MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/3-4/19:
Moon shifted phases from New to Crescent at 4:06 am EDT on 8/4. She also shifted from earthy Virgo to airy Libra on 8/4. I pulled the cards on 8/3, but was a bit thrown off by one of them, so I felt these must relate to the shift in energy between Saturday and Sunday...and sure enough, upon waking up today (8/4), the troubling card became clear as day as I saw the news across my screen - another mass shooting overnight. So, this post from me will be slightly different in orientation than previous where we have been focusing on our personal goals for the month ahead. I think we might be seeing how the Collective mood and energy greatly affects our individual focus, so that is what this reading will be about.
*Spirit advises us via the Tarot/Oracle cards:
Maiden of Wands
9 of Swords
When I lean toward Love, I am led.
I Am Release

The Empress reminds us that thru Love, thru our Heart's power, we can create anything...Imagination is the energy of Fertility, so we need to continue to put our Focus upon our Intention/Goal, and feed it with the Love vibe that we hold in our Hearts, while playfully engaging our personal will-power to further energize our Dream (via the Maiden of Wands). Combined with the first Oracle card - "When I lean towards Love I Am led" - it was clear that this Crescent Phase calls for us to open our Hearts to LOVE, and project that outwardly not just into our own immediate sphere of influence (our own Lives), but as we saw last night, and this morning, we need to open our Hearts further still to encompass the Greater World - because it was then that the 3rd Tarot card became clear to me: The 'nightmare' shown in the 9 of Swords, was in fact the 2 mass shootings that occurred within hours of each other (and in reality 3 shootings within 2 days). Here, we understand that whatever Intention/Goal/Dream we set up for ourselves at the New Moon a few days ago, needs to somehow support or connect with those who are suffering - those whom are going thru a 'nightmare' situation, and could benefit from our own Love, Energy, Will, Creativity - so we can embody the vibe of 'release' from the pain. Their pain is our pain - and our Love is their Love....if we can open our Heart (Empress) and spread it, pollinate it as a Bee of Love, then we can stand empowered (Maiden of Wands) with our Creative Action to help those who are suffering during this Time.
The difference between lunar energy from one sign to the next is one of taking Virgo service orientation to the next level of bringing Harmony thru balancing our activities (Libra). From New (seeding the intention) to Crescent (planning & gathering our resources/allies). It's important that we keep the Leo flames burning in our Hearts this entire moonth, acknowledge the ways we can add value to the Collective thru our own Services, and plan with allies to bring some Peace & Harmony into the entire experience (Libra). So, I'm just asking you to consider how you can create a link between your personal Intention, and whatever you might be called to do as part of our Collective healing. Just a thought to consider...
It's hard to write today - I actually was unable and unmotivated yesterday given the 1st shooting...and certainly this morning, I was heartbroken and terribly angry at the current conditions in our World...but I knew that even if I posted this message late, it was necessary, since I feel that the more we evolve as a species, the more we need to work with our individual/personal Intentions/Goals as part of a BIGGER INTENTION that supports the Good of All. And so it is that I am interpreting these cards as a call to action - to take your Power of Creation, and use it to help shift the overall energy on the planet (pick a place - for me, being in the USA, it will be here as evidenced by my posts on my personal profile). We need Dreamers who are DOERS, and in order to release ourselves from this Nightmare we are all a part of, we need to shift towards Love (as opposed to separatism & racism) and 'hold' that energy within our own personal domain.
So, to wrap up today's message: Whatever Intention you set a few days ago at the New Moon phase, today, as we navigate the Crescent phase, we can find creative ways to include the healing of the Collective nightmare into our plan for the moonth ahead. Fertilize Life with the Love you have IN YOUR HEART, and project it outwards like a Beacon of Light! See you tomorrow with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.
MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™
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AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.