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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/2/19:

Moon is still within the NEW phase portal (1st of 8), and changing signs today from fiery Leo the Celestial Lion to earthy Virgo the Celestial Priestess. As we are still within the new moon window, which signifies a NEW BEGINNING, we continue to focus on starting something new, launching a new project, setting intentions and planting energetic seeds into Universal Consciousness (See my blogs for more info). We have until tomorrow in this new lunar vibe to keep our attention on tuning in to Soul for what we need to know to accomplish our moonthly intention. So, continue to take this Time to follow your INTUITIVE Knowing, as it will feed energy into the remaining 28 days of this lunar cycle.

However, as the moon changes signs today, take notice of the subtle shift from fiery excitement to a more earthy sensation. Leo inspired us with a new intention during the first couple of days in this cycle, and now we begin to formulate and shape that intention with a more practical idea. Virgo's energy is one of fleshing things out with details, so tap into your Intuition as to the Intention, the Goal, AND from their allow the Virgo vibe to show you a more of the details so that you create a clearer Image of what you want to achieve this moonth.

Spirit advises us via the Tarot/Oracle cards:


  • Surrender

  • I Am Ready

Every action has an effect. We put Energy in motion, and thereby comes the idea of Karma - it's US that puts something into play, whether it's a positive thought and effective action, or a fear-based thought and ineffective action. So, the idea with Justice is to notice where your own Energy is focused today, and ask yourself if it is positively vitalizing your Intention, or de-energizing it? If you consider that the New Moon phase is the 'Seed' then you easily can see how in 2 weeks at the Full Moon phase, this Seed becomes a fully blossomed Flower. What Spirit is asking us all to consider today is not just the New Moon's invitation to Dream & Intend, but to Imagine how we'd like the RESULTS to look/feel/be in 2 weeks at the Full Moonifestation™?

There's a certain logic that is being called into play here, further supported by the 2 additional Oracle cards: Use your Reason to logically consider the entire process from New to Full, and surrender right now, as we are still within the beginning phase, anything that could detract from a beautiful Moonifestation™ of your Intention! Justice is about measuring out the Right Actions, in order to experience a sense of Harmony, Balance and Beauty in its Archetypal sense. When we put things on the scale to weigh them, we have the opportunity to remove the extraneous activities/thoughts that throw us off-Balance. So, that's what is called on now, and just surrender what might be unnecessary to your desired results. THEN you can truly say to the Universe:


I have my inspired Intention clearly anchored in my Heart, and surrendered anything that throws me off my focus, so Universe - guide me to the next steps in order to experience the Fullness of my Dream!

As I mentioned yesterday, the most important question connecting us (individually & collectively) to this cycle's LEO/SUN energy is: WHAT WOULD I DO IF I KNEW I COULD NOT FAIL? Continue to ponder on this, and pull Tarot/Oracle cards to guide you thru accomplishing whatever IT IS that you want to do/be/do in your HEART of Hearts. Pull a card for what you need to remove from your Inner Scales, and when you feel you are ready, blow those Seeds out into the World (notice it's a dandelion, which is symbolic of dreams, intentions, wishes and so-very New Moon-ish!)

So, to wrap up today's message: Add the energy of today's card - Justice - to yesterday's which was the Magician. The message is FOCUS YOUR FULL ATTENTION ON THE HARMONY IN YOUR HEART! See you tomorrow with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.

Love, MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro Creatrix of MoonCoaching™


AstroTarotOlogy™ , MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

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