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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for Aquarius/Leo Full Moon August 15 to 19, 2019:

Happy Full Moon! We have a special one as Venus joins the Sun & Moon in their Cosmic Dance, to add an additional layer of Love, Beauty and Harmony. As the Full phase is the 'culmination' point of the lunar cycle, meaning this is the phase where the Moon manifests the intention/accomplishes the goal that you set 2 weeks prior at the New Moon phase, it is what I call the Moonifestation™ of the cycle! Some of the key themes for this phase includes:

Illumination, Success, Manifestation, Zenith, Purpose, Celebration, Realization.

So, as you continue reading, let your eyes dance over the spread above, noting which card images pop out most strongly to you...and see if this speaks to your Heart, and specifically how this all relates to the Intention your set 2 weeks ago during the Leo New Moon. If you've been following me via the posts in these last 2 weeks, then hopefully, you've been applying the guidance & messages to your own Life in a personal well as noting how all this may have also been relating to the Collective experiences (and they have!). Make it personal and meaningful to YOU, but reading mindfully and relating it to you.

Here is the astrological bi-wheel chart, combining the New & Full Moons, to give you a sense of Timing. If you'd like, take a look at where each of these Lunations occur in your chart, and keep it in mind as you read the Tarot/Oracle card guidance. That is advanced work, so don't fret if you don't understand this can skip it and move to read on (or contact me for a one-on-one Astrology session. I offer a sliding fee scale for those who cannot do my full session fee, so click HERE to email me).

The Leo New Moon was at 9 degrees of Leo. (Beginning, Intention, Seed)

The Aquarius/Leo Full Moon was at 23 degrees of Aquarius and 23 degrees of Leo, respectively. (Manifestation, Illumination, Flowering)

Call to mind the Intention or Focus you had in mind/heart as you begin your Leo Lunar Journey...and see if these past couple of weeks yielded Answers to these Questions that I invited you to will likely still see more information coming thru to you in what remains of the lunar cycle (another 2 weeks!), but during this Full Moon phase portal (8/15 - 19) you should definitely be gaining clarity around these:

Moon~Coaching™ Questions to Ponder & Journal for LEO Moonth:

*What is the highest expression your Spirit is here to explore? *How connected are you to your Inner Cosmic Child? *Have you ignited the flame of your deepest spiritual longing? *Do you give your Highest Self ample opportunity to create & shine? *Where you do feel the most JOY? *How vital, alive and creative do you feel? *What activities inspire you to grow & thrive to your fulllest potential?


Next, let's note the main 2 cards, for the Moon & Sun messages:

  • 8 of Coins for the Lunar message. (Breaking the Rules Tarot)

  • 2 of Coins for the Solar message. (Sol Invictus-The God Tarot)

The Moon in Aquarius is asking us to consider the work we've accomplished these past 2 weeks. It's important to honor the efforts, the work, the discipline, the dedication you've put into accomplishing your Intention. It is a work in progress, and certainly there will be more to come, but for this phase, simply acknowledge what you've been able to get done. You are an Artist in whatever capacity is true for you - and perhaps you've been able to develop a skill set that you didn't even know you had.

The Sun in Leo reminds us that the past 2 weeks may not have been easy, as it called on our ability to tread our steps carefully, since we needed to remain as balanced as possible. Our ability to move with grace and skill thru some pretty dangerous territory has opened up a type of 'portal' thru which we can step as we continue to move forward in what remains of this lunar moonth.

Between the 2 cards, we can say that we have learned to deal with 'real life' in such a way as to apply our gifts/talents/abilities not only to our own Intention, but likely as part of the group evolutionary process. Much has happened in the Collective - as evidenced by all we've witnessed in the news and media - certainly we live in dangerous Times - and it has required that each of us remain as centered as possible within the shifting ground that we stand upon together, as our very Collective Foundations are quaking due to the need for massive change. The 'Artist' aspect in each of us may refer to our ability to call in our very Soul to help us deal with each day as it comes - to be graceful and artistic in every sense, as we face the challenges, deal with work and bring our own Presence into this virtual reality simulation that we call Life on Earth.


