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Supercharge Your Goals & Dreams with the Power & Magick  of Lunar Phases, Archetypal Astrology & Natural Cycles!

MoonCoaching™ Astro.Tarot.Ology™ Message for August 25-26 (Second part of the Last Quarter Phase, in

We are still in the Last Quarter phase of the Leo Lunar Moonth, however the Moon has now shifted into watery Cancer. This 4th of the 12 Celestial Archetypes of Astrology, is all about feeling, emotion, feeling safe, creating a supportive emotional container, and being comfortable in Home & Family. As it is 1 of the 3 water signs, when the Moon spends time here, she brings us in touch with our emotions. As we are still within the Last Quarter phase, we are still dealing with forgiveness, cutting energetic cords, releasing our attachments to the prior 3 weeks of this lunar moonth, and generally doing what is necessary to bring this cycle to closure. So, in essence, from 5:05 pm EDT today, 8/25 until 1:05 am EDT on 8/27 (when we go into the final phase, Balsamic), we will have Time to continue clearing out any emotional attachments to events, people or situations that came up for us this moonth...and from there, create a Sacred Space of emotional containment for ourselves.

A perfect Quest~Ion to ask yourself now is:

What emotional attachments

am I ready to release at this time?


And now, I'll share the cards that I have pulled for the Collective Consciousness, which includes you and I, as a Message and guidance on working within these next couple of days. As always, look over the card images below and notice your response. How might these reflect some aspect of YOUR Lunar Journey? How can you apply the message that I share with you, to your own experience?


And the chart below shows us the Moon entering Cancer. As she moves thru Cancer, she will be in a gentle geometric relationship with various planets (Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus). So let's just intend that any remaining 'cord cutting' be as graceful and easy as possible on our emotional bodies. These cards and this message relate to the evening of 8-25 thru 8/26 (FYI: Moon will shift to Balsamic Phase 8/27 at 1:05 am EDT):


Spirit's message for Individual & Collective Consciousness via the Tarot & Oracle cards:


  • XXI - The World (Saturn)


  • Decisions

  • When I focus on my inner Light I see the World thru the lens of Love.

Hopefully, everyone that's been following along with my posts during this Leo lunar moonth, has found some deep connection with their Innermost Self, centered on the Heart Chakra, since the core theme for this cycle has been OUR HEART, our Light, our Highest Expression from this Space of Divine Intent that was seeded by Spirit within us. So, as we look at the cards, we are being asked to further release whatever last shreds of limitation we may be harboring in our deepest corners of selfhood. The World card is naturally attuned to the planet SATURN in Astro.Tarot.Ology™ - which remind us to be ever mindful of the Energy we allow into our personal World, as well as being mindful of the Energy we send out from ourselves into the external/Collective World Stage. We can be an agent for healing, or we can add to the chaos. I believe we will have more of that opportunity in the following moonth (Virgo) and most definitely in the coming few, all this work we are doing now, internally upon ourselves, has a definite effect and influence on the way that the World appears for everyOne. We see a sort of Womb-like egg/structure in The World card...within it, all potential for transformation exists...all potential for Beauty, Love, Peace...held within the LIMITS of this Sacred Space which is YOUR Life, my Life, our Life....each of our Lives independently, as well as overlapping as in the Flower of Life diagram, into the "Worlds" of our fellow Humans and other Earthly Life Forms. What we do to ourselves, within the confines our of own personal 'reality,' affects the general Vibration felt by others within their own personal the infamous Butterfly Effect, we affect the Whole, whether we are conscious of it or not. So, during what remains of this Last Quarter phase, use the Cancer lunar energy to literally 'tune in' to your World, and feel into how it is subtly receiving Collective energy....and if this energy is causing any negative sensations in your Emotional body, then you know this is what you need to release. Like I mentioned in the previous post, this phase is an opportunity to clear away energetic cords with situations that do not serve you going forward. Because of the Cancer energy, this may now be something that affects your emotional state, therefore if you are feeling unsafe or emotionally disturbed, clear it now. Limit your focus now towards what is healing for you and for your personal World.

Interestingly, the Oracle card - Decisions - shows us a similar pattern - a focus inwards towards a safe, beautiful space. Since the World card relates to Saturn's message for a healthy 'limitation' or 'boundary' , this Oracle card further encourages us to limit our focus, to create a boundary around ourselves, so that we can truly TUNE IN to what is in alignment with our Soul & Spirit. This requires you to DECIDE to make Safe & Sacred Space for yourself. And it makes sense to do this as PREPARATION because in less than 48 hours, we will be shifting into the final (8th of 8) lunar phases in the Leo lunar moonth - the Balsamic which is all about Surrender into begin now for that delicious Time, by letting go of the last emotional attachments, unplugging from the external World, creating your own safe Space within your own World, and literally (as the final Oracle card shows): "When I focus on my Inner Light I see the World through the lens of Love." Fascinating how that card actually mentions the WORLD, which is our main card from the Tarot, and speaks of the 'Inner Light' which is seen in the other Oracle card (with the Galaxy between your hands). Keep in mind, these 3 cards are from 3 different decks! And yet, note how they echo each other's message. Divinity is dealing these cards and these messages, my Friends....gratefully, this one is a very simple message:

1. Tune into your Soul.

2. Notice of there are any vestigial loose emotional threads that you need to clear away.

3. Forgive, cut the thread (cord). Heal.

4. Focus internally to your Inner World.

5. Create a Sacred Space within, and Focus on your Light.

Here's a great image to show you the 'ideal' way that steps 1-5 might look.

In terms of the Leo Lunar Moonth and our original New Moon Intention, and subsequent Full Moonifestation™, the message is pretty much the same I wrote to you on 8/23: We have reached that point when we need to bring this cycle to closure. Again, just notice what you've the current energy might be inviting you to let go of some aspect of your Lunar Journey thus far, and then take the Seed of Wisdom deeply into your Heart. Release all else. As the whole purpose of this lunar moonth is to activate LEO + the SUN in our Lives, then the ultimate Seed of Wisdom we can retain from these last 3 weeks is that of our LIGHT, our GENIUS, our SPIRIT, our INNOCENCE, our JOY, and most of all, ENLIGHTENED SELF-LOVE.


See you in a couple of days with the next Moon~Coaching™ Message.



Silvia Pancaro

Creatrix of MoonCoaching™

and AstroTarotOlogy™


AstroTarotOlogy™, MoonCoaching™ & MoonCoach™ are Trademarks of Silvia Pancaro.

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