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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/6/19:

As the Moon changes signs today from airy Libra to watery Scorpio, while wrapping up her Crescent phase, we can expect a subtle change in our mood. Her light continues to grow, whereby we can continue to get clarity on the necessary actions for this lunar moonth, as well as better understand what it will take to bring our original Leo New Moon Intention to its full Moonifestation™. So be sure to connect with some Inspiring material, blog, channel, etc to stir your Soul into action! As she travels thru Scorpio, we'll have the opportunity to transform some of our deepest emotions into Light. Scorpio offers us the intensity of x-ray vision to search deeply within, to heal our Shadow, and transform it into Light. So, allow yourself to connect with your feelings, but don't get stuck there - be An Observer - honor what comes up, and be willing to shift it...transmute it...alchemically alter your 'lead' into 'Gold.' And with these cards, you certainly have the Energetic support necessary to accomplish this!

Spirit advises us via the Tarot/Oracle cards:

*XIX - The SUN *Trust *Humor *I Am Heart *I Am Open *I Am Receiving *I Am Air

The Sun brings us Light, and the invitation here is for us to focus on THE LIGHT, what can help you shift your Vibration towards one of Optimism, Joy, Innocence? As it's been a rather dark period lately for the Collective, it's possible you've been feeling that low mood, too, especially if you are sensitive or empathic. So, today and tomorrow, before the Moon changes phases (still in Crescent, so still about planning, getting your resources together, connecting with Allies), let's do our best to bring in a more positive energy. The Sun could be a very literal activity - so: go outside, stand under the beams of that Radiant Golden Disc, and soak in some healing vibes, including Vitamin D. This alone will help to overcome some of the sad and/or angry emotions we may have been feeling lately.

Add to this, the messages from the Oracle cards, to fully Trust your Soul as your greatest Ally (which continues yesterday's message on the same theme!), and bring in some Humor to shake you out of the doldrums. Notice how there is this FOCAL quality in the geometric cards...and they echo The Sun card. This is totally about shifting our Focus to our very CORE! What is your CENTER? What do you need to do to move into your Innermost Core of Being to reconnect with your Spirit, to be reinvigorated with Full Life Force Energy? The word 'core' comes from the Old French which relates to Courage - literally TO TAKE HEART - and astrologically, the Sun rules our Heart and our Heart Chakra...the Sun in our astrology charts indicates our own Core, our Center, our Heart of Hearts. So, Trust your Spirit, go outside into The Light, and laugh with Buddha at the insanity of life, at the Great Cosmic Joke...

So, the other oracle cards just confirm the above! I Am Heart is clear as, totally and literally 'clear as day' as in The Sun shining bringing Light to our Heart, which is the Sun itself! Open up to receive your Spiritual Light, and the more your open to receive, the more you breath in the Light thru the Air itself, the greater your experience will be.

I was still out of sorts after I pulled the cards this morning, and as I reminded myself of the cards, I went for a walk, and sure enough the warmth and Light of the Sun literally shifted my focus, changing my mood, and healed me instantly. I opened my Heart to receive the healing, and breathed it deeply into my lungs and Consciousness. Light is a Miracle worker indeed! The Sun is our greatest Ally as it represents our own Inner Light, and invites us to Radiate our unique and positively charged Light, into the atmosphere around us.

So, to wrap up today's message: Whatever Intention you set a few days ago at the New Moon phase, today, as we shift into Scorpio, and finish up the Crescent lunar phase, give yourself permission to Laugh at something...LIGHTEN UP...and trust your Spirit, as you open your heart wide to receive while breathing in Divine Inspiration. It's a simple message today...and for that I think we can be thankful. We all need a break, so soak this in! See you tomorrow with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.


MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™


AstroTarotOlogy™,MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

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