MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/9 to 8/11/19:

Moon continues in her 1st Quarter phase of the current Leo Lunar Moonth. She'll be in fiery Sagittarius for a couple of days, adding enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge, answers and Wisdom to these couple of days.If you step outside now, you'll see her body just a bit over 1/2-filled with Light, turning brighter with every passing Moment. Action continues to be our theme, with the addition of fire and a renewed sense of passion, from 8/9 until just shortly past midnight EDT of 8/11. The Moon is in a 'trine' relationship to the Sun, so the energies of both is deliciously exciting, offering us fiery vitality to boot! She's also sitting pretty with Jupiter (notice that bright light right up to the Moon tonight? That's Jupiter!) So the energy of enthusiam (meaning to be 'possessed by god') is amplified. Take this time to reinvigorate your Intention with activities that fuel your desire to bring your goal to full Moonifestation™!

Spirit advises us via the Tarot/Oracle cards:
*Queen of Swords
*King of Pentacles
*In Order to Awaken the World to the Light, I Must Not Be Afraid to Shine.
*Divine Order
*I Am Forgiving
Today, I invite you to take a good, penetrating look at the symbols on all the cards. What do YOU see? Have you spotted any symbols that are personally meaningful to you? How are these images giving you guidance for whatever is going on today for you, or as direct information for your Leo Intention?
The Queen of Swords offers us the focus necessary to zero in on our actions in these next couple of days. It's important that you continue to use your higher mind, as it will bring further clarity on your next steps. Walk forward with purpose, with self-assurance, and this Queen leads you to the King of Pentacles: Manifestation of your intention. The symbolism of the King of Pentacles is mastery over practical affairs - together this Queen and King offer the message: The clearer you get in your mind regarding what it is you want, and how to achieve it, the better your final results, bringing your Intention 'Down to Earth' in a very real, tangible, practical way. So, what thoughts lead to better results? What everyday practical actions will yield better results? Master your Mind, Master your Actions...and the results will follow. Combined with the 1st Quarter lunar phase, it's even more important to put your Mind to work for you...take the sword of truth, and draw a line where it needs to be drawn...make sure that you remain poised, focused and clear, and apply this level of attention and will towards your 1st Quarter actions. Make those actions ultra practical - not wishy-washy - but very earthy (Pentacles = Earth), and very practical as the King suggests that putting your best foot forward, and 'showing up' in your best 'outfit' is a must for keeping the energy moving forward towards the desired results.
Adding the Oracle cards, I found it fascinating that there is a predominance of blue colors. Even in the Vibrational card, if you look closely, there is a sort of 'blue fire' that is emanating from the Core of the vibrating energy field (predominantly gold/red). Blue is a cool color, related to Higher Mind, Intuition and literally 'keeping your cool' in the midst of massive change/activities. So, I would read that into the vibes for these couple of days - especially since Sagittarius can actually show up as anger (the shadow emotion related to all 3 fire signs) be mindful not to let yourself be carried away by too much fire (remember that both Sun and Moon are currently traveling in fire signs). Choose to remain focused and centered on the application of Higher Mind, Intuition and Reason during this phase, and particular during these fiery days. Apply Sagittarius' ability to vision far and wide, to all your actions, and of course good, solid Wisdom (a gift of Jupiter). Another interesting connection is that the "Divine Order" card combines the Queen & King cards - notice how it holds the triangular or pyramid shape, which we first saw in our Queen; and also the circle shape, found in our King. This reminds us that by combining Higher Mind (Queen of Swords) with Right Action (King of Pentacles), we will be not just tuned into, but expressing from, our Connection with Divine Order. Surely you've heard the phrase: It's all in Divine Order? Well, after decades of practicing Astrology at a professional level, and using Astrology in workshops and coaching/counseling, I can vouch for this! It happens to be my catch phrase on my business cards! The idea here, is that we have a 'Signature' Vibration, which sends forth a frequency, and likewise receives 'signals' and when we are positioned at the Right Time & Place, and we KNOW it, then we are working in tandem with Spirit (God/Goddess/Creator)...our human level personality may not always be fully aware of this, but our Soul knows. As we attune to our our own Vibration, we become more aware of the Divine Order, and can actually put all our thoughts & actions into play (order ourselves according to our Divine Plan)...and then we are set to SHINE OUR LIGHT (this is the overarching theme of the entire Leo Moonth!), and be an agent of Healing and Inspiration for everyone else. That's how we awaken the World to the masterful beauty that awaits us. We lead by example. And yes, there's that 'forgiveness' message yet again - it's come up a number of times during this cycle so far...certainly to Vibrate our authentic light, we cannot afford to hold on to resentments, nor to the past, nor to anything that weighs us down. So, whatever it is for you that may otherwise be blurring your thought processes, blocking your Intuition, or keeping you from taking the next Right Step forward - let it go. Release it. The World needs you to show up in your fullness!
How do your own personal Intention tie in to the above? Ponder on it. Journal if you can!
So, to wrap up today's message: Call to mind your original New Moon intention. Meditate, breathe in the inspiring fire of Divine Love. Tap int your energetic vibrational frequency. Choose to take right action based on inspired, well-ordered thought. Use the Sword of Truth to cut thru any energetic blocks. Put your best 'suit' on, and step forward. Shine your Light! Allow yourself to be 'enthused' (remember that means to be 'possessed' by Divine Energy) and bring in that Inspiration in a manner that further inspires others. We can all play a part in the Divine Plan - the more you raise your own Vibration, the more you help shift the Collective Energy on Earth. Wow, you are such a gift! See you tomorrow with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.
MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™
#mooncoaching #mooncoach #themooncoach #tarot #oracle #1stquartermoon #firstquartermoon #sagittarius #sagittariusmoon #enthusiasm #action #possessedbygod #forgiveness #queenofswords #kingofpentacles #shineyourlight #iamforgiving #vibrational #divineorder #awakenworld #inspiration #heart #moonphases #astrology #tarotastrology #magic #moonmagic #tarotmagic #takeaction #astrotarot #astrotarotology #astrovibeology
AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.