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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for Aries Disseminating Phase -August 19-20, 2019:

We are now into the Disseminating Phase of the Leo Lunar Moonth. This is Step #6 (of 8) of my MoonCoaching™ formula....the phase that invites us to share the experience we had in the previous 5 phases, with our community, as a way of sharing the 'fruits of our labors.' It also affords us the opportunity to get feedback from others in the process of gaining a deeper understanding of how well we did, or what we could have done differently in our process of Moonifestation™ during the waxing/Yang/active half of the current cycle. Along with that, we need to consider the sign - now in fiery Aries - so this may feel invigorating, or in some way adding 'fire' to our harvest. The energy is fire within fire since it's the Aries Moon within the Leo Moonth! But since the energy is waning (diminishing) then it's not quite so 'hot' as if it would have been in the waxing (grown) half of the cycle. So, whatever energy you have, make sure you use it wisely in these couple of days :)

As always, look over the card images, and notice your response. How might these reflect some aspect of YOUR Lunar Journey? How can you apply the message that I share with you, to your own experience? Dive deep!

And the chart for the Moment of the Disseminating Phase. The Moon will continue cycling forward in the Zodiac (and around the Wheel), from her position at 11-Aries-22.


Spirit's message for Individual & Collective Consciousness via the Tarot & Oracle cards:


  • King of Cups

  • Strength

  • 7 of Wands


  • Strength

  • Feminine

  • When I honor my feelings, I find power in powerless situations

  • I am awesome

  • I am unstoppable

The King of Cups offers us perspective over our success this cycle - do you feel you've 'mastered' the idea behind the Leo moonth? In other words, have you embraced your particular brand of Genius? Have you truly celebrated your Awesomeness? Did you fully embrace your Light? Did you connect with your Innermost Spiritual Essence? How much of your Unique Brilliance did you radiate out into the World? Take all of that Light and shine it out NOW, during these 'Disseminating' days - after all to 'disseminate' means to distribute! So, share your Light now with your friends, family, clients, associates, students, allies. Or if you are working on something that connects you to the larger Collective purpose, spend some Time now radiating out pure LOVE and LIGHT into the Collective Consciousness in whatever Magickal way you work the energy. With the Strength Tarot card involved, we get clear confirmation that we can pat ourselves on the back - because in AstroTarotOlogy™that Astrological correspondence to the Strength card is LEO - and certainly that has been our focal Energy for this cycle...and will continue to be until August 30 when we begin the Virgo Moonth. That tells us that we have been connecting with our healthy ego - and possibly 'battling' with the non-healthy ego as well (shown by the 7 of Wands card) - in both cases we reach a point of recognizing our Authentic Self! So, this combination of Tarot cards invites us to ponder on our success in dealing with aspects of our Identity...and what the Oracle cards further point to is that we can strengthen our Spirit by connecting with the Power behind the Divine Feminine (regardless of whether you are a Woman or a Man)...and reclaim the fullness of our Power thru the willingness to FEEL our Emotions (domain of the healthy Feminine vibe). The more we do this, especially during the Disseminating Phase, the more we can free ourselves from feeling powerless in situations that would otherwise diminish our Light. So, can you think of any Moments or situations in your Life, or during this past cycle, wherein you felt powerless? Ok, now imagine yourself being a Powerful Force of LIGHT, in touch with your Feelings, and flowing Divine Feminine when you feel totally connected with this Vibe, do what you need to in the World, knowing you have stepped fully into your own Power, which no one can take from you. May the Force be with you!

On a Collective level, this is about overcoming the negative shadow of the Patriarchy, which is on its last legs....the reason we are seeing so much SHIT in politics in terms of Humanitarian issues, is that the 'old powers' are afraid of losing their stronghold over Humanity, and is fighting with all its got to stay in control, but it will not work. Because the force of the Divine Feminine is healing the Totality of Consciousness, and will prevail over the forces of the unhealed hearts of humans, and particularly the toxic masculine as well as the unbalanced feminine. What we are working towards is a Balance of Powers - and Awakened Humanity that works with Conscious Masculine and Conscious Feminine - for the Good of All. This Force is unstoppable and is gaining momentum...we see not 1 but 2 cards (one Tarot and one Oracle) that bring attention to STRENGTH, as well as the idea of POWER being full force. We will begin to see the old system dying away, as the New Force continues to step into its rightful position. So, hold to that Vision, no matter how badly the old fights it, because we will prevail.

The energy of Aries is one of Determination to move forward - it is the Enlightened Warrior of Light - and combined with Leo, with its unstoppable Courage in the face of massive fear (= F.alse E.vidence A.ppearing R.eal). So, this astrological energy, quick moving as it may be, will stir itself in our Hearts (Leo rules the Heart) and will remain activated and anchored within us, so that we can call upon that Energy whenever we need a shot of Divine Adrenaline! So, go within, feel into it, embrace it, and claim: I'VE GOT THE POWER! And dance with that for these next couple of days!

Wishing you all continued aha's and haha's during this Leo Lunar Journey! See you in a couple of days with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.



Silvia Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™

and AstroTarotOlogy™


AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

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