MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for August 23-25 (First part of the Last Quarter Phase in G
And we turn the final 'corner' of the Lunar wheel - reaching the Last Quarter phase of the Leo Lunar Moonth, as she reaches airy Gemini, while the Sun shifts into earthy Virgo. Here we see how Astrological cycles overlap - the Lunar Moonth over the Solar Moonth. In my MoonCoaching™ posts, we follow the Lunar Calendar, so even though the Sun has now moved out of Leo, we are still within the Leo LUNAR moonth. Therefore, we continue to work with that Archetype until we reach the next Lunar Moonth, in which we will celebrate the Virgo New Moon on August 30...but for now, let us stay focused on the current cycle within the Leo vibration.
So, what this practically means is that the Last Quarter Phase requires us to bring the Leo Lunar Moonth to closure - and we do that by tying up any loose ends from the previous 3 weeks, while noting our successes as well as releasing any self-judgement over what may have been 'less than successful' during our Leo Lunar Journey. This is the Phase that challenges us to let go of any attachments to our initial Leo Intention, and begin pulling back all energies into ourselves. We are nearing The End (which will be our final lunar phase, the Balsamic, on 8/27), so it is Time to let go, and shift our Focus from the 'external' to the 'internal.' This is Step 7 in my Moon~Coaching™ 8-Step-Moonifestation™-Program.
Given that it is occurring in Gemini, our thoughts may be all over the place - so we need to reel any rampant mental threads right back in. The Time is now for a 'review' of what transpired in the cycle up until now, only to claim the 'Seed of Wisdom' that you can take into your Heart, for future Lunar cycles...and cut the cords with all other activities. So, if you've been journaling, and/or pulling cards at each step of the cycle, it would be good to lay it out, and non-judgmentally review it all. Ask yourself how you did with your original Leo New Moon Seed Intention, notice how you experienced your your Moonifestation™ at the Aquarius/Leo Full Moon, and pull a card now for your biggest lesson, your greatest 'take-away' from the Leo/Aquarius Lunar Journey. Then put everything away.
And simply release any other attachments to your process.

A perfect Quest~Ion to ask yourself now is:
*What is my biggest lesson and greatest take-away from my Leo/Aquarius Lunar Journey? Said another way: What Seed of Wisdom can I now claim resulting from my experiences in these past 3 weeks of this cycle?
And now, I'll share the cards that I have pulled for the Collective Consciousness, which includes you and I, as a Message and guidance on working within these next couple of days. As always, look over the card images below and notice your response. How might these reflect some aspect of YOUR Lunar Journey? How can you apply the message that I share with you, to your own experience?
And the chart below shows us the Moon in Gemini squaring (a closing 90-degree-aspect) the Sun; the Last Quarter phase is referred to as a 'crisis in consciousness' as it requires a release of energy and the challenge this brings. These cards and this message relate to the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini covering her time in this 3rd Celestial Archetype from 8-23 thru 8/25:

Spirit's message for Individual & Collective Consciousness via the Tarot & Oracle cards:
XVIII - The Moon
When I accept the Love of the Universe as my primary teacher, I will always be guided back to the Light.
There are always more than one side to an argument....instead of looking for differences, today, find a meeting place of agreement...with understanding & compassion.
The Moon card reveals that there is a LOT OF EMOTION running thru the Collective Unconsciousness, and much of it is painful, so we may be feeling this as a sort of 'undercurrent' in our own Psyche. Navigating days like this, can be tricky, because we may not be able to tell what is 'ours' and what is another person's or the planet's or the Collective's. And given the fires that are burning up the Amazon in South America (mostly Brazil, but also runs into other neighboring nations), it is no wonder there is so much emotion...those jungles represent about 30% of the Earth's oxygen - it is the planet's LUNGS, and therefore we are not only emotionally & energetically affected by its destruction, it actually impacts our physical bodies. Without oxygen we cannot survive. It's wild how the Moon (emotions) is in Gemini which rules the LUNGS in our bodies (in Medical Astrology). The Moon symbolizes that which we 'need' to 'feel safe & secure' being in our bodies...and hence, we need to breath (a function of the lungs ruled by Gemini). I woke up today with massive lung pain, and difficulty is sure that all Empaths, and in particular those the are Earth Empaths, are feeling this within their own energy & 3D bodies. So, do your best to process the energies as cleanly as possible, so that this does not leave any negative 'residue' in your own system...make sure to make a statement to the effect of: "I lovingly heal and release all energies that are passing thru me, whether of the Earth's or of the Collective, to be transmuted by Spirit, leaving my systems clear & clean."

