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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for August 27-29 Balsamic Moon Phase, Completing the Leo Lu

We have reached THE END of the Leo Lunar Moonth. These last 3 days mark the BALSAMIC phase, wherein we totally surrender to Spirit...there is no activity at this point...not even an internal one...that we have to 'do' since what is called for is allowing ourselves to simply relax in the Sacred Space of Soul and be held and nurtured in the Great Mother's loving embrace.

We've already been feeling in the past day, some of the watery/emotional energy of Cancer, the 4th of the 12 Celestial Archetypes of Astrology...but now we are officially into the FINAL Phase: Balsamic. So we go deeper still into the abode of the Sacred Mother. The Balsamic in Cancer is very much the Safety of the Cosmic Womb. Let's just float here, shall we? Hopefully, you've done your 'cord cutting' and emotional releasing work in the prior Phase (Last Quarter), so that you've left for yourself a clean, empty Inner Space, within which to invite the Most Sacred: The Divine Mother. And in so doing, we now can rest recuperate our Energy, so that in a few days, when a new lunar cycle begins (Virgo New Moonth on 8/30), you will have the necessary strength and vitality to do it all over again! So the 'instructions' for this Moon sign & phase is very simple and direct: JUST BE AT PEACE WITHIN SOUL'S DOMAIN. ReMeMbering that you are a DIVINE CHILD Expressing Light, allow yourself to be nourished with Love. And if you are clear on what your Leo Seed of Wisdom is (that which you retained as a principle gift/lesson from this entire cycle), then you can just gently keep it in your Heart of Hearts, allowing it to continue germinating for future experiences...while you continue to float in the blissful embrace of Ma.

A perfect Quest~Ion to ask yourself now is:

How can I best nurture myself these next few days (so that I'll be ready to start fresh at the new new moon)?


And now, I'll share the cards that I have pulled for the Collective Consciousness, which includes you and I, as a Message and guidance on working within these next couple of days. As always, look over the card images below and notice your response. How might these reflect some aspect of YOUR Lunar Journey? How can you apply the message that I share with you, to your own experience?


And the chart below shows us the Moon in her final 8th of 8 phases - she is 45-degrees behind the Sun, inching ever so closer to her Beloved with whom she will reunite as a 'New' Moon phase on 8/30. So these final days of the Leo Lunar Moonth are drawing us to the closing act: total stillness in the Cosmic Darkness where there is not external, reflected Light, so we do not have to 'do' a thing - other than REST. As she moves thru this closing cycle, she will be in varying geometric relationships with a number of planets - Neptune will feel healing, while the opposition to Saturn & Pluto might add a touch of angst. Whatever you feel in these next few days - LET IT BE. Don't resist nor fight it - just allow for the energy of the phase/sign/aspects to bring healing to your Heart. Le'ts remember that this cycle is still about LEO, and therefore about Enlightented Self Love, and experiencing our Life thru our Hearts. These cards and this message relate to 8-27 thru 8/29 (FYI: Moon will shift to an entire new lunar cycle, on the Virgo New Moon 8/30 at 1:05:37 am EDT):


Spirit's message for Individual & Collective Consciousness via the Tarot & Oracle cards:



  • Dream Journal

  • True healing occurs when I give myself permission to feel whatever feelings live below the triggers.

  • I am always given exactly what I need

  • Acceptance (As a master I recognize that I must let everyone be who they are with total acceptance. I am comfortable within myself, no matter what.)

The JUSTICE card is naturally attuned to the astrological sign LIBRA in Astro.Tarot.Ology™ - so right off the bat we are being shown that these last few days of the Leo Lunar Moonth we need to bring ourselves into ALIGNMENT with our Soul & Spirit. As it perfect for the BALSAMIC phase, we need to empty our Inner Scales - at this point, if we've done the 'tying up lose ends' during the previous lunar phase (Last Quarter), then in fact we should have nothing weighing us down...we are Light and Open for Spirit to infuse us with Its OWN DIVINE Love & Light...bringing us into BALANCE & HARMONY. A perfect Relationship between our Conscious Human Self, our Soul, our Spirit....all within the Divine Creator.

