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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™: Virgo New Moonth! Set Your Intentions! Work Your Magick From August 30 to September


Seed. Dream. New Beginning. Inner Vision. Faith. Trust. Intuition.

FIRST, you'll want to mark these dates on your calendar, or set an alarm on your cell phone to remind you of the 8 times you need to return here to read my blog updates at each of the Moon Phases throughout the VIRGO Lunar Journey. I will be posting energy readings, along with Tarot & Oracle cards, and how these relate to the Astrological & Lunar vibes. This helps you to stay 'tuned in' to Spirit, Cosmos and the overall Reality in which we co-exist. This is my Sacred Service to you, as part of my 'Reality' which it is my intention that it serve you, and support you. (If you would like a personal one-on-one MoonCoaching™ or Tarot session, please email me to schedule an appt). Now, here are the dates for this Virgo Lunar Moonth:

(All times/dates are EDT - Eastern Daylight Time)

  • Aug 30 @ 6:37 am New Moon: DREAM - 7-Virgo

  • Sept2 @ 11:07 am Crescent Moon: PLAN - 25-Libra

  • Sept 5 @ 11:10 pm First Quarter Moon: ACT - 14-Sagittarius

  • Sept 9 @ 9:32 pm Gibbous Moon: FOCUS - 3-Aquarius

  • Sep 14 @ 12:33 am Full Moon: MOONIFESTATION™ - 22-Pisces

  • Sept 18 @ 2:19 am Disseminating Moon: SHARE - 11-Taurus

  • Sept 21 @ 10:41 pm Last Quarter Moon: REORIENT - 29-Gemini

  • Sept 25 @ 9:55 am Balsamic Moon: BE @ PEACE - 18-Leo

This post will help you 'tune in' to the Vibe of VIRGO (you don't have to be a VIRGO to work/play with this energy...we have ALL 12 signs in our astrological charts & Psyche!). If you understand your own astrological chart, look for the 7th Degree of Virgo in it, to see what area of your Life (and aspects of your Psyche) are being activated by this Lunation. Apply the key words you read here, in a manner that is SPECIFIC TO YOU, so include this in crafting your Intention for co-creating with Moon, Sun, Zodiac & Tarot! EnJoy the VIRGO Lunar Journey! Again, if you need assistance with this, I am here, as MoonCoach, to walk you thru it should you want individualized attention.

VIRGO clearly asks us to stand in INTEGRITY within our daily lives (based on having achieved Self-Love & Authenticity in the previous, Leo, cycle), so we must be ever vigilant to our DAILY THOUGHTS, to ensure that our HABITS support the new-found Self that we birthed last moonth in Leo. GROUND THIS ENERGY in some tangible/earthy manner, during this moon's activities.

We will work with the qualities of EARTH sign, VIRGO the CELESTIAL PRIESTESS, symbol of the desire to be of SERVICE, to bring greater healing into the physical realm, being the conduit/channel/VESSEL for the Divine, using the gifts of the Higher Mind in order to DISCERN what works from what is superfluous, CLEARING the CLUTTER from our spaces (inner & outer) and creation of a Sacred Space in which to daily commune with Spiritual Source!

The Month of VIRGO is presided over by the Planet MERCURY, who invites us to ponder on the the THOUGHTS we process daily in our MINDS, and clear out the ones that have a negative effect on our bodies and in our everyday, MATERIAL lives. It's also time to be conscious of the voice of our INNER CRITIC, and say:

"Thank you for sharing, but I prefer to transform you into a Messenger of Positive Messages that enhance my life experience."

An important key word for this cycle is VESSEL! Commit to yourself that throughout this VIRGO New Moon-th you will take extra care of your physical body as the Vessel that houses your Spirit. Be aware on a daily basis of the FOODS you eat and the way you speak to your BODY (and that it speaks TO you!).

Like the Celestial Priestess, we are invited during this lunar cycle, to create a Sacred Space for ourselves and for others.

These are the energies that are available to us all (even if you are not a VIRGO!), during this lunar moonth. So, the idea is to co-create with NATURE and Cosmos, by plugging into the energy at an ORGANIC level. The more you do this throughout the entire year, moonth to moonth with each Zodiac sign, the more in-tune you will become with Sacred Timing, and this will pay off hugely in your Life! Over Time, you'll notice that Life seems to 'flow' easier, more gracefully...rather than feeling like you are 'kicking against the pricks', you will notice that you are truly synchronized with the Great Creative Power of the Universe. You'll notice you struggle less, and that you are more intuitively aware of the energy flow in your everyday experience. This is something that is developed over Time - so commit to this process for YOUR own well being...and note that this VIRGO cycle is a great Time to deepen your relationship with the Divine as you continue to consciously co-create with the Flowing of Sacred Time, since this zodiac sign has much to do with daily life, and creating healthy patterns (good habits) of living on Earth.

