The Moon and 'that' Time of Year....
November 24th...just under 1 moonth away from Winter Solstice, and all the usual December holidays. It marks the Time of year that calls Families and Loved Ones together, whether you like each other or well as being the 'hibernation' part of the cycle for us in the Northern hemisphere. It's also the craziest, busiest Time for airlines, and all businesses built on Capitalism and the marketization of what should be a very quiet, Sacred point in the Cycle. So many emotions tend to come up between November and January each calendar year...and this of course is the domain of The Moon. We 'feel' and we 'emote' everything from joy to depression to apathy to disappointment. Every possible emotion on the human scale will come up for us, as we ponder various subjects, tied to the season:
1. Family: Are we in harmony or disharmony with all or some members of our bloodline?
2. Loss: Do we miss a Loved One who has passed, whether 2 days ago or 2 decades ago?
3. Goals: What's the so-called 'new year' going to bring us?
4. Finances: How much $ do we have available for gift-giving?
5. Closure: What were we able to achieve (or not) from the 'old year'?
And certainly other topics and questions will come up...however, generally speaking, those are the biggies on all our minds. And each one will have emotions tied to them, that may throw us into personal black holes...thereby this is the Time of Year where most suicides tend to occur. Not everyone feels this way of course, but a growing number of people of all ages, seem to be tapping in to this despairing sense of confusion about where we are headed as the linear calendar comes to its End...and for those in the Western mindset of go-go-go, do-do-do, and the insanely over marketed notion of 'manifest-manifest-manifest' every moment of your every day...this Time is very confusing, and has us questioning our sanity.
As MoonCoach™, one of my goals through my branded program called Moon~Coaching™, I encourage people to really step back and look at the notion of TIME from the perspective of order to begin tuning in (intuiting) to natural cycles, and how WE fit into those cycles and seasons. Rather than 'fight' what is natural, we need to surrender to the rhythms of these organic Time portals, and work with it, rather than against it.
So, think right now about what animals in the Northern Hemisphere do around this Time? I'm speaking of the last bit of the Autumnal season since we are still 1 moonth away from Winter's first day. Autumn's harvesting is coming to an end. Today, my hubby (Marcus Geier) noticed that the grass outside our Home was covered by little finches...busily gathering whatever last seeds they could find hidden among the yellowing blades of grass, to take with them into the cold, hard Winter that is looming on the Horizon of Time. Preparation is a key idea for this part of the Cycle, as demonstrated by all Animals on Mother Earth on the top half of her beautiful body. Rather than spending the weekend shopping for unnecessary 'stuff' we would do better to clear away what we won't be using in the next few moonths, and pull out of storage that which will help us to be more comfortable during the Winter. Perhaps find your heavy coats, and snow boots, or pull out the down comforters and extra blankets for keeping your kids warm.
So much to do to prepare for OUR HIBERNATION...but all the Big Corporations would have us running around like turkeys with their heads cut off, spending money that would be best saved or spent on real needs. And the commercials and advertising telling kids about this or that new toy that will sorely disappointed them if Mom or Dad or Grandparents don't get it for them...let alone the latest technological gadgets which the teens must have or else they'll just rebel and call you the worst parent ever. LOL. Every year that passes, I grow to dislike this Time more and more...when in truth, it's an absolutely Magickal part of the Cycle! The crisp air, the smell of burning wood in neighborhood fireplaces, the drops of cool water from melting snow...all the Elements of Alchemy™ blending perfectly to create a special Time for Humanity to get quiet, to move into Stillness, to reach into the Innermost Sanctuary of our Souls, to get our Homes ready for warming up our Family, Loved Ones and it all SHOULD be...
So, why did I, of all people that should know better given our chosen lifestyle, feel bummed today, this entire week and weekend? Well, that's why I'm picking up my blog again after a few years hiatus from blogging. I realized as I allowed my feelings to come up, that even though we don't watch TV, or get the full exposure to the mass manipulative media that the majority of people are subjected to, it's so insipid, so deeply manipulative, that it still seeps into our Consciousness via social media and through the invasive emails sent from all companies. My inboxes are flooded with marketing from stores and even from well-meaning small businesses offering all sorts of Black Friday to Cyber Monday deals...and even though I delete them all, the message is still present, a reminder that I will 'miss out' on the savings on stuff or services that I really don't need or want. It disturbed my usual peace of mind...and stirred up the anger that I feel during these days about the collective brainwashing by these mega corporations and the Western mindset about having and doing, and falling for it all...rather than tuning in to the REAL MEANING of this Cycle!
I am writing this to invite you, the reader, my Friend, to STOP, and sit down or lay down, and just BE for a Moment. To allow yourself to FEEL whatever may be hovering in the background, that you might otherwise totally miss because it's covered up by the busyness of shopping for deals. So, what do you feel? Beyond the purposeful distractions, and our collective addiction to NOT STOPPING to honor our Inner World, let's take this Blessed Moment to honor our connection to this part of the yearly Cycle....
Have you gathered your resources, like the squirrels are doing with the acorn nuts?
Have you taken the Time to consider WHO will be with you during the coming Winter?
And WHO is no longer in the 3D physical world, that we may be missing?
Can you allow yourself to slow down your pace, just like the bears are doing, to rest?
What project do you need to bring to closure after harvesting the Wisdom gained from it?
How can you personally honor the Turning of the Wheel of Time, as we shift from the Autumnal Harvest to the Winter Rest?