Let's look at that message thru the lens of this moonth's prime energy - being LEO, and therefore Expressing our true nature, the very Light that Radiates from our Core/Heart, and doing so from Enlightened Self-Love, which therefore enables us to truly love the others within our sphere of influence...and ultimately radiating out into the Collective. This entire moonth has been a rather challenging one in terms of the Collective experiences - politically, financially, socially, and environmentally. Truly much painful events, which have cause a lot of imbalance within our own Hearts, and therefore an energetic division between ourselves and others. The current paradigm is one of extreme polarization...and the Leo + Aquarius moonth offered us ways to forgive, to embrace, to speak our individual truth while also looking for a way to collaborate with the All. Now, this may also have played out in some similar way in our personal lives. So, ultimately as we are left in this 'emptiness' of the Balsamic, with the added energy of Cancer (The Divine Mother with Emotions & Nurturing), the Justice cards helps us to bring Awareness to the need for personal and collective Peace - that in order to truly BE OURSELF, and to simultaneous honor ALL OTHERS as part of One Earthly Family, we need to step back, be OBJECTIVE as we take inventory of those EMOTIONS that threaten to knock us off-balance...and CHOOSE to be FAIR, equitable and apply DISCERNMENT to how we relate to others, to the Environment, to the Social Group (oh, how Facebook triggers us!). So, basically, if we 'empty' our 'Inner Scales' then we find ourselves at a sort of ZERO POINT...a place where we can be truly objective. I think this is something that we will be working on in the next couple of Lunar Cycles (in the Virgo and then in the Libra lunar moonths) what we are getting an opportunity to do in these last few Leo moonth days (from 8/27 to 8/29) is to get comfortable in the allow our Inner Wisdom to bring us to feel an Inner Peace of Mind and as much STILLNESS in our Emotional bodies as possible. WHEN & IF we get 'triggered' in our Emotions during these next few days, given the Moon's relationship to other planetary bodies, just do your best to call in your Inner Wisdom, and ask to be brought back to Stillness. Do what you need to do, in order to feel the healing power of Divine Emptiness. The important thing to remember, is that the Moon moves as she travels thru the Zodiac (and thru your own natal chart), our moods (Moon rules our personal & collective mood) will also quickly shift. But what we say in a moment of emotional or mental turmoil, can set off a cascade of negative hormones in the body & brain, that leaves us feeling like shit for days. And if we 'tell off' somebody during that 'mood' we will likely regret it later, but the damage is done. So, we create negative karma....and this 'radiates' out just as powerfullly as does our Divine Light. So, with this Justice card also comes a powerful question of self-inquiry: Am I radiating out into my World, the most beautiful Light of my Spirit, or am I radiating chaos thru my unprocessed yet temporary negative emotions? Justice/Libra gives us an important tool: CHOICE...the choices we make in these next few days lead to positive Dharma, or adds to our not-so-great Karma. Be STILL and make the right choice my Friends.

The Oracle cards add layers of information to our main Tarot card, and always gives confirmation of the astrological, lunar and archetypal energies. These are no exception! The idea of 'giving ourselves permission' to process our emotions when the 'triggers' come up is in line with the choice to remain in balance. Stuffing what hurts, angers or disappoints us is every bit as damaging as shouting, screaming or fighting with others. DO NEITHER. Instead, call in the energy of Cancer (the Divine Mother) who offers us SAFE SACRED SPACE in which to 'emote' by journaling, crying, banging a it safely, with a trusted Ally if it's a biggie, but I think most of us can just get into a warm tub, or into a shower, and speak out whatever we need to say. The Divine Mother holds us within a Containment of Unconditional Love for us...She is our greatest lay it out on Her. In truth, in my Moon classes and in my year-long program on the Lunar Phases called Path of the Lunar Priest~Ess, the basic lesson I teach (well actually that SHE teaches!) is PUT ALL YOU HAVE ON THE SACRIFICIAL ALTAR. Sacrifice means literally 'to make Sacred' so you are being invited to put any unbalanced emotions onto the Altar of the Spirit...and She will lift this burden from you. And doing this, actually is the same as 'emptying your inner scales' which will bring you to Stillness and Peace. Same idea. Same message.

This leads also to as you free yourself from that burden, you are able to allow everyone to be where they are, without you having to respond to them. It's from a place of Stillness and Peace that you will LATER be able to respond. But NOT NOW. What you will be 'given' my The Mother as you empty, empty, emtpy is ONLY that which you truly NEED at this Moment of Time. Funny how there is a STAR in that card...which brings us FULL CIRCLE to Leo - all you really need right NOW is to embrace your OWN love yourself unconditionally. Nothing else.

I wanted to leave you all with a final

little bit of 'homeplay' (like homework but for fun people) so I pulled a card from one of the Self-Care decks that i like. It's actually PERFECT! We are being asked to take care of ourselves thru our, set out a DREAM JOURNAL and pen by your nightstand. A notepad will do. Don't worry if you think you don't dream, or if you've had challenges reMeMbering your dreams in the past. Just set the INTENTION to have a FRAGMENT or a SYMBOL as a message from your Innermost Self...or from the Divine Mother...and as soon as you 'capture' it from your in-between-Consciousness-states, make a note of it. Then see how it develops over the day and days. Furthermore, you can take any of these cards' themes into Dreamtime with a way of 'seeding' your SubConsciousness. For example: Acceptance; Healing; Need; Justice. Trust yourSelf, and go to sleep.

In terms of the Leo Lunar Moonth and our original New Moon Intention, and your subsequent Aquarius Full Moonifestation™, the message of the Balsamic Phase in Cancer is simple and direct. Whatever you have experienced, it is now complete. The Journey has ended. What remains is to REST your HEART within the Cosmic Womb of the Divine Mother. Allow Her Love to Heal you. The SEED of Enlightened Self-Love has been planted in your Consciousness. Be at Peace.


MoonCoaching™ Meditation Cards + the following -

See you in a couple of days with the Moon~Coaching™ & AstroTarotOlogy™ Message for the VIRGO NEW MOONTH.



Silvia Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™

and AstroTarotOlogy™


AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

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