MoonCoaching™ AstroTarotOlogy™: REVEAL - Pick A Card for the Libra Crescent Moon Phase in the Virgo
Play with me! Check out this fun post & pick your cards:
(1, 2, or 3) by Monday 9/2 @ 6:00 pm EDT. I'll reveal the answer at that time!

MoonCoaching™ & AstroTarotOlogy™ fun experiment!
Pick your cards for the Crescent Moon in Libra on 9/2/19! This is a new way of interacting with you so I hope you enjoy it :) Here's what to do:
Think of the Virgo New Moon INTENTION that you set a few days ago (New Moon phase was from 8/30 thru 9/2). If you have not set an Intention yet - choose one to be your focus, goal, seed...for this lunar cycle (8/30 thru 9/27). You can read about the energy at (read the 2 previous Virgo blog posts, if you haven't already).
Bottom line is this moon cycle has us focusing on clearing the clutter in our lives (physical spaces, or mental/emotional clutter); goals related to an aspect of our health & well-being; intentions focusing on releasing old negative self-talk cycle and replacing it with a positive mindset. That is just for starters. Get more ideas on the blog or on the Virgo page on my site.
Ok, got your goal/intention? Great. On 9/2 at 11:07 am EDT, we move into the next lunar phase within this Lunar Cycle. This is the stage in the MoonCoaching™ process where you get clarity about how to bring your intention/goal to a successful realization (usually by the Full Moon which will be on 9/14) the intention is something achievable within that time frame...don't make it 'write my first novel'...but it can be 'write the outline & first chapter for my first novel' as these are doable within a 2 week time frame.
1. You have your doable intention. 2. Get your allies, resources and to-do list.
So, we are now going to get creative with step 2 by picking cards to help us brainstorm. Below you will see a picture with 3 big cards + 3 smaller cards under those. Pick a set of cards (1 big + 1 small that is directly underneath it). Trust that this is your answer to getting guidance & direction for your Step 2 (read the info on my MoonCoaching Lunar Journey meditation card that is right above all the other cards to know what this means).
Tomorrow evening (9/2) at 6:00 pm EDT, I will turn the cards over, and read them. I will do a short write-up about each pair of cards, and how these relate to Step 2 in my MoonCoaching™ program, and all you have to do is brainstorm the information, applying it to your Intention for this moonth. Then set out to follow thru!
Got it? PICK YOUR CARD! And....scroll for the REVEAL:
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I couldn't have picked better matches between the Tarot and Oracle cards had I chosen them face up. The energy between each pair is truly resonant between them. Ok, so, having your Virgo Moonth Intention in mind, continue to read up on the option you chose:

4 of Wands + Kindreds
Interestingly, the 4 of Wands was the one we received for the Collective Energy in my MoonCoaching™ - AstroTarotOlogy™ post today for the Crescent phase in Libra. So, if you chose this option, then you are really connected to the overall Collective field for if you've not already read that post message earlier, please DO read it now as the information will be particularly relevant to you! Now, on to this particular 4 of Wands:
Your best resources for accomplishing your Virgo Moonth intention can be found at Home. Consider what 'Tools' you might have already within your immediate reach. Everything you need to accomplish your goal is already in your possession. Allies? Well you got them! Likely at Home, too! So, consider that Home & Family may be the best place for you to get support, ideas and energy, to apply towards the accomplishment of your desired Moonifestation! Additionally, in terms of focus for your intention, Home, Family and your Loved Ones are the perfect place for energizing your goal. For example, if you set the intention for clearing your home from clutter & old energy, this pair of cards certainly confirms you are right on track! Get your family members to pitch in! The 4 of Wands implies STRUCTURE, Order, Organization - so beyond this being about the 4 walls that symbolize your physical Home - this lets you know the importance of organizing your RESOURCES in such a manner that allows for a stronger foundation upon which you can plan your activities for the entire lunar moonth. The Crescent moon phase invites you to call in your Allies, so with her being in Libra - the sign that epitomizes relationships with others - this is doubly so! And even more strongly emphasized by the Kindreds card! The work you are setting out to accomplish this month, doesn't have to be boring or really don't have to go it alone! Call friends and family to support you. Invite your BFF over for tea at Home, and brainstorm on your goals together. The process of Moonifestation™is more fun & powerful when shared with a trusted friend!

IV - The Emperor + Direction
Your to-do list for accomplishing your Virgo Moonth intention must include making a thorough and honest assessment of your 'domain' since The Emperor's strength lies in MANAGEMENT of RESOURCES. So, as you begin listing the tools necessary to bring your Intention into Moonifestation, be sure to take full stock of what is available vs what you might still require for best implementation. With this assessment, you will gain further clarity around the types of activities you'll need to take, and this will naturally lead to the Allies that you can rely on for support. As The Emperor, you need to take the lead, and provide DiRECTION to your allies - so delegate to the right people those activities that they can handle on your behalf, while you focus on 'managing traffic' with you taking point as Leader in your process.
As you see from the Direction card, you'll need to BUILD the STRUCTURE, one stone at a time, so Time Management and proper allocation of resources, will be necessary. The birds, a symbol of Air or the Mental Realm, point to using solid communication skills in order to continue building towards your success. Numerologically, there are 9 birds - a number of completion and mastery - so consider what this might mean to you: Could it be 9 ideas that must be shared, or 9 procedural steps requiring implementation? And there are 6 stones, laid out one on top of the other, with the largest/heaviest providing the foundation...and then placed in order of importance, to provide the most well as visual Harmony & Beauty, which relates to the LIBRA aspect of this Crescent phase. Consider carefully the process of actions, in alignment with what will be the most direct path towards success, and be mindful of including Harmonious communications with those others on your Team (after all, Libra as mentioned for Option 1, is the symbol of Relationships with others), how can you include positive Team Building into your Crescent phase action plan? A good leader provides clear direction with empathy and respect for all those under her or his care!

