MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for Pisces Moon (Still Full) August 17-18, 2019:
We are still within the window of the Full Moon phase - 2 days into it, with about 1 day left of the energy - however the vibe has shifted since the Moon changed signs from airy Aquarius to watery Pisces. Given we have had a couple days now to 'celebrate' whatever success we achieved with our original Leo intention at the exact Aquarius/Leo Full Moon, we shift to working with the Pisces' gift of deeper insight as to what we have truly accomplished in the Time that has transpired since July 31. Pisces, being the final Astrological sign, is suited to have a 'complete view' of the situation, and does so with loving compassion for any apparent mis-steps along the way. With the Moon in Pisces, we may feel more deeply connected to what we accomplished - our Moonifestation™ - and we can take these couple of days to more fully integrate the deeper meaning of our process. Hence, we are 'internalizing' the 'outpicturing' of our Lunar Journey...and this is appropriate at this Time in the cycle since once we reach that Culmination at the exact moment of the Full Moon, her reflected Light begins to wane, leaving behind us the 'Yang' and active half of the cycle (New to Full), and entering into the 'Yin' and receptive half of the cycle (Full back to the next New phase).

The reason I wanted to pull cards for today, even though I already posted the main spread for the entire Full Moon phase dates (see previous post), is that today, the Moon briefly joins Neptune in his own astrological sign, Pisces. So, this felt like a significant shift of energy, in which the Collective mood (primarily denoted by the Moon) 'softens' a bit...and allows us to shift our perspective so that we can do some important and much needed 'inner work' while the Moon is still technically in her Full phase.
As always, look over the card images, and notice your response. How might these reflect some aspect of YOUR Lunar Journey? How can you apply the message that I share with you, to your own experience? Dive deep!
Notice the astrological chart for'll see that the Moon (Soul/Emotional Body) has briefly joined Neptune (Spiritual Oneness/Divine Dreamer) in Pisces (Compassion, Imagination, Spiritual Surrender, Unity Consciousness). Additionally, these are in positive aspect (Sextile + Trine) with the Moon's Nodal Axis, so there's brief opportunity today (8/17) to tap into the Collective Dharma/Karma to do some additional forgiveness work (my fav is Colin Tipping's At the very least this combination favors releasing any attachments to emotions that hinder our personal & Collective progress, and 'channel' in some Loving Compassion to activate the very real Energy of Unity Consciousness - all One Cosmic Family.
Interestingly, the Tarot card we received as guidance for these couple of days with Moon in Pisces, and her connection today with Neptune (the planet that rules Pisces) is The Hanged Man (renamed as 'Question' in this deck). In AstroTarotOlogy™, the Tarot card which corresponds Esoterically to Neptune happens to be The Hanged Man! So, there is clearly a happy resonance for today's message...totally one of Spiritual Surrender in order to shift our perspective to a more 'spiritual vision' and return to Inner Stillness.