We've lost touch with Nature and her Cycles...but more people are rediscovering it, remembering that She reminds us to go within to better honor our own Cycles of Action, Growth, Celebration and Closure. And perhaps that is part of the reason that so many people, even the Conscious and Spiritual folks, to get caught up in the insanity of Black Friday and Cyber Monday...we resist the idea of Endings, of Death, of Closure...all of which Winter metaphorically represents for us. That's why some sadness is bound to come up for many of us...we've either been touched by Death (of a loved one perhaps), or our kids live far away and are unable to travel, or we may even feel our 2018 projects did not succeed as well as we had originally intended, so we don't want to let go. Yet, it's extremely important that we honor the coming Winter as an opportunity to clear the playing allow the (symbolism of the) pure white snow to wash away the tears, the sadness, the disappointment, the apparent failure, the grief of any losses that we've buried deep inside beneath our personal surface. It's ok. It's just part of the larger Cycle of Life.
For me personally, November is hard. My Beloved Mom - Magdalena Del Valle, and my Beloved Teacher - Jeffrey Brock, both died in this Moonth. They were incredibly important people in my Life, and my Heart aches at not being able to hear their voices or see them laughing. In slowing down and honoring the Cycle, I can allow myself to feel the sadness, and then allow myself to feel the Gratitude for their Wisdom, their Love, their Lives. This becomes the 'firewood' that I will place in the Hearth of my Heart during the Winter to warm my Soul during those cold nights. But only because I allowed myself to do the 'Moon thing' lol - that is, to FEEL MY EMOTIONS, and to honor these feelings, rather than busy myself in order to avoid the uncomfortable ones.
I received a new Oracle deck in the mail today...called The Hero's Journey Dream Oracle. As always with all my Tarot and Oracle decks, upon opening the box, I clear the energy, then shuffle them as I imbue them with my own Frequency, as well as with my Intention for including the deck in my Sacred Work. I then ask for the 1st card to pop out as the purpose for that deck in my own Life and Sacred Work in my classes or readings with others. This Time, I was also feeling my feelings...and noticing as I shuffled my eyesight lost in the distance of some Inner Landscape, and feeling a sense of 'no direction' and I found myself lamenting not hearing The Call...literally not driven or motivated by any Creative project (and that's a big deal for me because I'm always working on creating something). A card popped out, and I knew my Spirit was speaking thru that card...and that is what prompted me to sit and write for the first Time in a very long Time. So here is what I pulled, and I shared it with you in the Hope that this will inspire YOU to sit, breathe, be still, connect with your Soul, and allow for YOUR Spirit to speak to you...
"The Unknown Is Your Friend. Lean in to embrace what's next." And here is the card image, which is exactly what I was doing, my position, my Vibe, when I was shuffling the card, for me, for YOU:

I don't know what's coming next for me. And well, maybe that's ok. Trying to control outcomes or attempting to 'manifest' this or that, is NOT necessary at this Time. As a matter of fact, it's counterproductive to the Natural Flow of Energy, at this juncture in the yearly Cycle. I don't have to 'hear the call' of anything. I don't have to rush out to be The Heroine for anyone. I can allow myself to sit in quiet contemplation, as I bring to mind and heart, all that I've experienced not only during the Autumn moonths thus far, but since Spring in March. How have I grown? What did I accomplish? Where did I fall short of my mark? Who has touched my Heart? And what Hearts have I touched with my own Presence? Who am I missing? What am I choosing to celebrate? And with whom will I share my Love and Sacred Space in the Winter moonths? What am I truly grateful for? And how might I share from my Harvest, with others?
As I look at the image on the card, I recognize that the Unknown can be a quiet place of need not be action-oriented pursuits. That Light, that Fire that burns within the not-so-far-off Cave, is really my Spirit calling to me, to surrender, to relax, to JUST BE. What's 'next' is not always a crazy 'outer' adventure, but can (and at this Time should) be an Inner Adventure towards Peace, Harmony and Healing...all aspects of the coming Winter Solstice. And certainly this invitation extends to YOU, who are reading these Words...this re-minder to return to your Soul, to be replenished energetically by the Light and Warmth of your Spirit.
Now, as I turn to the book that came with this Oracle deck, I read the Words that explain what the Author (Kelly Sullivan Walden) and the Artist (Rassouli) intended for this card to convey, i realize just how perfect both the Image and the Words are for where I Am today:
"Stand on the shore of what you think you know, and feel the unfamiliar enticing you forward. Up ahead, just over the horizon, there is a glimmer of foreign territory. Be filled with the spirit of adventure and inspired to let go of the familiar. Turn within and connect with what you want to carry with you - take only that which is most essential. Aware that life is on your side and the unknown is your friend, her the calling, muster your courage and go for it."
Indeed, as we shift our Focus from the external reality, having harvested 'the most essential' for the coming journey into The Unknown - that Inner Landscape of our Soul which calls to us as we inch ever closer to Winter Solstice, we must be courageous if we are to truly surrender any seemingly desire to 'control' outcomes - whether with Family or Loved Ones, Finances or Career, or Time itself. We would do well to feel whatever comes up as we move purposefully towards Closure, and step valiantly into our Inner Wild Unknown.
Screw the marketing emails and commercials of the Season. GO WITHIN. Find Peace INside, my Friends. Grandmother Moon reminds you that all is cyclical, and once Winter winds down, you'll have the newness and freshness of Spring within which to play and create. For now, JUST BE.
Moonbeam Blissings & Soular Radiance,
MoonCoach™ Silvia Magdalena Pancaro
Creatrix of Moon~Coaching™