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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for 8/14/19:

We are in the home stretch, friends. The Moon is in her Gibbous phase, and the last 24 hours before the Aquarius/Leo Full Moon. She is now in airy Aquarius, brimming with excitement of seeing our original New Moon intention coming to Moonifestation™ tomorrow!

I had already pulled the cards for this phase (see previous blog post) but since this cycle has been so powerful for us all, and today we had Venus joining the Sun by exact conjunction (happens once a year) , I thought it was important to share one final message with you tap into this juicy Energy to further amplify your efforts in the last 24 hours before the point of greatest Illumination (Full Moon). So, first let's consider that we remain in the Gibbous phase - as you see from my MoonCoaching™ Lunar Journey meditation cards below, this is the Time in the cycle that requires greatest Focus, and to direct your Passion with singular force, remaining steadfast in your Conviction and Commitment towards your Goal. And since the Moon is now in Aquarius, an air sign, this Focus is primarily mental - so check that your Mindset is clear and strong. Additionally, bring some of the Aquarius energy into play which includes allies/friends, groups/organization, common ideals/plans for the future, and a sense of revolutionizing with the intent to bring 'new' forms into your Life. Therefore, consider what last minute actions you can do in the company of your allies, or actions that are of a revolutionary nature (i.e, think outside the box), that will bring your closer towards your desired Moonifestation™ tomorrow.

Spirit advises us via the Tarot/Oracle cards:

  • Ten of Wands

  • Give in to Passion

  • 28: Wee Folk

  • Relationships Are Assignments for Optimal Growth & Healing

  • I Am Forgiven

  • Brigid

  • I Am Creating the Best for Myself

I invite you to consider the symbols on all the cards. What do YOU see? Have you spotted any symbols or words that are personally meaningful to you? How are these images giving you guidance for whatever is going on today for you, or as direct information for your Leo Intention?

Our central card is the 10 of WANDS, showing us that we might be feeling a tremendous sense of responsibility, feeling the strain of having too much to do, and perhaps overburdened with our 'to-do' list. It also means that we are 'almost there' - we are just about at the peak of our process, so a few more steps, a few more items to accomplish before the Full Moon in order to ensure our don't give up! Likely, it's both feeling overwhelmed to the point of nearly breaking, AND it's also encouragement that we are nearing the end of our 'yang' (action) portion of this Lunar cycle, so go ahead and give it all you've got. Put on some music, and let the sounds of your Heart taking those final steps towards your Moonifestation™, by full of Passion, Joy and Beauty...this will call out the Wee Folk and their Magickal energy to support you, to give you strength, to fill in the spots that require some special energetic push.

On the other hand, as I take into consideration the astrological energy that I wanted clarity upon, in order to further guide us thru today leading into tomorrow - being the Venus/Sun conjunction: This could very well be a message to drop everything you feel burdened by, and pick up something that instead fills you with passion and joy, that lightens your Heart and calls out the magickal helpers to accomplish the last bit of actions with Light, rather than heaviness, in your Heart. I'll explain a bit better, since I feel it's more likely this for us all:

Venus is the Archetype of Beauty, Love, Values, Harmony. As she reached her yearly 'meetup' with the Sun (Archetype of Heart, Self, Spirit, Creative Expression, Purpose, PRESENCE) today, the most direct interpretation is simple, clear, and very much to the Point: SELF-LOVE. It's an invitation to journey in to your own Heart center, to feel pure and unconditional LOVE for YOURSELF, first and foremost (after all it is in LEO!). Now, it's interesting that this meeting between Venus & Sun occurs about 24 hours prior to the actual Full which we will actually experience the Moon opposing (reflecting) the Sun/Venus conjunction. It's a pretty magickal and potentially healing aspect...but we'll save the details about that for tomorrow. What is important to note is that Venus aspecting the Sun before the Moon does, is an indication of noting what we VALUE about can we appreciate our unique ray of LIGHT as we show up fully in the World? Today's answer to that Question will be further amplified and illuminated by tomorrow's Full Moon. The point is that we need to begin considering this question today, so that we position ourselves in such a manner that will allow us to truly act in accordance (a - chord - dance! notice the music playing + dancing implied in the 'Give In to Your Passion card!)...with our most authentic Self (that is, our Spirit)!

So, in light of the above, I would ask you to consider the 10 of Wands as an invitation from your Spirit & Soul (individually and collectively), to DROP THE BURDENS, and relieve yourself of any extraneous responsibilities based on the 'shoulds' that you've been hanging on to...and in dropping these, your hands will now be free to pick up the Instrument of your choice - one that 'plays' the Music of your own Spirit - the Sacred Tool most resonant with Who You Truly Are - and let your Spirit express thru that medium of Expression...allow your Passion to flow thru you, Lighten Up your Heart, flow the very Music of your Soul, calling out to your Inner Plane 'helpers' (the Wee Folk, notice they are sitting waiting for you to call on them, at the base of the tree in the card)...let THIS be the magnetic (Venus) focused action (Gibbous) that leads you to your Moonifestation™!

The additional Oracle cards tell us that some of this 'responsibility' and feeling of overwhelm or overburden may be coming from the expectations other people have of you, or that YOU THINK they expect of you. It's about BOUNDARIES and looking for the good in each Relationship you have - if you are feeling this burden from these expectations - then it's also time to note that so long as you are carrying their load (or expecting others to carry yours), then that relationship cannot grow, nor heal. Whereas, in honoring the connection between you and another, as a Sacred Contract designed to help both parties (parent/child, husband/wife, teacher/student, boss/coworker, etc) then you free up the energy to do as it was meant to do: Grow and Heal. And well, as the idea of 'Forgiveness' has been repeated over and over, nearly every day that I've pulled cards from Spirit for this Soli-Lunar cycle, I'm not at all surprised, it's shown up yet again! Forgive yourself, and make amends with others (where/if appropriate) if you either took on too much on behalf of others (we cannot possibly take on another person's Karma because then they will not learn their own lessons in Life, and this actually adds another layer of Karma to your own burden!!)...or if you sacrificed your own needs because of the 'I should take care of so and so because they are weak and I can handle helping them out' because that actually has reduced your ability to handle your own 'load' and limited your own Creativity. So, yes, let it go, drop it.

And finally, given today's focus for me included bringing in the Energy of Venus as one of the 2 main Goddesses (Divine Feminine) represented in Astrology (Moon of course being the other), I had to pull from one of the Goddess decks: BRIGID. She is a beautiful Being of FIRE, she illuminates us, warms us, and thru her Love, heals us. She is present now to help tend to you and me, to hold us up, as we drop the burdens that do not belong to us...and then reminds us thru the other Goddess oracle card, to affirm: I AM CREATING THE BEST FOR MYSELF. How's that for a message from the Divine Feminine thru the Venus/Sun transit?

So, my friends, embrace this fully today. Ponder deeply on it. Ponder LIGHTLY on it. Bring Peace to your Hearts now. We are nearly at the culmination point of this Leo moonth - as tomorrow brings us the Full Moonifestation™ across Leo/Aquarius....and with that, I will see you tomorrow with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.



MoonCoach™ Silvia Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™


AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

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