6 of Cups + Vulnerability
Your best options for accomplishing your Virgo Moonth intention include MEMORIES that open your Heart to loved's pretty clear that this particular Virgo Lunar Cycle can potentially be a very deeply healing one for you, if you picked this combo. Your Intention for this cycle will require you to apply lots of good-old-fashioned LOVE to every step of the way! Compassion, Empathy and Openeness of Your Heart to others (remember Libra includes all our Relations!). As Virgo's focus for all is about removing old outworn tapes that play back over and over in our Minds with potential negative self-talk, then this combination of cards reminds you to be ever MINDFUL of what you may be feeling in response to your Childhood Memories...if you feel a certain VULNERABILITY, then allow your Action Plan for this moonth to reveal to you what best serves you to re-write in your Life Script. This option brings to bare the idea of CHOICE- what you choose to focus on throughout this moonth, needs to feed you positive self-regard...and since MeMory can be a tricky thing, then simply choose to notice if you are feeling 'out of balance' (there's the Libra message!), and hit the erase/delete button on that old recording. Instead, choose the HAPPY MeMories...the onces that allow for Open-Hearted PRESENT DAY sharing with your Allies. Make NEW MeMories this moonth! Add this as a 'to-do' item on your action list!
Additionally, since in this particular depiction of the 6 of Cups, we see a Mom and her little ones, part of your team of Allies, might very well include your Mom or an important Maternal figure in your well as CHILDREN! Why do I highlight that point? Other than the obvious image, if you read my previous Virgo New Moonth post, then you know I wrote about this moonth activating the Collective need for returning to our Innocence! There's a certain 'shadow' aspect to Virgo which we ALL have felt in our own Consciousness (since we have ALL 12 signs in our Psyche/Astrology Chart) - and that is being judgmental or being criticized for our imperfections and falling short of the 'mark.' So, we, and especially you since you picked this option, have the opportunity this moonth to STOP the self-criticism, and replace those self-negating comments with Loving, Compassionate and Kind words...a Good Mom as we see in the 6 of Cups, will cheer us on no matter what. So, jot that one down on your to-do list: Repeat and affirm - I am Innocent. I am perfect just the way I Am. I regard myself at all moments with unconditional self-love. Criticism may have created a wall around the Heart, so see your DAILY Affirmations of Self-Love as a RESOURCE with which to reach your Moonifestation™!
I could keep writing about each one, but I need to get this out to you all! Well, I hope this experiment - a different way of doing 'pick a card' - worked for you! I know I loved providing this as a Sacred Service to all who are reading my blog :) Please let me know if you found it helpful, and I will choose one of the upcoming Moon phases to do it again for you. See the remaining 6 lunar phase dates below, and be sure to return to my MoonCoaching™ blog to stay tuned in to the Moon & Cosmos with MoonCoach™!

Peace & MoonBeam Blissings,
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™, AstroTarotOlogy™, AstroVibeOlogy™ and more!

(These are the Moon phase dates for the entire Virgo Lunar Moonth.
All times/dates are EDT - Eastern Daylight Time)
Aug 30 @ 6:37 am New Moon: DREAM - 7-Virgo
Sept2 @ 11:07 am Crescent Moon: PLAN - 25-Libra
Sept 5 @ 11:10 pm First Quarter Moon: ACT - 14-Sagittarius
Sept 9 @ 9:32 pm Gibbous Moon: FOCUS - 3-Aquarius
Sep 14 @ 12:33 am Full Moon: MOONIFESTATION™ - 22-Pisces
Sept 18 @ 2:19 am Disseminating Moon: SHARE - 11-Taurus
Sept 21 @ 10:41 pm Last Quarter Moon: REORIENT - 29-Gemini
Sept 25 @ 9:55 am Balsamic Moon: BE @ PEACE - 18-Leo
as well as the previous blog posts in which I covered a LOT of info for you!

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I will continue to post at each one of the Moon~Coaching™ Creation Steps during the 8 Lunar phase date individual posts right here, so be sure to return on the above mentioned phase dates (which will include reading the 'energy' of each portal with Tarot & Oracle cards in addition to the Moon phase & Sign). .

Peace & MoonBeam Blissings,
Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™, AstroTarotOlogy™, AstroVibeOlogy™ and more!
All material Copyright Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. All Rights Reserved.
MoonCoach™, MoonCoaching™, AstroTarotOlogy™, and AstroVibeOlogy™ are TRADEMARKS & BRANDS of Silvia Pancaro. Do not copy!
*I do not own the images, other than my Moon~Coaching™ logos or in some cases my own photographs. Please let me know if you recognize the artist so I can add their names.