MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for August 21-22, 2019:

We continue traveling within the Disseminating Phase of the Leo Lunar Moonth, but the Moon has changed signs - into earthy Taurus, while the Sun remains in Leo. Once again, I invite you to 'feel into' any subtle shifts of energy within yourself as well as noting any changes in the Collective mood (family, work, environment - all reflect the changing lunar vibes at an unconscious level, so being aware of these allows you to navigate your 'place in the World' a little more powerfully than if you were also 'unconscious' of those vibes). The main shift into Taurus to feel is a sort of lethargy - or feeling more sensual, connected to the Element of Earth, which is related to the physical realm including your own body, the ground beneath your feet, finances, work and your well as what 'matters' to you, or another way of saying this is what you 'value' about your everyday life on Earth. As the Moon wanes (diminishes/grows smaller in her reflected Solar Light), the feeling is one of moving away from external events, and becoming more aware of our Inner States of with the blending of Taurus, we get a sense of honoring what we 'need' to feel secure and stable, from within...and as we are technically still within the Disseminating phase (Harvest, Sharing the results of our Leo Lunar Journey with our Family/Friends/Community, Gaining an Understanding of our activities and accomplishments since 7/31), then we may take some quiet Time to take stock of how our experiences may have revealed new 'values' related to our original Leo Intention & your Moonifestation™:
*What did you find out about your own Essence that is an important part of your physical experience, and how can you 'ground' this new sense of Self into your daily life in a way that yields greater Self-Worth?
These are the decks I worked with for this spread:

As always, look over the card images, and notice your response. How might these reflect some aspect of YOUR Lunar Journey? How can you apply the message that I share with you, to your own experience? Dive deep!
And the chart for 8/21 shows us the Moon in Taurus, where she will remain until 8/23 when she shifts again (into Gemini as well as into the next phase: Last Quarter)...So these cards and this message relate to the Moon in Taurus for 8/21 and 8/22, while still Disseminating.

Spirit's message for Individual & Collective Consciousness via the Tarot & Oracle cards:
Queen of Swords
VI - The Lovers
Gratitude Again
Creator Air
Danburite (Crystal)
Vetiver (Aromatherapy): I am connected to my divine source
As I am writing this a little later than I intended, hopefully, these cards and the message will serve to understand what you might already have been experiencing today (8/21) as well as help you get on the right Vibe for the remainder of this Phase (8/22). Our main cards are the Queen of Swords + The Lovers - clearly a message about communication and ideas surrounding our relationships - whether these are with our Love Partners or our Business Partners, or any other important Relationship. The Queen teaches us Emotional Mastery and in Swords, this is in a logical & reasonable how well do you communicate your personal Truths to those with whom you need to relate? How can you relay your perspective to your most important Allies in a manner that is mature? All the Queens represent the feminine aspect of Mastery, over the 'area of life' represented by each of the suits (Swords/Air/Mind, Cups/Water/Emotions, Pentacles/Earth/Physical, and Wands/Fire/Will). So, as we navigate thru these Disseminating (Harvesting/Sharing) phase dates, in Taurus (Earth, Practical, Body, Senses, Values), the Queen of Swords in combination with The Lovers tells us we need to communicate with our closest Allies what is is that we VALUE about Life, and about our Self. Sharing our values is an important aspect of being in Relationship - Marriage or Business partners need to know where we stand in terms of what 'Matters' to us, so that the Relationship can be built on a solid foundation that honors both/all parties, from the perspective of each of their personal truth. The Lovers card can also bring up the manner in which we relate our 'earthly' self with our 'Divine Self' so this could mean we would do well to set up some quite time to allow a flow of information to occur between your Conscious and SubConscious or between your Soul and Personality.
The additional Oracle cards bring in the energy of Gratitude - yes, find something to VALUE and to HONOR within your Self, within your most precious Relationship(s), and between your Soul and Personality. With the Creator/Air card, we receive confirmation Communication is of utmost importance during these couple of the message is simple: if you find yourself feeling upset with your Partner or Ally, find something to appreciate about the Relationship, and communicate gratitude to them. This will allow the higher/esoteric energy of The Lovers card to manifest: The Union of opposites within the Energy of Understanding & Love. Given the 'earthy' nature of these couple of days with Taurus, I requested a Crystal and an Essential Oil with which to work...and we have Danburite which brings in Higher Vibrations (The Lovers card always brings in the energy of the Higher Self, thru the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine), and helps us to gain Peace in our Hearts (remember that the Heart Chakra continues to be our focus during the entire Leo Lunar Moonth). Vetiver in Aromatherapy is very grounding, helping to bring 'down to Earth' those Higher Vibes that are looking to make contact with us via our everyday Personality. If you happen to have handy a piece of Danburite crystal, and Vetiver Essential Oil, you are encourage to apply it. If not, then focus on the images here, and calling it in etherically with your Imagination. Lastly, the 'Rocks' card helps us connect all of this with Taurus...Taurus rules the neck and all of our physical with rocks or crystals...use your senses to connect with the energies and see what message they have for you. For starters, rocks (and Taurus) remind us to get grounded. There is some kind of Communication that is seeking to be expressed TO YOU, from your own HIGHER SELF, so ground into a Peaceful state of mind (such as the Queen of Swords depicts) and listen to what your Spirit wants you to hear (Taurus rules sound and hearing, and the Disseminating phase is about communication & hearing, too). I suggest holding a rock or crystal that most resonates for you, even if it is not Danburite. Let this serve as your touchstone and portal. And as this is a Message from your Own Higher Self, be sure to keep a pen and paper at hand, to write this down. Ask your Higher Self: What do I need to know about transforming my Self from a simple rock into a Highly Prized Precious Gem?
As the Moon travels thru Taurus, she will be in favorable aspect/relationship with Saturn, Pluto and the Nodal Axis, so we are supported and empowered to 'feel into' the Answer to the Rock Question above, especially as it connects to our Divine Purpose within the Collective. So, give yourselves permission to DO (don't 'try' but rather DO as Yoda would tell you!) this simple little exercise. I am sure you'll gather some piece of Divine Wisdom that you are ready to hear.
See you in a couple of days with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.

Silvia Pancaro
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™
and AstroTarotOlogy™
AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.
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