I'm leaving here for you the MoonCoaching Leo Lunar Journey journaling questions that i shared at the New & Full Moon posts...because I think that with the Pisces energy, it's perfect for deepening your understanding of these topics:
Moon~Coaching™ Questions to Ponder & Journal for LEO Moonth:
*What is the highest expression your Spirit is here to explore? *How connected are you to your Inner Cosmic Child? *Have you ignited the flame of your deepest spiritual longing? *Do you give your Highest Self ample opportunity to create & shine? *Where you do feel the most JOY? *How vital, alive and creative do you feel? *What activities inspire you to grow & thrive to your fulllest potential?
Spirit's message for Individual & Collective Consciousness via the Tarot & Oracle cards:
We are navigating thru tumultouos Times in which we can easily lose ourselves within the Collective Emotional Chaos. What is called for from all Conscious and Awakening Individuals is to take 'Time Out' to shift the perspective, to move into Higher/Inner Space in order to REMEMBER the deepest Truth of our Being. We are dealing with mass hypnosis, a sort of deep dive into the Collective Unconsious which is filled with unprocessed grief, anger, fear, sadness, and despair. This gets projected out onto the 'screen' of Life as we know it on Earth - and it becomes very challenging to separate out what is 'real' (our Divine Essence, the LOVE that Unites us All) from what is the 'shadow play' of our Collective Pain Body. For this reason, we are called on to BOTH be aware of the externalized activities that may show up as injustice, AND not get so caught up in the anger or fear or grief about it that we become paralyzed by the emotions. We are here for a reason...if you are reading this post right now, it's because on some level YOUR SOUL & SPIRIT activated your everyday consciousness (personality) to play the game in a different way than are others who have not yet AWAKENED to their Mission. EveryOne has a Purpose - both an Earthly one, and a Spiritual one - often times these 2 are 1 and the same. The point is that you are being reMinded that you are on this QUEST to see the REALITY behind the Appearances....for that you must reverse your usual position, just as this Hanged Man is order to flow all the Spiritual Blood so to speak, towards your Higher Chakras (Pineal & Pituatary) for the Activation of Spiritual Sight & Cosmic Gnosis. You are being reMinded to empty your Consciousness of all that is unlike Love, all that is a hindrance to your continued Evolution...and to face the Shadows of your own unprocessed negative emotions that are lurking in your own SubConsciousness, which is connected to the Collective SubConsciousness...hence the 'outpicturing' in the external world is one that is set up to 'trigger' you to to do the Inner Work, as part of not just YOUR healing work, but also as part of the healing of ALL Humanity & Earth. As you Awaken to your Truth, to your Light, to your Spirit, so will your loving action towards Self, add to the healing of All Consciousness, which is sorely in need of your personal Drop of Love into the Ocean of us all. The more you are willing to SURRENDER to your own internal healing process, the more you are doing your part for the Good of All, as part of your Divine Mission...and the quicker we can move forward together towards the Light of Loving Self-Awareness. The part YOU play is not only important, but very needed at this Time on Earth. WE, meaning those of us that are already awakened to this Mission, answered the Soul of Humanity's CALL for Divine Assistance...this is why we FEEL so deeply our Sisters' and Brothers' pain as well as their judgment...we know that we can help with our own Love...but we are always walking a fine line between Staying Centered in our Purpose, and forgetting and falling into the Illusion, the Maya, the Glamour of the Astral waters of unprocessed emotions and thoughts doing battle with each other. The QUESTION (i.e. Hanged Man) shows up to remind us to SHIFT OUR PERSPECTIVE in order to ReMeMber what we signed up for when we agreed to land here.
We are caught between 2 poles: Combustion and Stillness. This becomes our choice...can we remain centered in our Stillness while navigating thru the fires that threaten to consume us when we step into the World that cries out for our healing touch? Like a pendulum, we may swing back and forth between the emotional outbursts over injustices we see 'out there' and the REALITY which we find WITHIN when we bring out own thoughts and feelings to Stillness so that we can recoup and touchdown to Peace.
As if the first 3 cards were not clear enough, especially given the Astrological configurations with which we are working...the final card, includes the following phrase: "Temporary conditions may be trying to hypnotize you into seeing something else as your reality..." So, as a closing thought my Friends, please reMeMber to periodically return to Center - come back to your Still Point - and here, find your Peace, so that you can not just heal yourself from the onslaught of projections that you may be experiencing, but as important - to SEE with your Higher/Inner Vision, what your next more valuable STEP is, for the Good of All.

I realize that this post is more 'out there' in a way, than practical at the level of 'manifesting' your Intention....but it IS related to your everyday, practical Life on Earth...since we are all being LURED AWAY from our Purpose (which includes our most beloved Intentions!) by world & local events & situations. So, it does behoove you/us to pull away from the media and/or external community/family every now and then, to recuperate our that we can in fact remember what our Intention was, and how to continue Moonifesting™ it thru our daily actions.
May your Life be blessed with goodness and Love. And may you bless ALL Life with your beautiful PRESENCE.

Silvia Pancaro
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™
and AstroTarotOlogy™
AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.
These are the decks I used for today's spread. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing Tarot and/or Oracle decks. I have an online store specializing in out-of-print & collectible decks, as well as some mass market editions.

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