Next, let's take a deeper look at each set of cards pulled. First, let's focus on the Moon cards. Moon is in Aquarius, in her Full Phase - together with the Earth (see cards bellow for the Moon + Earth related cards in the spread).

As the Full Moon 'reveals' to us what we need to see in the fullness of her (reflected) Light, it is important to take stock of the Work we accomplished (as mentioned above) thus far. The traditional meaning of the 8 of Pentacles/Discs is that of Apprenticeship....which leads me to consider the feeling I've had all along for us all during these first 2 weeks of the Leo Moonth: We are involved in a group the most Esoteric sense possible...many are the Occult & Esoteric teachings that teach of individual and group 'Initiation' and in particular the Alice Bailey/Master DK material that tells us of these next few years leading into 2025 being of grave importance for the Awakening of Humanity, and our Evolution in Consciousness. If this topic interests you, please let me know and I'll gladly point you to sources you can read freely online to better understand the idea of Individual and Group Initiation.

On less Esoteric terms, this could mean that you've been undergoing an important 'training' wherein you've been honing your natural skill set, or perhaps developing a new skill...and that it has been important for your Life Purpose...much of it has been about learning 'Tolerance' towards others that are unlike you, or that disagree with that ultimately, it is possible you/we have been 'tested' in our ability to be LOVING (since after all, Leo's cycle includes Self-Love as a main theme) towards ourselves and others in spite of the differences. The Moon in Aquarius reminds us of our participation in "THE GROUP" or Humanity since it is a theme for this sign. So, how have you learned to be Self-Loving when in the midst of others, in a group consciousness, even if, and especially if, they triggered you, or vice-versa? The World, in particular the USA, at the Moment, is surely seeing a 'division' of sorts between 2 types of group-think...and this has been, and will continue to be a major Test for all, especially for those of us that believe ourselves to be 'conscious' or Lightworkers, or spiritually awakened in some way. With the Moon illuminating our Path now, we can see how well we were able to apply the idea of 'forgiveness' that showed up time and time again in the cards for the previous phases. (*It is vitally important to keep ALL previous cards for the past 2 weeks, as we or rather the Moon, shines the Light for us to come to a Realization over the true Purpose of our Intention/Goal.)

I pulled cards for the Earth (yes, she is an important part of Astrology, and is always positioned exactly opposite the Sun in our at the Full Moon, she is always standing together with the Moon). The Earth wants us to see that We are part of a Group (see the diverse group of Women in the 9 of Cups?), and that we can exist in Harmony within it, and therefore achieve the Higher Purpose of Harmony within Diversity...even if at times, we may struggle with different ideologies as evidenced by the 5 of Swords. During those times, we can literally call upon Universal Wisdom & Universal Love to guide us thru those challenges...and simply 'let go & let Goddess' because there IS a Divine Plan in all of this...and YOU as well as your personal Intention, fits into this Plan...although we may not be fully cognizant yet of how, but we are a Part of it, and this may very well be the reason why we are being trained or initiated, in ways that we will someday better comprehend.


Next, let's take a look at all the Sun + Venus cards. Sun is in Leo - together with Venus (see cards below for the Sun + Venus related cards in the spread).

Venus, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Values, Harmony - is conjunct the Sun at the Time of the Full Moon, so she is figuring very prominently in this cycle. Her meeting with the Sun occurs once a year, and I feel this year's conjunction at the Time of the New Moon is highly significant. She brings a deeper message of Love...a much deeper sense of SELF-LOVE, as well as bringing us the opportunity to participate in the creation of Heartmony (Heart + Harmony) within the Group.