So, take a look at these VIRGO key words/themes, and synchronize your Intention for the cycle with this energy. Look at the images as well as at the that you are engaging both your rational/logic/left brain AND your creative/intuitive/right brain. You'll be creating new neural pathways in your brain, which will serve to bring greater balance & harmony in the way you function. This applies to ALL Lunar Journeys, as I said, you'll be developing this new ability over the course of Time. So stick with it, and keep on unifying the 2 aspects of your Consciousness (Yin/Lunar/Feminine/SubConsciousness + Yang/Solar/Masculine/Consciousness), ultimately living via your Higher Divine Consciousness.

I invite you as BROTHERS & PRIESTESSES of the NEW EARTH, to participate fully in the Lunar Moonth most connected to the Archetype of the PriestEss (Monk, SiStar, Brother, etc). The Virgo New Moon is on 8/30/2019...this lunar moonth asks us to DEDICATE ourselves to a SACRED DISCIPLINE, to be of SERVICE to others, for the Whole~making of our beautiful CONSCIOUS VESSELS, flowing Divinity through our individual Consciousness.

Virgo teaches us to look at the DETAILS, so this is a month to consider our ability to notice what we do on a daily basis that supports (or not) our Spiritual Mission.

If you wish to work this cycle on a mundane level, consider how your projects/business can be of service, and add to the well-being, of the Collective. It's time also to CLEAR the energetic/mental/emotional/physical CLUTTER from our personal & work spaces, as well as from our own Minds/Hearts/Bodies. As well as taking a good, honest look at our SELF-TALK CYCLE, and ensure that we are speaking lovingly to ourselves, in connection with the Inner Voice of the Divine Within.

  • How will you choose to create with this Lunar Cycle's energies?

  • What will you focus on clearing & healing within your life, consciousness, and sacred spaces?

  • Who will you choose to serve with your gifts?

  • How will you honor your body & personality as Sacred Vessel?






Element: EARTH - the physical realm including the Body as Vessel.

Ruling Planet: MERCURY (here he shows up more earthy & grounded)

Themes: Sacred Service. Archetype of the Priest~ess. Vessel. Discernment, Sacred Work. Alternative Healing. Details. Clearing. Organizing. Details. Sorting through information to reach the Essence/Essential. Decluttering. Self-Talk Cycle. Awareness & Presence. Body Awareness.

(Or the opposite of the above, ie, lack of order, unfocused thinking, dis-ease, etc. so the remedy would be to focus on moonifesting health, order, clarity, awareness through the activities of this cycle).



(Rules VIRGO, and is our GUIDE during this cycle):

Mind. Thoughts. Communication. Ideas. Brain/Neural Pathways.

Healing. Alternative Healing. The Alchemical Agent that Quickens Transformation. Processing of Data/Information. Teaching. Studying. Reading. Speaking. All Channels of Disseminating Information (TV, Radio, Internet, Word of Mouth).

And remember, as this has to do with the power of Mind, Focus, Attention and the possible ways these can run amock, we must watch for the 'shadow' expression of Virgo & Mercury. Virgo = Daily Habits + Mercury = Mind, so together this combination in this lunar cycle = the opportunity to see our Self as GOOD ENOUGH, without projections of criticism or expectations of perfectionism:


Moon~Coaching™ Questions to Ponder from

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

for the Virgo Lunar Moonth, beginning August 30:

  • What in my daily environment needs cleaning and clearing?

  • How can I take better care of my own body as an extension of the Earth Mother's body?

  • Is there a new daily habit that I can establish which leads to greater Health and well-being in my Earthly life?

  • Is there an area of my Life that needs some serious clutter-clearing?

  • What can I do to serve the Greater-Good?

These questions can get you started in your process of creation by journaling your ideas on each one. Combined with your own Astrology chart key words, which personalize the Virgo Lunar Journey to YOU, you will get a solid sense of your Focus & Intention for this Moonth. You can actually turn any one of these questions into a statement, and make it your Intention for the moonth! For example, if your space is unkempt and cluttered, you can turn the first question into the intention: "I clear up the energy in my environment, allowing for clarity to be reflected within it as a Sacred Space in which I can work, live and play with ease & grace." And then you work on clearing and cleaning and sprucing it up until if feels & looks gorgeous! Get the picture?


