams,
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro
Creatrix of Moon~Coaching ™
and Moon + Tarot = Magick!
Be sure read more about how this lunar month offers ALL of us (regardless of your Sun sign):
And please RSVP to join me for the Gemini Vision~ing Webinar on Monday July 4, 2016:
*I would like to thank and acknowledge the amazing and gifted Artists and Authors and publishers of the many Tarot & Oracle decks that I use in all my Sacred Work, in classes, blogs and seminars. If you saw cards that resonate for YOU, please purchase the Tarot & Oracle decks. I chose these decks because they resonated for me according to the sign, element and phase of this particular cycle. I use different decks each lunar moonth, so you will see a great variety of decks moonth to moonth. And feel free to contact me if you need help choosing the right decks for you. the decks I used for the Cancer Lunar Moonth 2016, are as follows:
NEW Moon: Tarot of the Sacred Feminine by Floreana Nativo
CRESCENT Moon: Wild Unknown's Animal Spirit Oracle by Kim Krans
1st QUARTER Moon: The Lover's Path Tarot by Kriss Waldherr
GIBBOUS Moon: Sacred Indian Tarot by Kiren Rai
FULL Moon: The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan, John Matthews and Will Worthingon
DISSEMINATING Moon: 78 Tarot - Nautical Tarot of the Water by Artists Assembled
LAST QUARTER Moon: Tarot of Delphi by JD. Hildegard Hinkel
BALSAMIC Moon: Connected & Free - The Alchemist's oracle by Lauren Aletta
EXTRA - GUIDE of MOONTH: Triple Goddess Tarot by Isha Lerner & Mara Fiedman
Moon + Tarot = Magick!
layout spread special Art graphic
to print and inspire you all lunar moonth long!

For additional depth to my Moon~Coaching Lunar Journey, I overlay the New & Full charts onto my own Astrological Chart:

I see that the BALSAMIC phase, along with the Base Chakra card, activates my natal 7th house.
So, I add 'Sacred Relationship' into the equation, and this confirms that I can communicate with my husband on this healing journey. Today, July 30, is actually our 3rd wedding annivarsary, and we are going to Sarasota, Florida (where we got married, after 10 years of being together). We will be walking on the beach, collecting seashells, and just BE-ing together, facing the Ocean, as I get closure on this amazing lunar journey!
Bright Blessings,
Silvia MoonCoach Pancaro