The Venus card is the Ace of Blossoms! Take a good look at that image! It is a Heart that is blossoming open, flowering open! Remember that astrologically the Full Moon phase is the blossoming & flowering of your Intentional Seed. And furthermore, this Moonth's focus is our HEART and Heart Chakra. Sun/Leo = Self. Venus = Love. Ace of Blossoms = Beginning of Love, the Opening of our Heart. So, this is highly significant indeed! It is saying once again, that as the Sun teaches us to step lightly on precarious ground, staying in Balance so that we can continue moving forward safely thru the Portal, Venus adds that we must do so with our Heart open, allowing for the Love to flow outwards, as well as back into ourSelves.

I pulled an Oracle cards to add a layer to the Sun card, and got the Ancient Wisdom card - certainly it feels that we need to continue working with the Ancient Wisdom Teachings of the Old order to remember how to navigate thru these dangerous Times. If we look to our CENTER (which is one of the Sun/Leo's main themes!), we can connect with this Ancient Wisdom which is always available to us. I also pulled an Oracle card for Venus to add to the Ace of Blossoms message, and got "I am one with Nature" which affirms that we must open our Hearts to the Earth Mother, to ALL LIFE on Earth, because this is part of what feeds us Life, as much as we can feed Life back to it/her. Pulling it all together with Sun + Venus, we are reminded to be GRATEFUL for the amazing Life we have! In no uncertain terms, we must appreciate what we've got, even if it seems at first sight like it's very 'little' by common standards. The Art of 'Appreciation' is part of the Venus teachings - it is to VALUE something...and in this spread, it is clearly to value our very LIFE.

When I consider that the SUN = Spirit, which is the very LIFE that vibrates within us, then it makes complete sense that we are being told by Sun & Venus to value our take this Full Moon to really, truly SEE with the Light being reflected by both Luminaries, just how blessed we are. Self-Love is truly the overriding message be able to embrace Who We Are, no matter what seems to be going on around us, and just open our Hearts to the goodness that comes from Earth, and be willing to give Love wherever/whenever Love is needed. This is part of our individual purpose, and in some way ties in to your own personal Intention coming to fruition at this Full Moon.


So now let's put it all together, and finish it off with the 'I AM' affirmation cards, plus a 'Postcard from Spirit' card. These remind us to be flexible, aligned and secure in our position...not just Now at this portal of the Full Moon, but thru all that remains of this lunar moonth...and honestly into the years to come because this 'training' you and I are undergoing is crucial as a Foundation for our Lives in general (regardless of your age). Check your motivations at all Times...making sure it is Love, this outpouring of Love from your Heart, and staying aligned with your own healthy Self-Love. Do not seek to become 'whole' because this you and I already are! Allow yourSelf to be 'pulled' in whatever Direction Spirit deems necessary for you to go, and TRUST SPIRIT because your Soul, as your greatest Ally, will guide you 'toward joy, discovery, growth or adventure' in a manner that truly fulfills YOU. For this, it is imperative that you do your Sacred Work, maintaining Tolerance for others who may challenge you within the Collective, keeping your Spiritual Training always in mind so that you express always Universal Love/Wisdom because The Universe KNOWS what S/He is participate fully with your Heart Open to give & receive Love, especially when your feet may feel unsteady due to the shifting foundations upon which you call in the Ancient Wisdom that has been seeded into Your Heart, and find this thru your Connection with Nature who is always there to support you - give thanks every day for the Life you have, and especially if you feel unsure of your Life...just trust that Spirit is in charge, working in tandem with your Soul, leading YOU towards your greatest possible Adventure, as an important part of the Divine Plan for Humanity, Here & Now. In this attitude, you will find security; so remember to be flexible as needed; and always remain Aligned in your Core/Heart.

This is the Truth for these Times....go forward with your Heart open to love and in love.



Silvia Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™

and AstroTarotOlogy™


AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

These are the decks I used for the Full Moon spread. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing Tarot and/or Oracle decks. I have an online store specializing in out-of-print & collectible decks, as well as some mass market editions.

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