MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/7-8/19:
Moon in watery Scorpio, reaches her 1st Quarter phase, in the current Leo Lunar Moonth. The reflected Solar Light fills out half of her body, so we turn a rounded corner bringing our attention to grounding our original Leo New Moon Intention firmly into the Soil of our Souls. The 1st Quarter is a 'square' aspect between the Moon & Sun, it marks a time of decision-making, and of commitment - are you totally on board with doing whatever it takes to moonifest your intention? If so, begin taking ACTION, and grow your roots deeply into the Earth. If not, then you can always start over at the next new moon. Scorpio runs deep, emotions and passions run deep....combined with the 'roots' of the 1st Quarter phase, it means we need to really FEEL powerfully connected to our Intention. THIS single act creates Magick! Since this phase is a square angle, both our Luminaries are in 'fixed' signs - it takes a LOT OF ENERGY to move - so Courage is an important key word now. And she's getting some further watery (emotional) support from the other 2 water planets (Pluto & Neptune) via positive aspects, so this strengthens us as we choose to keep moving forward.

Spirit advises us via the Tarot/Oracle cards:
*6 of Cups
*7th Mask
*Beyond the Veil
*I Am Resourceful
*I Am Blessed
*I Am Vulnerable
*I welcome Abundance and I will pay attention to the guidance I receive
As the Soli-Lunar Wheel turns, and we come to the point of Decision regarding our original Intention, and feel into our Roots to see just how deeply we can consciously extend them, we come to a sort of 'crossroads' as seen in the 6 of Cups. We look backwards in Time, to remember how we may have felt about our Intention, or the aspect of our Lives that relates to it. Have we experienced this before? If so, how did we feel about it? See if you can connect with a sweet Memory that you can use Now to nourish your Roots. What feeds your Creative Soul? And what actions feel right and good to you, that will bring you ever closer to your desired Moonifestation™? As is typical of this point in the Lunar cycle, and confirmed by the idea of looking at the Past in consideration of our next steps on our Path forward, we may feel some inertia - some resistance...and therefore, like the tender Seed that breaks its own shell to push with all its might thru the topsoil to reach the Light, we, too, must break from that innermost shell, and step into the growing Light of our Lives. The 7th Mask shows us that we have what it takes to stick to our commitment, and break-thru the resistance, and thereby break-free into the Light, which awaits us beyond The Veil of the Past. We can open our eyes to the greater possibilities that lay before us, on our Path forwards. Are you ready?
The affirmations are clear, and truly affirm that yes, you are ready! You have all the necessary resources to pull this off magnificently! You may feel vulnerable, as is natural when one breaks thru the barriers of the Past, of the inertia. But it took a lot of Love and Commitment to push thru, and reach this other side! So, you are blessed with the vitality and power to keep on moving forward. Look at the abundant blessing that await you on your Path! Focus on that fruit dangling on the tree - a promise from Spirit that you can expect much more...just be willing to act on the guidance that your Soul sends you! This is the lunar phase, the MoonCoaching™ step, that requires conviction, courage and action - so stretch out your limbs, and welcome all of Life as it offers itself to YOU! A great affirmation now is: My Strength lies in my Vulnerability.
So, to wrap up today's message: Call to mind your original New Moon intention. With the powerful energy of Scorpio to nourish your Roots, choose to recommit to your goal! Use your active imagination to see yourself pushing against any resistance. Choose Life, choose success! And proceed to take practical Action according to the guidance of your Soul. See you tomorrow with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.
MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™
#mooncoaching #mooncoach #tarot #oracle #1stquartermoon #firstquartermoon #scorpio #moon #joy #resources #blessed #vulnerability #6ofcups #7thmask #beyondtheveil #iwelcomeabundance #Ipayattentiontoguidance #mystrengthliesinmyvulnerability #heart #themooncoach #moonphases #astrology #tarotastrology #magic #moonmagic #tarotmagic #focus #astrotarot #astrotarotology #astrovibeology
AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.