NEXT: Keep in mind the VIRGO Key Words/Themes, which is the over-riding energy that we will have available to work with all moonth long. HOWEVER, you may also wish to keep in mind the sign of the FULL MOON: PISCES, which will be the point of Moonifestation™

  • The New Moon = The Seed/Intention

  • The Full Moon = The Flowering/Moonifestation™


So, let us consider the Moonifestation™ point for the VIRGO New Moon: It is 2 weeks later at the PISCES Full Moon on 9/14/19. Here is the information and guidance on including the Full Moon energy with key words from PISCES:


Element: Water.

Planetary Rulers: Jupiter + Neptune

Tarot Key: The Moon

Themes: One-ness. Cosmic Unity. Source. Soul. The Return Home. Dissolution of 3D Reality. Dreams. Meditation. Sleep. Astral Plane. Mediumship. Fantasy. Imagination. Mysticism. Sacrifice ('to make sacred'). Nirvana. Solitude. Retreat. Spiritual Healing. Faith. Belief. The Invisible/Unknown (and TRUSTING It). Devotion. Atonement. Christ/Buddha Consciousness. Compassion. Forgiveness. Surrender. Emotions.Spiritual Wisdom. Tears. Mystic. Shapeshifter. Healer. Artist. Dreamer. Bodhisattva. Martyr. Creative Inspiration. Unconditional Love. Otherworld Communications.

(Image: Angel of the Grail by Pamela Matthews)

When combining the Seed of Earthy VIRGO with the Flowering of watery PISCES, we get the combination of the HERMIT with the MOON (Tarot cards) - Spiritual Guidance that leads us into Deeper Realms of Soulful INTUITION...Listening to the Inner Guide who gives divinely inspired direction to be able to move past the ILLUSIONS that appear like a DREAMSCAPE, in order to finally reach the SACRED PLACE WITHIN where we can connect with our TRUE DIVINE SOURCE. This is a great moonth for clearing your consciousness (Virgo) so that new energy can find a place to grow. Imagine clearing away your desk, stepping into your PriestEss self, and allowing for a new set of instructions to come into your Consciousness, directly from SOURCE so that you can move into a new direction in your business/career or personal life. Or making space in your social life in order to meet someone new. Or throwing out all the old clothes, and then having the space for new outfits that truly reflect your true ESSENCE! The idea here is that VIRGO represents the VESSEL, which must be CLEARED from RECEIVE the FLOW of new DIVINE ENERGY, which is represented by PISCES. The final sign of the Zodiac, the Cosmic Fish, symbolizes THE ALL from which everything comes, FLOWS, manifests (Moonifests!). So, this Astrological pair of opposites (Virgo & Pisces are opposite each other on the Zodiac Wheel), truly reveals a big piece of the Cosmic Puzzle: Vessel and Source...they way we can truly access Higher Self or DIVINE SOUL (Pisces) is thru the EMPTYING OF THE CUP (Virgo). If your cup or vessel is filled, how can you receive new INSPIRATION? Right, you can't. So, go empty, clear, clean! All Moonth long!

Consider the Images attached to this post, and enjoy your VIRGO/PISCES Lunar Journey!


And once you finish reading the posts in this folder, you'll want to head over to register free for Blog updates on both my main websites:

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I will add more images at each one of the Moon~Coaching™ Creation Steps during the 8 Lunar phase date individual posts right here, so be sure to visit this blog at for those phase updates (which will include reading the 'energy' of each portal with Tarot & Oracle cards in addition to the Moon phase & Sign). Those will reflect the vibration of the specific phase/sign combination. Remember this specific blog post covers the general feel and focus for not just the VIRGO New Moon, but also the overarching theme that drives us during the entire lunar moonth from an Astrological/Archetypal perspective. My other posts will be an energy reading as the days move forward in this moonth/cycle.

Peace & MoonBeam Blissings,

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™, AstroTarotOlogy™, AstroVibeOlogy™ and more!

All material Copyright Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach™, MoonCoaching™, AstroTarotOlogy™, and AstroVibeOlogy™ are TRADEMARKS & BRANDS of Silvia Pancaro. Do not copy!

*I do not own the images, other than my Moon~Coaching™ logos or in some cases my own photographs. Please let me know if you recognize the artist so I can add their names.

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