There is much confusion happening on the planet now...because of this turmoil...and part of the confusion stems from the purposeful manipulations of the governmental, corporate and political bodies that are fighting hard to stay in control. The situation in the Amazon is a glaring example of this. The native indigenous tribes have been fighting for the Amazon's protection (their Home), but the government has been creating unethical ways to force them out, in order for logging and further destruction of the Amazon for nothing more than financial and political power. This is part of the old Patriarchal system that is dying, but is going down with a horrible fight, destroying what they can. It's very, very depressing. I am myself battling depression, and lots of other emotions, that are both 'mine' and 'not mine' and so believe me when I tell you, it's a tough battle to distinguish what is in our ability to transmute for the Collective, and what feels like 'manufactured illusions' to keep us down. It 'can' wreak havoc on our personal lives - this illusion and the struggle to discern what is ours/not ours - can create problems in our daily lives with others. Emotions are flaring (and it is in my relationship, too), so find ways to step aside and be as much of an 'Observer' as possible to what is going on 'out there' as well as 'inside.' The gift of the Last Quarter moon phase is that we can 'cut the cords' to what is no longer viable or doing some Shamanic cord-cutting can be a very powerful process for us as individuals, as well as helping the Collective. Think about how the Moon respresents the Womb in Women...that it is a 'container' for Life to grow, and that once the Child is birthed, what remains is the CORD, and in order for both Mother & Child to survive independently, we must cut that cord. Similarly, we are told in these few days, that there are some things going on which are 'not as they seem' and that we need to use our Higher INTUITION to discern what really doesn't belong in our sphere of influence...and from there, release it.

The Oracle cards continue to build on the same message. Ironically, the 'Influence' card shows the lunar phases, and confirms the same message I shared....which is to say that we are 'surrounded by forces in nature' including 'changing global conditions which can affect our quality of life, especially if we are sensitive to their energy.' The message is clear given all these cards plus the Astrology and the overall Energy: STAY AS GROUNDED AS POSSIBLE, while RELEASING ENERGETIC CORDS. As we cut those cords, we can instead choose to 'plug in to' a Greater Body - that of the Divine Mother - to receive her Love and Light, in order to transmute all situations in our own lives, and stay focused on our healing. The 'postcard' is confirmation that we may be projecting some of these confusing emotions onto our do your best to find the common ground, and pull back any projections that are negatively impacting your relationships with others. In similar vein, as with the Collective cord cutting, at this Last Quarter, check into see if there are people or personal situations where you've been losing energy, feeling suffocated or otherwise uncomfortable (or that your own energy may be causing this effect on others)....and once you identify the pattern, release the attachments to the negativity, and allow for the Universe & Divine Mother to infuse you, them and your situation with renewed LIGHT.

In terms of the Leo Lunar Moonth and our original New Moon Intention, and subsequent Full Moonifestation™, we have reached that point as I explained, when we need to bring it to closure. Again, just notice what you've the current energy might be inviting you to let go of some aspect of your Lunar Journey thus far, and then take the Seed of Wisdom deeply into your Heart. Release all else. As the whole purpose of this lunar moonth is to activate LEO + the SUN in our Lives, then the ultimate Seed of Wisdom we can retain from these last 3 weeks is that of our LIGHT, our GENIUS, our SPIRIT, our INNOCENCE, our JOY, and most of all, ENLIGHTENED SELF-LOVE.
See you in a couple of days with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.

Silvia Pancaro
Creatrix of MoonCoaching™
and AstroTarotOlogy™
AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.
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