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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ AstroTarotOlogy™ : Pick-A-Card for Pisces/Virgo Full Moon!

Play with me! Pick your card for the Full Moonifestation™!

First, choose your set of cards (1, 2 or 3)...

then scroll down to see the 'reveal' and read the message for YOU!

To recap the previous 4 moon/sun phases/steps we've been thru so far in the Virgo Lunar Moonth:

  • #1-New Moon. Set Your Virgo intention for this lunar cycle.

  • #2-Crescent Moon. Get your allies, resources and to-do list.

  • #3-First Quarter Moon. Take decisive action to create a strong foundation.

  • #4-Gibbous Moon. Prune away distractions. Go into hyper-focus mode.

And now we move to:

  • #5-Full Moon. Moonifestation™! Culmination of All Your Efforts!

Success. Illumination. Zenith. Purpose. Celebration. Realization.


So, this phase is one of CELEBRATION! The Full Moon is the point where the Lunar Body holds & reflects the most Light (from the Sun), so it is the culmination of all the efforts from the previous 2 weeks since we started on the Virgo New Moon on 8/30. Consider everything you've done to lead you to this Moment. The Moon is brightly shining upon you, so this phase of ILLUMINATION reveals to you the deeper implications of what you've been working towards. Sometimes, what is REVEALED is much more than what you may have be open to receive Lunar Wisdom during these Full Moon phase days (9/14 thru 9/18).

As with the previous phases this cycle, keeping in mind that most of the personal planets are still in Virgo, the overall energy is very much about Virgo themes (read my Virgo New Moon blog posts if you need a refresher!). The Moon now in PISCES, a WATER (emotional/intuitive) sign, floats exactly opposite the Sun in VIRGO, an EARTH (physical/practical) sign and we on Planet Earth sit between the Moon & Sun, in this important 3-way conversation at this FULL Moon phase. So, look up into the evening sky, drink in all the Cosmic Energy, feel deeply into the results of the past 2 weeks worth of working towards your Moonifestation™!

For this one, I've decided to create a bit of a more complex card spread. I will pull for messages from the Sun in Virgo AND for the Moon in Pisces. I am including Tarot, Oracle + Runes. So, the card combination you choose reveals:

SOLAR MESSAGE: Spirit's Illumination, Integration of Lesson & Bringing it Down to Earth - in regards to your original New Moon Seed into your Full Moonifestation™.


LUNAR MESSAGE: Soul Gift, Clarity and Inspiration from Above - in regards to your original New Moon Seed into your Full Moonifestation™.

To repeat, this is the stage in the MoonCoaching™ process where you SEE in fullness what really matters about your process! Call to mind your Virgo New Moon INTENTION that started the current lunar cycle on 8/30 as you pick your cards. Remember: Your original Intention was (and continues to be) your focus, goal, seed - for this ENTIRE Virgo Lunar Cycle (8/30 thru 9/27). As you read thru the message pertaining to your choice, let your SubConsciousness and SuperConsciousness guide your Self-Awareness in brainstorming how the message applies, and how to work it!

Below you'll see 2 pictures. The first one has the Sun Cards/Runes on them, numbered 1,2,3. The second one has the Moon cards on them, numbered 1,2,3. Pick 1 number, which will correspond to both sets. In other words, if you pick #1 in the Sun set, then it is paired up with #1 in the Moon set; #2 Sun is paired with #2 Moon; #3 Sun is paired with #3 Moon. Got it? Good!

Close your eyes, pulling the Totality of Your Consciousness into a state of Peace. Calling in your Attention to the Inner Sanctum, where your Soul, Spirit & Personality meet in Sacred Union. State that only Light & Love inhabits in your Reality, and ask for the Right Message to be revealed to you, in connection with where you are Now, and that best relates to your Moonifestation™. Take some deep breaths. When ready, open your eyes, and choose your card set...


OK, did you pick your card Combo?

1, 2 or 3?

When ready, scroll down for your message for this moon phase in the Virgo lunar moonth from MoonCoach™:

















REVELATION of Cards for SUn & Moon:








Trust yourself to enact this in the way most befitting of your Soul Purpose. This FULL phase lasts from 9/14 thru 9/18, so soak in the Light, and allow yourself to be fully Illuminated by Spirit and Soul!

I'll post the other Moon~Coaching™ Steps Moon Phases as we get to those dates on the Lunar Calendar. The next one will be the TAURUS DISSEMINATING MOON on 9/18.

Peace & MoonBeam Blissings,

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™,

AstroTarotOlogy™, AstroVibeOlogy™ and more!

(These are the Moon phase dates for the entire Virgo Lunar Moonth.

All times/dates are EDT - Eastern Daylight Time)

  • Aug 30 @ 6:37 am New Moon: DREAM - 7-Virgo

  • Sept 2 @ 11:07 am Crescent Moon: PLAN - 25-Libra

  • Sept 5 @ 11:10 pm First Quarter Moon: ACT - 14-Sagittarius

  • Sept 9 @ 9:32 pm Gibbous Moon: FOCUS - 3-Aquarius

  • Sep 14 @ 12:33 am Full Moon: MOONIFESTATION™ - 22-Pisces

  • Sept 18 @ 2:19 am Disseminating Moon: SHARE - 11-Taurus

  • Sept 21 @ 10:41 pm Last Quarter Moon: REORIENT - 29-Gemini

  • Sept 25 @ 9:55 am Balsamic Moon: BE @ PEACE - 18-Leo


as well as the previous blog posts in which I covered a LOT of info for you!

If you are enjoying my posts, and want to stay in the loop, head over to register free for Blog updates on both my main websites:

And subscribe to my YouTube Channel:

I will continue to post at each one of the Moon~Coaching™ Creation Steps during the 8 Lunar phase date individual posts right here, so be sure to return on the above mentioned phase dates (which will include reading the 'energy' of each portal with Tarot & Oracle cards in addition to the Moon phase & Sign). .

Peace & MoonBeam Blissings,

Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™, AstroTarotOlogy™, AstroVibeOlogy™ and more!

All material Copyright Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. All Rights Reserved.

MoonCoach™, MoonCoaching™, AstroTarotOlogy™, and AstroVibeOlogy™ are TRADEMARKS & BRANDS of Silvia Pancaro. Do not copy!

The decks I used are the following:

*I do not own the images, other than my Moon~Coaching™ logos or in some cases my own photographs. Please let me know if you recognize the artist so I can add their names.

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Copyright © 1967 by Silvia "MoonCoach" Pancaro. Proudly created by 13 StarGates Design & Publishing.

MoonCoach™, Moon Coach™, Moon~Coaching™ and Moon Coaching™ are Brand Trademarks

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