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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/11 to 8/15/19:

Moon grows into her Gibbous phase within the current Leo Lunar Moonth. She'll be in earthy Capricorn for a couple of days, bringing the energy of intensified focus for you to bring your goal to full Moonifestation™!

This is the final push before the Full Moon, so it's important to honker down and get busy. This phase marks the 'FOCUS' point - as it stops all distractions so get to it NOW! Because in just 3 more days, we reach the Full Moonifestation™, and with that the culmination of all our efforts. Therefore, take this Capricorn energy, and get grounded into serious, focused WORK. As it's an Earth sign, it brings us practical energy, blended with what is probably the most 'active' of all 8 lunar phases, it's totally about 'doing the hard work' until it gets done. By this point in the Leo Lunar Moonth (and this being the 4th of the 8 lunar phases in the complete cycle), you've gone way beyond 'wishing' for something - you've gathered your resources, connected with your allies, and put your action plan into full force. So, what remains before the culmination of the Full, is this - the Gibbous - the final push, give it everything you've got! Capricorn is the mountain goat, which has tenacity and is tireless in its climb towards the top of its mountain. Similarly, YOU have what it takes now to reach your desired results, as you flow this earthy energy into your own goal. Clear off your desk, and focus ONLY on the essentials! And in these next few days, as the Moon travels thru Capricorn, she will connect with Saturn, the Nodal axis and Pluto, from which she will gather more force, energy and power to accomplish the tasks at hand. Make good use of this!!

Spirit advises us via the Tarot/Oracle cards:

  • XIX - The Sun

  • Intimacy

  • A Child's Love

  • Friendship

  • Allowing

  • I Am Fertile

  • I Am Timeless

I invite you to consider the symbols on all the cards. What do YOU see? Have you spotted any symbols or words that are personally meaningful to you? How are these images giving you guidance for whatever is going on today for you, or as direct information for your Leo Intention?

Our central card is THE SUN, which denotes a playfulness that stems from the innocence and purity of our Inner Child in all her/his glorious perfection! We see here a Mama Bear with her lion cub sticking its tongue out to us, playfully inviting us to join them in their romp thru the Sunflower field. The Sun brings Light - to be able to 'see' what is in front of us, with clarity and definition. This particular idea suits us well for the Gibbous phase, reminding us that as we navigate these last few days before the Full Moon, the Sun's Light brightens our Path for us to see what it is that we need to do to get our desired Moonifestation™ in a few days. We also might feel a sense of excitement that leads to something we are expecting to bring us Joy. Do you remember being a little kid, the night before a long-awaited trip (it was either to Disneyland in L.A., or a flight out to Argentina, for me when I was a little girl). Recall that excitement? Almost couldn't fall asleep because you were 'playing' out all the scenarios of the fun you were planning on having the next day? (I would imagine the fun of riding my favorite rides like Small World, Haunted House, Teacups, and Submarine rides....or visiting my cousins in Tucuman & Buenos Aires). THIS is the energy to connect with. Even if you've been feeling down due to so many horrible things in the Collective events, step outside, once again under the beams of the Sun itself, and call to mind what it was for YOU when you were little...allow that excitement, joy and playfulness to resurface Now. Let your Heart Chakra fill with Warmth and Light. And with that level of Awareness, proceed to following your Spirit's guidance for these next few days which lead to the Full Moon.

NOTE: A possible way to connect with the Sun's energy on an internal basis is to tap into your own Sun Sign (for me it's Pisces), and imagine it in glowing in your Heart...whatever the main essential energy is for your Sun Sign, feel it glowing and growing in your Heart...allowing it to Light your Path. Here are some very simple 1-word key themes for each Sign:

  • Aries: Creation

  • Taurus: Beauty

  • Gemini: Curiosity

  • Cancer: Nurturing

  • Leo: Courage

  • Virgo: Discernment

  • Libra: Harmony

  • Scorpio: Transformation

  • Sagittarius: Wisdom

  • Capricorn: Leadership

  • Aquarius: Freedom

  • Pisces: Compassion

(Needless to say, these are oversimplified, as I tried to distill all descriptives down to the Essence of each astrological sign...but you are likely well aware of the key themes that fall under the domain of your Sun Sign, so choose your own theme/idea, the one that you feel most passionate about when you consider its highest possible expression and highest frequency.)

Back to the cards:

So as the Sun card brings us the necessary LIGHT to shine the way forward, inviting us to do what needs to be done, in the Spirit of playfulness, innocence and TRUST, we add the first of the Oracle cards: Intimacy. To be truly intimate, means opening up the Chakra ruled by the Sun: The Heart. This card image shows us an wise woman who has learned to be fully transparent, open and honest - in order to truly share moments of meaningfulness with others. The idea in blending Light of the Sun, and opening our Heart in its fullness, is profound...particularly in adding the next Oracle card - Friendship - which speaks of Love & Acceptance of all people, no matter the apparent differences. We can be 'intimate' with Lovers, Friends, Family...but we also share intimacy with co-workers, bosses, even our apparent enemies...because in all circumstances, we are sharing with others what is in our Heart, as well as witnessing what is in theirs. This is not an easy lesson to integrate. But the next Oracle card shows us how: If we enter into shared spaces (whether physical or virtual thru social media, etc), with an attitude of Innocence, we can express ourselves as we might have when we were Children, and thereby deal with others with a Heart full of 'A Child's Love.' It's clear in connecting all these cards, that this particular Moon phase, with its astrological sign (Gibbous in Capricorn, during the Leo lunar moonth) is inviting us to focus on our goal/intention from the perspective of our pure, perfect, innocent, loving, trusting Inner Child (before it got hurt and became our Wounded Inner Child - big difference!!). We can approach the actions we need to take in these next few days, with a loving playfulness, and if we are dealing with others (individually or collectively), then do so from the space of an Open Heart to find shared connections that lead to the creative expression of The Light in a manner that brings joy and happiness to all involved. The butterfly on the next Oracle card, invites us to ALLOW Love, allow the opening of our Heart, allow the Joy to fill us, allow vulnerability in the intimacy...all which lead to our Hearts become FERTILE ground in which our Spirit can live, express and create from its own Playful Joy. To do so, allows us to exist in TIMELESSNESS - meaning, we are not longer hindered by our fears, our sense of separation from others, our woundedness...but rather, live in the Now, which is the most fertile of all places. If we are stuck in the Past, or projecting onto the Future, we are bound by the limits of Time..but being Fully Present - just as The Sun is ALWAYS FULLY PRESENT - then we are Timeless Beings, expressing our Light from the fullness of our Hearts. I would say that's a pretty inspiring focus for these next few take ACTIONS now that are in alignment with the Vibration that I just described, can only yield a positive outcome, as we continue in this Leo lunar cycle towards our Moonifestation™!

How does your own personal Intention tie in to the above? Ponder on it. Journal if you can!


So, to wrap up today's message: Call to mind your original New Moon intention. Meditate on it in Light of the Astro.Tarot.Ology™ message above. CHOOSE LOVE for these next few days. Find the common link between yourself and others. Create Intimacy ("In To Me, See") by engaging others with your fully Open Heart, and allow for your Solar Light to shine like a beacon into the World. Your Light is magnetic. Your Light is healing. Your Light is inspiring. Use this innate gift for good. Change the World by being fully Present in the Here & Now. See you in a couple of days with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.


MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™


AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

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