Saturn-Pluto New Cycle in Capricorn plus the Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon/Eclipse: B'Earthing a Ne
MoonCoaching™ and AstroTarotOlogy™ by MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro. Since the Cancer-Capricorn astrological axis denotes the Archetypal Mothe

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for August 25-26 (Second part of the Last Quarter Phase, in
Hopefully, everyone that's been following along with my posts during this Leo lunar moonth, has found some deep connection with their In

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/14/19:
We are in the home stretch, friends. The Moon is in her Gibbous phase, and the last 24 hours before the Aquarius/Leo Full Moon. She is...

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/11 to 8/15/19:
Moon grows into her Gibbous phase within the current Leo Lunar Moonth. She'll be in earthy Capricorn for a couple of days, bringing the