MoonCoaching™ for the Cancer Lunar Moonth 2019

These are the energies that are available to us all (even if you are not a CANCER CRAB!), during this lunar moonth. So, the idea is to co-create with Nature and Cosmos, by plugging into the energy at an organic level. The more you do this throughout the entire year, moonth to moonth, the more in-tune you will become with Sacred Timing, and this will pay off hugely in your Life! Over Time, you'll notice that Life seems to 'flow' easier, more gracefully...rather than feeling like you are 'kicking against the pricks', you will notice that you are truly synchronized with the Great Creative Power of the Universe. You'll notice you struggle less, and that you are more intuitively aware of the energy flow in your everyday experience. This is something that is developed over Time - so commit to this process for YOUR own well being...and note that this CANCER cycle is one of the very best Times to develop a relationship with the Flowing of Sacred Time!

So, take a look at these CANCER key words/themes, and synchronize your Intention for the cycle with this energy. Look at the images as well as at the that you are engaging both your rational/logic/left brain AND your creative/intuitive/right brain. You'll be creating new neural pathways in your brain, which will serve to bring greater balance & harmony in the way you function. This applies to ALL Lunar Journeys, as I said, you'll be developing this new ability over the course of Time. So stick with it, and keep on unifying the 2 aspects of your Consciousness (Yin/Lunar/Feminine/SubConsciousness + Yang/Solar/Masculine/Consciousness), ultimately living via your Higher Divine Consciousness.

I will add more images at each one of the Moon~Coaching™ Creation Steps during the 8 Lunar phase date individual posts. Those will reflect the vibration of the specific phase/sign combination. This page covers the general feel and focus for not just the CANCER New Moon, but also the overarching theme that drives us during the entire lunar moonth.

TAROT card associated with CANCER:
The CHARIOT (Major Arcana #7)
Meditate on your favorite CHARIOT card.
What does this one teach you about CANCER?
What do you think it says about CANCER in your own Life experience?
Do you feel inspired by it?
Or do you feel confused by it?
How can you develop a greater sense of EMOTIONAL CONTAINMENT thru CANCER & THE CHARIOT?

TAROT card associated with MOON:
The HIGH PRIESTESS (Major Arcana #2)
Meditate on your favorite HIGH PRIESTESS card.
What message does she offer you about INTUITION and MEMORY?
Can you apply her lesson to your Intention?
Do you see a connection between the CHARIOT card & the HIGH PRIESTESS card?
How so? What CONVERSATION might they be having about YOUR INTENTION?

CANCER KEY WORDS/THEMES: Element: Water/Emotions/Emotional Body.
Ruling Planet: Moon (so this is the most Lunar of all Moonths!). Motherhood/Mother/Maternal/Divine Feminine/Matriarchy. Family/Home/Roots/Foundation/Real Estate.
Security/Safety/Emotional Containment.
The 'Roots' on one's personal Tree of Life (DNA & Psychological Roots).
Womb. Breasts. Stomach.
(Or the opposite of the above, ie, lack of safety, so the remedy would be to moonifest self-nurturing and creating a sense of emotional safety thru understanding what you 'need.').

(Rules Cancer, and is our GUIDE during this cycle):
What we need in order to feel safe.
Emotional Containment. Security Needs.
Cycles. Rhythms. Patterns.
Intuition. Psychic Ability. Soul.
Soul as Mirror of our Spiritual Core.
The Cosmic Womb/The Great Mother (differentiated from our earthly/physical Mom).

The 4th New Moon of the 2019-20 Astro-Lunar Year asks us to consider:
How you nurture yourself?
How do you 'mother' yourself?
What do you need in order to feel loved-safe-cared for?
What does Mother & Family mean to YOU?
What is the nature of your connection to The Great Mother?
Take time to create a safe, nurturing Sacred Space for yourself & for your loved ones. Take a good, deep look at the ways you sabotage your basic needs, and learn to create a safe container for expressing your emotional needs. A very important aspect of becoming 'enlightened' (i.e. Self-Actualized) is to tend to one's basic needs...I equate the Moon with the lower aspect of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (see graphic below). Without feeling a sense of personal security & belonging, it's very challenging to develop a healthy sense of Self-Esteem, much more so to become self-actualized on a more spiritual level. So spend time this moonth really understanding the pyramid below if you are not already familiar with it, and note where you stand & how you are experiencing, each of these points. Work to create a strong emotional container & energetic foundation for yourself in the next 4 weeks.

We are invited to navigate the EMOTIONAL REALM via the gentle Cosmic Crab, who assists us with moving into the DEPTHS of our SOUL, recognizing our genetic-familiar-and psychological ROOTS, which form the foundation of our personal & collective TREE OF LIFE. Yes, this Lunar Moonth is an invitation to DIVE deeply into the COSMIC WOMB, to re-member that beyond the flesh & blood & bones of our physical human bodies, we are truly all One, swimming in the AMNIOTIC FLUID of THE GREAT MOTHER. Surrender & melt into Her Loving Embrace...